Soldiers of god given license to kill

May as well get used to it. We live in dangerous times. There are a lot of crazies out there both in the church and without. Most every venue where there are large numbers of people gathered will have security. Many churches already have been employing security for some time now. This means football games, political rallies, parades, city council meetings, etc. It's a sign of the times. My own church just this past week began employing security personnel and now we lock the doors to the church where they used to be unlocked all the time. We also do a walk-down around the outside of the church to make certain there are no backpacks with bombs placed against the building.
‘Soldiers Of God’ Given License To Kill In Crazy New Bill

March 30, 2016Carolina Chávez Religion

Mississippi law gives ‘soldiers of God’ as much power as the police

The state of Mississippi has just passed a law that gives churches and its members as much power as state security forces. The Mississippi Church Protection Act has now legalized all acts of violence, including killing, committed by so-called followers of Christ or soldiers of God. Also known as the Mississippi House Bill 786, the bill seeks

“To amend section 97-3-15, Mississippi code of 1975, to provide that killing a person while acting as a participant of a church or place of worship security team is justifiable homicide; and for the relate purposes.”

The passage of this bill essentially means the recognition of churches as sovereign entities by the state of Mississippi; sovereign entities that do not pay taxes, are conducted by their own laws, and are now immune to facing justice – even after committing the most violent of crimes.

“This legislation would put ‘soldiers of God’ above the law, allowing them to act as judge, jury, and executioner… Religious institutions are already exempt from taxation, financial transparency, and many civil rights laws. The Mississippi Church Protection Act would constitute an unprecedented and dangerous next step. Belonging to a church should not afford anyone the same rights and protections as law enforcement. This legislation emboldens extremists by creating a legal means for radical preachers to enlist their congregants into ‘God’s army’.”

Gun nutters and religious fundie nutters are just plain dangerous.
Is it just some squalid backwater county that won't accept how much negro dna they have?

I would carry a little pink tortoise handle, a solid silver neck with a cross on it and blow the crazy ass who wants to kill innocent people.

Kosh clearly wants to be one of the religious mob killers, just like his ISIS heroes.

Dangerous precedent. Imagine what Westboro nutters think about this.

this is how dumb leftist are, they actually think the state gave people permission to murder.

the fact that ludy hasn't suffocated to death b/c someone forgot to tell him to breath is amazing at his level of dumb
Do they have to take the person outside of town before stoning them, or can it be just anywhere?
Do they have to take the person outside of town before stoning them, or can it be just anywhere?

Oh, they are "stoning" people?

Wow, the lies you bigots tell just get more shrill by the second...

Let's be real, that's where this is headed. Any time a "self-defense" law is vaguely worded, some psychopaths are going abuse it. And then predictably the far-right media will defend the abuse.

Just like with Zimmerman.
And yet, guns will not be allowed at the Repub convention.

When you Bolsheviks latch on to a lie, you hold fast for dear life.

Concealed Carry holders will be armed, as you already know.

Hey, you serve your party, lying is your duty as a good Prole.


I've not read anything about cc being armed at the GOP convention. Methinks you're lying again but I posted a thread where you can put links to prove it.


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