Somali Terrorists/Pirates Murder The Four Americans

There are definently forces at work who profit from the lawlessness in Somalia, particularly Islamic Militant groups. Think about it Somalia is basically an open arms market, young Jihadists can go there and train without interruption. As well as the people involved in the pirates business, and I don't think thats run by all Somalis, I have a feeling different mafias have a hand in this.
Like Kalam said, the ICU (Islamic Courts Union) had basically unified all of Somalia.

But outside Western governments like the U.S. didn't want them.

So proxy military forces and American air power was used to destroy the Islamic Courts Union.

And plunged Somali into chaos once again. :evil:

Somaliland doesn't want Shabab though, they recently arrested 10 of their members and Shabab threatened them with violence if they held elections.
Piracy is rampant in Malaysia as well if you havn't heard. Has been for the last 500 years.

Which has what to do with Somalia...?

3 teenage boys among 7 Somalis facing death in Malaysia piracy case

Seven Somalis, including three boys under 15 years old, could face the death penalty if convicted on charges of firing on Malaysian armed forces while attempting to a hijack a merchant ship.

The seven appeared before a Malaysia magistrate in Kuala Lumpur on Friday to hear the charges against them. They did not enter a plea and were transferred to a prison to await the next court action, set for March 15, the Malaysian national news agency Bernama reported.

The charges stem from an attack on the container ship Bunga Laurel in the Gulf of Aden on January 20.

Malaysian authorities say the seven suspects fired on Malaysian navy commandos who were trying to rescue the Bunga Laurel from pirates. Three suspects were injured in the gunbattle, and the ship and its crew of 23 were rescued, according a report in The Star.

BERNAMA - Seven Somalis Face Death Sentence Under Firearms Charge

Pirates can be charged under Penal Code, says Bar Council

There is a clear connection.

...This occurred in the vicinity of Somalia, not Malaysia.
Did you bother reading up on this conflict before entering the discussion?

: : Welcome to the Official Site of the Somali Government

Did you sharpen your minimization and obfuscation skills before entering?

Were you planning on adding anything to this discussion, or you come here simply to try and get a rise out of me with boring troll posts?

Likely nothing you will like if it doesn't soften the effect of Somalian Pirates killing four Americans.
Which has what to do with Somalia...?

Seven Somalis, including three boys under 15 years old, could face the death penalty if convicted on charges of firing on Malaysian armed forces while attempting to a hijack a merchant ship.

The seven appeared before a Malaysia magistrate in Kuala Lumpur on Friday to hear the charges against them. They did not enter a plea and were transferred to a prison to await the next court action, set for March 15, the Malaysian national news agency Bernama reported.

The charges stem from an attack on the container ship Bunga Laurel in the Gulf of Aden on January 20.

Malaysian authorities say the seven suspects fired on Malaysian navy commandos who were trying to rescue the Bunga Laurel from pirates. Three suspects were injured in the gunbattle, and the ship and its crew of 23 were rescued, according a report in The Star.

BERNAMA - Seven Somalis Face Death Sentence Under Firearms Charge

Pirates can be charged under Penal Code, says Bar Council

There is a clear connection.

...This occurred in the vicinity of Somalia, not Malaysia.

The Somalis are imprisoned in Malaysia though, so technically the Malaysians are involved.
Which has what to do with Somalia...?

Seven Somalis, including three boys under 15 years old, could face the death penalty if convicted on charges of firing on Malaysian armed forces while attempting to a hijack a merchant ship.

The seven appeared before a Malaysia magistrate in Kuala Lumpur on Friday to hear the charges against them. They did not enter a plea and were transferred to a prison to await the next court action, set for March 15, the Malaysian national news agency Bernama reported.

The charges stem from an attack on the container ship Bunga Laurel in the Gulf of Aden on January 20.

Malaysian authorities say the seven suspects fired on Malaysian navy commandos who were trying to rescue the Bunga Laurel from pirates. Three suspects were injured in the gunbattle, and the ship and its crew of 23 were rescued, according a report in The Star.

BERNAMA - Seven Somalis Face Death Sentence Under Firearms Charge

Pirates can be charged under Penal Code, says Bar Council

There is a clear connection.

...This occurred in the vicinity of Somalia, not Malaysia.

There is a clear connection, your obfuscation notwithstanding. You know the obfuscation above, that you say I am trolling you for?
Between Somalian and Malaysian Piracy which has been going on for longer than many generations have been alive


The Somalian Piracy that just killed four Americans.
Between Somalian and Malaysian Piracy which has been going on for longer than many generations have been alive


which is part of the Somalian piracy that just killed four Americans.

Where do the articles you linked to discuss the connection between Somali and 'Malaysian piracy'?
Between Somalian and Malaysian Piracy which has been going on for longer than many generations have been alive


which is part of the Somalian piracy that just killed four Americans.

Where do the articles you linked to discuss the connection between Somali and 'Malaysian piracy'?

The Somalis are imprisoned in Malaysia though, so technically the Malaysians are involved

Clear to me. Just not you.
Oh, I know, they were just panhandling.

Were you planning on adding anything to this discussion, or did you come here simply to try and get a rise out of me with boring troll posts?
Ropey is just in his usual troll mode and adds zero to the discussion. :doubt:

I believe that he has the ability to post substantively, but I have no idea why he nearly always chooses not to.

Oh well.
Clear to me. Just not you.

Of course. Perhaps you can dumb it down for me and explain what Somalis being imprisoned in Malaysia for a crime committed near Somalia has to do with 'Malaysian piracy.'
Near Somalia?
I think open war on the pirates would require boots on the ground in Somalia though, and thats what people want to avoid.

No, a Spruance or a Ticonderoga class destroyer could patrol the whole coast fairly well. The helicopters on board would need to be rigged to shoot hellfire missiles and then you just take a good look at the boats and those that have armed people on them get sunk. Quick and simple. Pretty soon there wouldn't be very many seaworthy boats left and the problem would stop. The key is to kill them, this BS of arresting them and bringing them back for trial is stupid. Just sink them.



I pray for the souls of these poor people whilst Kalam and Sunni Man play the apologists and blame others for their deaths.

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