Solyndra Gets A Pass On Half-Billion Debt,So Why Should We Pay Mortgage&College Debt?

Oct 10, 2011
:omg: And to think President O'Bozo wants to hire a few thousand IRS agents to make sure we pay for his health-care bill? For those of you who can barely pay their mortgage's,college and credit card bills, how does it make you feel that we have a President who is forgiving a 535 Million Dollar loan that he supported&approved, along with letting GE slide(and who ever has been given a pass on taxes)???:bs1:

:stupid: Obama continues to believe that all Average Americans are much dumber than he is, doesn't he have any idea how angry we have become over the last few weeks? All the new scandals that the Media Is Barely Covering?:eusa_shhh:

At least the wall street protesters are angry over not being able to pay back their student loans being we have an "Anti-Business,, Anti-Job President":up_yours:
and when you think of how many thousands of college loans you could of payed off with two billion dollars instead of flushing it down the toilet? and Obama has a heart? College student can't find jobs because of the debt Obama created and he expects them to vote for him again?
No question about it. Obama is a crook on the level that this nation hasn't seen in its history. What a green snake he is.
Typical Chicago Thug Politics, if you are with us, Wha'ts a few million amongst friends? but, if you are against us,and owe us a few thousand dollars, WE BASH YOUR SKULL WITH A FRIGGIN BASEBALL BAT !!!
I wonder if those responsible for pissing off a 535 million dollar loan will have the debt collectors calling them 12 times a day? and to think they harass people who owe $2000.00?

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