Soleimani was probably betrayed...

I heard on the 'liberal' news he was coming in for some kind of alleged peace making effort, Iraqis alerted Americans, Americans staked out the airport, when he arrived they gave the call in with the specific coordinates for his kill.

Sure.. That sounds rational -- NOT...

It's really simple... He provoked the US Embassy demonstration.. Gave the green light to attacking Saudi.. Was protecting the Shia friendly Iraqi govt that now wants us out.. No reason NOT to believe the Intel reports that other more serious widespread attacks were imminent..

The IRGC is NOT a "peace-making" organization.. No more than our special forces command is..

And you should probably take a little time from the "liberal news" meltdown and figure out where YOU STAND on our current Iraq decisions.. Certainly haven't heard ANY (except maybe Gabbard) formulate any kind of meaningful position that is not TDS inspired... Haven't heard ANY Dem leadership even MENTION the Iraqi resolution to kick us out again....
And you should probably take a little time from the "liberal news" meltdown and figure out where YOU STAND on our current Iraq decisions.. Certainly haven't heard ANY (except maybe Gabbard) formulate any kind of meaningful position that is not TDS inspired... Haven't heard ANY Dem leadership even MENTION the Iraqi resolution to kick us out again.
The "smart" party has let hate take over and now progressives threaten to split the party in two.
Wouldn't that be awful? :113:

The democrats stopped dealing in the real world a couple of years ago. They just want Trump given the "Soleimani treatment" by any means necessary.

In the meantime Trump is getting so much of his agenda passed it's absurd. There is so much constructive good being done right now because the democrats have taken their eye off the ball.
Last debate coming up...we'll see if any of them addressed what is going on in Iraq in any constructive rational way. I doubt it.
There was a rumor that there was an agreement between Trump the Ayatollah to take out the General because he was looking for more power. Just food for thought
And you should probably take a little time from the "liberal news" meltdown and figure out where YOU STAND on our current Iraq decisions.. Certainly haven't heard ANY (except maybe Gabbard) formulate any kind of meaningful position that is not TDS inspired... Haven't heard ANY Dem leadership even MENTION the Iraqi resolution to kick us out again.
The "smart" party has let hate take over and now progressives threaten to split the party in two.
Wouldn't that be awful? :113:

The democrats stopped dealing in the real world a couple of years ago. They just want Trump given the "Soleimani treatment" by any means necessary.

In the meantime Trump is getting so much of his agenda passed it's absurd. There is so much constructive good being done right now because the democrats have taken their eye off the ball.
Last debate coming up...we'll see if any of them addressed what is going on in Iraq in any constructive rational way. I doubt it.

Seems like the "opposition" is avoiding any policy formulation or problem solving on foreign OR domestic issues. And it's clear that's because they DONT DISAGREE with Trump enough on important things and cant bring themselves to admitting there are no BETTER decisions to be made.

This was clear right after Captain Salami was Hellfired.. SEVERAL comments from the left that it was the right decision by the WRONG CIChief... They're mostly pissed that Trump skipped giving them advanced warning of the strike.. Which from my "Indy chair" was most certainly the ONLY way to keep it secret...
How did US drones find and target Qassem Soleimani in the first place?

I've had that question since the news broke. Soleimani was a very careful man who traveled in secrecy. Precious few people would be aware of his whereabouts at any one given time especially precisely enough to make a drone strike on him. My money is on straight up betrayal.

From what I have read, at the request of the US, he was hosted in Baghdad for negotiations not just with their paramilitary, but also with Saudi Arabia. So the betrayed party here would be the Iraqi government. Which would help explain why they are so pissed off.
There was a rumor that there was an agreement between Trump the Ayatollah to take out the General because he was looking for more power. Just food for thought

If that's true, I'm glad we were able to do Mr. Khamenei a solid and get rid of this pos.

Now, maybe the ayatollah might be willing to return the favor and abandon the doing of evil entirely.
Seems like the "opposition" is avoiding any policy formulation or problem solving on foreign OR domestic issues.
Then you must be in a coma. The mentally ill hold president tore up the policy efforts regarding Iran, as well as trying to undo every policy enacted by Democrats since 2008.
Seems like the "opposition" is avoiding any policy formulation or problem solving on foreign OR domestic issues.
Then you must be in a coma. The mentally ill hold president tore up the policy efforts regarding Iran, as well as trying to undo every policy enacted by Democrats since 2008.

