solar panel farm destroyed by hail in Nebraska

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Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

and the elite dims in DC (deranged commies) want the US to get rid of all other forms of energy!

(or maybe just the everyday Americans, not them)

solar panel farm destroyed by hail in Nebraska​

TOO FUNNY! Now we have ugly expensive temporary wind farms that either kill all the birds or need built out to sea where massive effort must be made to try to then bring the electricity ashore, or we have light farms which are utterly destroyed by weather!

Maybe they need built out in space where they can get a clear shot at the sun sans clouds and rain! Or maybe we need to build them inside big clear domes! Who cares if it only gives us a TENTH the electricity a fifth of the time and increases power cost twelve fold that no one can afford it and millions starve! WE GOT TO SAVE THE PLANET! 😱

and the elite dims in DC (deranged commies) want the US to get rid of all other forms of energy!

(or maybe just the everyday Americans, not them)
I Keep saying, Don't Mess with Mother Nature. She'll win out every time.
Why couldn't they install metal umbrellas that pop up when a hailstorm hits?

TOO FUNNY! Now we have ugly expensive temporary wind farms that either kill all the birds or need built out to sea where massive effort must be made to try to then bring the electricity ashore, or we have light farms which are utterly destroyed by weather!

Maybe they need built out in space where they can get a clear shot at the sun sans clouds and rain! Or maybe we need to build them inside big clear domes! Who cares if it only gives us a TENTH the electricity a fifth of the time and increases power cost twelve fold that no one can afford it and millions starve! WE GOT TO SAVE THE PLANET! 😱
Ultimately they will be out in space and power will be beamed to earth -- unless something better is developed.
Ultimately they will be out in space and power will be beamed to earth -- unless something better is developed.

"Beamed to earth?" Any idea what that entails? The cost, the complexity, the losses? Impractical and technologically infeasible.
"Beamed to earth?" Any idea what that entails? The cost, the complexity, the losses? Impractical and technologically infeasible.
Like I said its only one thing being looked into. I didn't say it's my preferred choice. But in space you have 24/7 full strength sunlight.

They would have to resurrect the Seadragon to do it, and if anyone will, it'd be Elon Musk


and the elite dims in DC (deranged commies) want the US to get rid of all other forms of energy!

(or maybe just the everyday Americans, not them)
How is this different from refineries getting destroyed by hurricanes?
How many gas stations destroyed by tornadoes or hurricanes?

Fallacy of Equivalence. Gas stations are supposed to be destroyed when hit by a tornado, a tornado isn't a simple hail storm, and a gas station doesn't power half the city.
Like I said its only one thing being looked into. I didn't say it's my preferred choice. But in space you have 24/7 full strength sunlight.

Suffice it to say this will never happen. Not only is it impractical, we already have better alternatives now and going into the future.
It isn't...I remember some MAGAt showing a pic of a Tesla station under about 2-3feet of water...I asked if they would pump gas at a gas station under 2-3 ft of water.
Someone taking ahold of the power cable to charge their EV while standing in the water of a flooded Tesla station runs the risk of being electrocuted to death.
The worse thing that could happen at a flooded gas station is the possibility of getting gasoline contaminated with water pumped into your cars gas tank.
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