Some Asian Americans say affirmative action ruling used the group as ‘pawns’

But in this case whites decided they could speak for Asians and I don't think Asians are pleased. Racists have concocted all kinds of lies about Asians being passed over and it was done only to return to the policy of whites only.

This case was about discrimination against Asians AND NOT ONE ASIAN TESTIFIED ABOUT BEING DISCRIMINATED AGAINST. This is an example of white privilege when you can make a claim of racial discrimination without anyone testifying to it and it gets heard by the highest court in the land.
They point out that while the two cases, led by the conservative activist Ed Blum — who is white — argued that Harvard’s and the University of North Carolina’s policies discriminated against Asian Americans, no Asian American students came forward to testify to having experienced discrimination.

Okay, so we can keep crying over spilled milk, or we can move forward.

Doesn't matter if this case was dirty pool or not. This court is determined to overturn precedents even if no one actually asked them to.

So, instead of whining that blacks will have a harder time getting into Harvard, what are you doing to make it easier for them.

Here's a quick list that will make no one happy..

1) Challenge what William Bennett once called "The Blob" of entrenched Educational Bureaucracy and the Teacher's Unions to improve public high schools.
2) Advocate that top flight universities end Athletic, Legacy, Dean's Interest and Children of Staff admissions, and reduce admissions to just academic performance. Won't help unless step #1 is implemented, but it should be a goal.
3) Get rid of the ACT and SAT in College admissions. End "Teaching to the test".
4) Improve the quality of university education where having a bachelor degree actually means something again. The fact that it's mostly become the "New High School Diploma" doesn't help.

Here's the thing. We've seen everyone spend a lot of time whining about Harvard, but Harvard represents only about 0.1% of all students in college at any given time. The only reason why we care about College is that we have an old boy system where a Harvard Degree is a golden ticket... even if you are a moron.
disarming teachers in schools thereby getting kids killed

I ignored the rest of your batshit crazy because it's batshit crazy.

But you really think Arming teachers is a solution?

Soldiers and Policemen are trained for thousands of hours before they are sent anywhere with a gun... you really think a teacher is going to have the skills to know the difference between an active shooter and a kid who is just acting out because his Ritalin isn't working that day?

The Asian kid applied and was denied entrance while the jackasses at Harvard allowed dumbass Negroes that scored much lower in under their stupid affirmative action policy.

All the Supremes said was that under the US Constitution there can be no discrimination based upon race.

Only racist assholes like you would find something wrong with that.
So show us where they ruled that the Asian kid was denied, because they gave it to a black kid. Since that is what you racist fools are saying.
Okay, so we can keep crying over spilled milk, or we can move forward.

Doesn't matter if this case was dirty pool or not. This court is determined to overturn precedents even if no one actually asked them to.

So, instead of whining that blacks will have a harder time getting into Harvard, what are you doing to make it easier for them.

Here's a quick list that will make no one happy..

1) Challenge what William Bennett once called "The Blob" of entrenched Educational Bureaucracy and the Teacher's Unions to improve public high schools.
2) Advocate that top flight universities end Athletic, Legacy, Dean's Interest and Children of Staff admissions, and reduce admissions to just academic performance. Won't help unless step #1 is implemented, but it should be a goal.
3) Get rid of the ACT and SAT in College admissions. End "Teaching to the test".
4) Improve the quality of university education where having a bachelor degree actually means something again. The fact that it's mostly become the "New High School Diploma" doesn't help.

Here's the thing. We've seen everyone spend a lot of time whining about Harvard, but Harvard represents only about 0.1% of all students in college at any given time. The only reason why we care about College is that we have an old boy system where a Harvard Degree is a golden ticket... even if you are a moron.
I don't disagree with any of this. But you still need the culture and the community to WANT to learn, whether it's a secondary education or a skill/trade that will bring personal and financial success.
Who says they don't? I mean other than the bigots on Fox News telling you what you need to hear to feel better?
Who should really stop with conjecture. I don't watch fox news lol. And I don't need fox news or any other media outlet to provide the data.

Browse the link below and use the filter tools to aggregate the data.
What is more interesting is using the education filter and see how the numbers change the higher the education.

Who should really stop with conjecture. I don't watch fox news lol. And I don't need fox news or any other media outlet to provide the data.

Browse the link below and use the filter tools to aggregate the data.
What is more interesting is using the education filter and see how the numbers change the higher the education.

What the fuck does any of this have to do with people wanting to better themselves.

Here's one of the ugly stories about welfare... It doesn't give you a chance to better yourself. Want to go to school to learn new skills. No welfare for you!

We would do ourselves a HUGE favor is we replaced welfare with workfare. We won't do that, though.
What the fuck does any of this have to do with people wanting to better themselves.
Because we have way too many people on welfare. Look at the numbers when you filter on who is on aid with an education. The number of those on aid, go down.
I don't think you'll disagree that post high school education doesn't have to be college. Plenty of great skills and trades out there. But the problem is our education system doesn't promote them. We funnels every kid into the same learning system that doesn't fit every boy and girl. College isn't for everyone, and that's okay. Our education system and PARENTS, need to observe and be cognizant of what their kids do best, start preparing for a future that includes those abilities that motivate and captivate our children to succeed.
Here's one of the ugly stories about welfare... It doesn't give you a chance to better yourself. Want to go to school to learn new skills. No welfare for you!
Yes there is, it's called grants and pell grants that the gov't will give out to those who do not have the financial means to afford college. Simple FASFA application and you're done. Can you get a pell grant to go to a HVAC school or to be an electrician, I don't know. But what I do know, is that you don't have to go to a formal school for those trades. But what you do have to do is be patient, do the grunt work, maybe a union that offers eduction. Lots of opportunities out there. People just got to want to do it.
We would do ourselves a HUGE favor is we replaced welfare with workfare. We won't do that, though.
I wouldn't disagree with that at all.
Because we have way too many people on welfare. Look at the numbers when you filter on who is on aid with an education. The number of those on aid, go down.