That's what happens when you morons enact everything you can by going around the legislative process....
Seems like the "opposition" is avoiding any policy formulation or problem solving on foreign OR domestic issues.
Then you must be in a coma. The mentally ill hold president tore up the policy efforts regarding Iran, as well as trying to undo every policy enacted by Democrats since 2008.

That's what happens when you morons enact everything you can by going around the legislative process....
Says the guy cheering for his dear leader as he does exactly that...dude, maybe think things through before reflexively vomiting the cult bumper stickers ..
Seems like the "opposition" is avoiding any policy formulation or problem solving on foreign OR domestic issues.
Then you must be in a coma. The mentally ill hold president tore up the policy efforts regarding Iran, as well as trying to undo every policy enacted by Democrats since 2008.

That's what happens when you morons enact everything you can by going around the legislative process....
Says the guy cheering for his dear leader as he does exactly that...dude, maybe think things through before reflexively vomiting the cult bumper stickers ..

Fight fire with fire there buddy....Why do you morons think you can always get away with constructing an un equal playing field?
How did US drones find and target Qassem Soleimani in the first place?

I've had that question since the news broke. Soleimani was a very careful man who traveled in secrecy. Precious few people would be aware of his whereabouts at any one given time especially precisely enough to make a drone strike on him. My money is on straight up betrayal.

Who cares ?

Lol....agreed! But I think it's a detail our left wing mourners should be aware of.

They know very little about Middle Eastern politics.

Agreed. There's an old saying, "If you don't understand your enemy, you are destined to lose to them." Much of the west doesn't understand Islam, its core principles and goals.
How did US drones find and target Qassem Soleimani in the first place?

I've had that question since the news broke. Soleimani was a very careful man who traveled in secrecy. Precious few people would be aware of his whereabouts at any one given time especially precisely enough to make a drone strike on him. My money is on straight up betrayal.

Don't under sell us. I'm pretty sure we have spooks all over the Green Zone and Baghdad. Watching airports and approaches to airports isn't rocket science. The drone did not fly from the US. It was only controlled from the US.
Seems like the "opposition" is avoiding any policy formulation or problem solving on foreign OR domestic issues.
Then you must be in a coma. The mentally ill hold president tore up the policy efforts regarding Iran, as well as trying to undo every policy enacted by Democrats since 2008.

That sounds like a personal issue more than anything useful in terms of policy solutions and problem solving.. Most likely, rants like that are WHY your political tribe is sucking air right now trying to figure out WHO THE FUCK THEY are....

Identifying as "not Trump" really isn't cool when the ACTUALLY policies and problem solving that is getting done is REALLY (in reality) not much different than what mainstream Dems just 6 years wanted to happen....
That sounds like a personal issue more than anything useful in terms of policy solutions and problem solving..
Ah. So all the policies Trump is deleting...not policy solutions? Huh?

Well, most of things he's ATTEMPTING to tackle haven't had solutions under the PREVIOUS 4 or 5 presidents...

Like the crazy clan in No. Ko or "cultivating Democracy" in the Mid east... The Obama solution to a nuclear Iran was to tie them up until he left office.. So no nukes would appear on HIS watch... Took a lot of bending over to Russia and piles of cash to accomplish THAT goal...

Until YOU and your dear leaders on the Election crazy train debate stage start speaking SENSE on these issues, voters will assume that NOT DOING what Trump is doing" --- is all you got...

Go face down a map of MidEast and see how Iran is strategically outmanuevering the US and allies.. They have not only influence in most of the Middle East from their border to Suez canal,, but now have PHYSICAL control of huge chunks of Syria, Lebanon, and OUR inspired "democratic govt of Iraq" in their back pocket..

They have strong proxy presence in tthe Gaza Strip, the Sinai, Yemen.. Influence in Oman... Only obstacles LEFT for them are Jordan and Israel to be able to seize all the land to the Suez canal...

AND YOU --- only care about criticizing Trump... Don't HAVE a policy.. Haven't even apparently determined whiat IS and what is NOT in the interests of this country..,.,

It's apparent you're not winning any elections with THAT act.. Just sayin'.....

Suite up or go home... Bring us principles, policies and solutions.. Or just be irrelevant... That's the choice your tribe has to make...

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