Soldier's Letter To John Kerry

To my recollection John Kerry was one of a number of ex service men who gave evidence of different incidents which occurred.

He witnessed one incident in a free fire zone when his own boat fired on civilians. Otherwise he could not testify to witnessing any of these events as he was not in S. Vietnam, he was on a boat. He testified to secondhand reports from other soldiers to the Senate and he was the only one representing his group that did that. He wrote a book accusing the soldiers of atrocious acts that he himself did not witness.

No matter what his supporters want to believe, it was testimony such as his that made it popular to hate the troops and was the reason they were spat upon, kicked and beaten by "peaceful Hippies" upon their return. He can, in his guilt, contribute to funds for psychological help for Vietnam Vets, but he cannot take away the fact that he helped to build the hatred that contributed to their need for that psychiatric treatment.
Originally posted by bactrian

For your information

Whatever. The fact remains: His record about defense is too liberal(antiamerican) for most Americans. I'm sure cheney's reasons were good, because I know his ultimate viewpoint on America's foreign policy. Kerry's vision of AMerica's place in the world, varies from day to day, from crowd to crowd. He lied about war crimes. He threw his ribbons, and lied about that. A bigger liar has never existed.
Whatever. The fact remains: His record about defense is too liberal(antiamerican) for most Americans. I'm sure cheney's reasons were good,

Bush/Cheney good Kerry bad!!!!!!!

rtwngAvngr you gotta have callus's on your knuckles
Bactrian, you still haven't answered my questions. Which state do you reside in

Forget it jimnyc I'm not going to date you.
Originally posted by bactrian
Bactrian, you still haven't answered my questions. Which state do you reside in

Forget it jimnyc I'm not going to date you.

What a pussy, ain't even got the cajones to come clean and tell us you live in Ireland? Fucking stupid ass gonna come here and act like you know more about our country than we do. You're just an ill informed, foreign piece of shit. Go drink a guiness and die.

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