Soleimani was probably betrayed...

That sounds like a personal issue more than anything useful in terms of policy solutions and problem solving..
Ah. So all the policies Trump is deleting...not policy solutions? Huh?

It appears you have nothing to run on but bluster, why can't you do better?

What scares me more as a Libertarian is not Trump or the Democrat party retreated to the farthest left outpost, but not having a government in any kind of political balance.. The 2 party system itself is NOT STABLE... And having one party out PANDERING and outbidding for votes while offering NO SPECIFICS is scary as hell... Especially while they criticize Trump for doing things they AGREE WITH just a mere 6 years ago.. And NOW --- with no immutable principles, they cannot stand on the same principles that were acceptable "before Trump"...

We're looking at a set-up to a new Ottoman Empire with Tehran as it's capitol and Russia and China as it's allies.. They're conducting joint military exercises.. And it's clear that a new "empire of Arabs" is ONE WAY to GET stability in the Mid East...

But all the left can do is whine about the stupid JCPOA... And I thought they HATED Imperialism....

That's scary....

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