Some are Suggesting Charlottseville was a SETUP by the Mayor.


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I kid you not, and they guy makes a pretty strong case, methinks, though it is circumstantial.

BOMBSHELL: New evidence suggests Charlottesville was a complete SET-UP

The as-yet unidentified police officer has said that the Charlottesville P.D. were specifically instructed to bring the radical left and right wing groups together to instigate violence and then to told to “stand down” once violence ensued in a deliberate effort to ignite a race riot. Hear his words:

The story is being told on and other sources:

“A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his anger at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protestors. He also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to further the agenda of the elites.

“We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.“
The liberals have been using blacks as tools for years to destroy the white race so nothing they do surprises me anymore
Have you noticed how professionally their placards were looking? (Same professionally made placards I've seen in the hands of anti-Trump protesters during his rallies all over the country). So to me all that farce looks like a well-planned, well-organized and well-paid "spontaneous" counter protests. In other words, well-planned provocation (and may be even a readiness check) to hurt Trump and his supporters.
Have you noticed how professionally their placards were looking? (Same professionally made placards I've seen in the hands of anti-Trump protesters during his rallies all over the country). So to me all that farce looks like a well-planned, well-organized and well-paid "spontaneous" counter protests. In other words, well-planned provocation (and may be even a readiness check) to hurt Trump and his supporters.
Cant help but think soros is bankrolling all of it too.

We need to exile that mother fucker.
The ole' unidentified resource that the right complains about, almost daily, rears up it's ugly head on a rightwing blog, but that's OK.
Funny dat! :haha: It's a frikken bombshell! Woooo! :happy-1:
The ole' unidentified resource that the right complains about, almost daily, rears up it's ugly head on a rightwing blog, but that's OK.
Funny dat! :haha: It's a frikken bombshell! Woooo! :happy-1:
You need to stop snorting the Draino, Twinkle Toes.
I kid you not, and they guy makes a pretty strong case, methinks, though it is circumstantial.

BOMBSHELL: New evidence suggests Charlottesville was a complete SET-UP

The as-yet unidentified police officer has said that the Charlottesville P.D. were specifically instructed to bring the radical left and right wing groups together to instigate violence and then to told to “stand down” once violence ensued in a deliberate effort to ignite a race riot. Hear his words:

The story is being told on and other sources:

“A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his anger at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protestors. He also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to further the agenda of the elites.

“We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.“

Serious question -

Are they all as chicken shit as Christopher Cantwell?

They have devoted their lives to terrorism, to making innocent Americans afraid to leave their homes and drive their cars and go to work and take their kids to school. That's what they are. Just like nazis in pre-WWII Germany - they bully and they lie and they beat up people, they murder people.

But now that the little twerps are losing their jobs because their faces are on TV, they're blaming everyone else.

They planned this for a long time. They put out the ads and they came from other states with guns, knives, clubs, pepper spray and shields. They beat up people and put innocent people in the hospital.

So far, NOT ONE VERIFIABLE REPORT of alt right fascist nazi slime being harmed. NOT ONE.

Why are they so chicken?

Like you assholes here, they're very brave on internet boards and in their private meetings. But now that one of them has plotted and murdered a woman, they're crying and whining and saying they didn't do it.

Makes proud, does it?

Anybody wanna bet that not one RWNJ ^^^ will reply to my post.

Whiny little kowards. Every one of you.

What's the bet that Luddie won't publish his/her/its real name and address - could it be concern that he/she/it might have guessed wrong? I mean, about that "reply"?
What's the bet that Luddie won't publish his/her/its real name and address - could it be concern that he/she/it might have guessed wrong? I mean, about that "reply"?
I have no idea; I dont read his bullshit any more.

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