Uh, no, we don't. We have too many middle class white people who collect "Entitlements", but we spend a pittance on poverty relief.

I don't think you'll disagree that post high school education doesn't have to be college. Plenty of great skills and trades out there. But the problem is our education system doesn't promote them. We funnels every kid into the same learning system that doesn't fit every boy and girl. College isn't for everyone, and that's okay. Our education system and PARENTS, need to observe and be cognizant of what their kids do best, start preparing for a future that includes those abilities that motivate and captivate our children to succeed.

Yes there is, it's called grants and pell grants that the gov't will give out to those who do not have the financial means to afford college. Simple FASFA application and you're done. Can you get a pell grant to go to a HVAC school or to be an electrician, I don't know. But what I do know, is that you don't have to go to a formal school for those trades. But what you do have to do is be patient, do the grunt work, maybe a union that offers eduction. Lots of opportunities out there. People just got to want to do it.
You do realize that the Trade Unions are pretty much a white Old Boys Club, right?
Pew Research Center, June 8, 2023

about three-quarters of all Asian adults (76%) say race or ethnicity should not factor into college admissions decisions.


East Asians will benefit from ending affirmative action in university admissions and hiring decisions because most of them behave and perform better than most whites, and much better than most blacks.
Pew Research Center, June 8, 2023

about three-quarters of all Asian adults (76%) say race or ethnicity should not factor into college admissions decisions.


East Asians will benefit from ending affirmative action in university admissions and hiring decisions because most of them behave and perform better than most whites, and much better than most blacks.

But will society benefit?

Frankly, this sounds like another cause of resentment when these Asians start displacing whites in these jobs. Trump made a lot of hay out of ranting about H1B visas going to Asians because White people are basically too dumb to do these jobs. (And frankly, nothing annoys me more than having to deal with someone who got a job in quality on an H1B Visa who can't understand simple processes.)
Uh, no, we don't. We have too many middle class white people who collect "Entitlements", but we spend a pittance on poverty relief.
Those who benefit from Social Security and Medicare have spent their working lives paying taxes to support those programs.


The Cato Institute, JANUARY 23, 2019

This year the federal, state, and local governments will spend close to a combined $1 trillion to fund more than 100 separate anti‐poverty programs. In fact, since Lyndon Johnson declared “war on poverty” in 1965, government efforts to fight poverty have cost more than $23 trillion.

But will society benefit?

Frankly, this sounds like another cause of resentment when these Asians start displacing whites in these jobs. Trump made a lot of hay out of ranting about H1B visas going to Asians because White people are basically too dumb to do these jobs. (And frankly, nothing annoys me more than having to deal with someone who got a job in quality on an H1B Visa who can't understand simple processes.)
I am opposed to all H1B and H2B visas. East Asians who are American citizens will benefit from ending affirmative action in university admissions and hiring decisions.
Those who benefit from Social Security and Medicare have spent their working lives paying taxes to support those programs.

Except they get far more out of it than they put into it. If you live to be 72, you will get back everything you paid into Social Security. If you have one serious illness, you will get back everything you paid into Medicare. That's the problem, these are Ponzi Schemes, and eventually, like most Ponzi schemes, we've run out of "suckers"... um, new investors.

When Social Security and Medicare started, most people didn't didn't live to be 65. So it was kind of a safe bet. today the average life span is 78 years.

he Cato Institute, JANUARY 23, 2019

This year the federal, state, and local governments will spend close to a combined $1 trillion to fund more than 100 separate anti‐poverty programs. In fact, since Lyndon Johnson declared “war on poverty” in 1965, government efforts to fight poverty have cost more than $23 trillion.

The CATO institute are a bunch of liars. The only way you get anywhere near a Trillion is if you include Medicaid and CHIP, which again, more often than not goes to middle class white folks paying for health insurance, special needs education, or nursing home care.

We spend close to 2 Trillion on Social Security and Medicare alone.

We only spend $111 Billion on SNAP, 90 billion on Section 8, and 30 Billion on TANF.
I am opposed to all H1B and H2B visas. East Asians who are American citizens will benefit from ending affirmative action in university admissions and hiring decisions.

I would ask what you have against South Asians, but frankly, the resulting spew of race hatred would probably ruin my breakfast.

Frankly, I'm not thrilled with H1B visas, but they are probably a necessary evil because we don't invest enough in education in this country. Probably because people like you live in mortal fear them darkies might get something you don't.

Of course, we have an overall labor shortage in this country. what's the point of getting a visa when sneaking under a fence is still free?
I would ask what you have against South Asians, but frankly, the resulting spew of race hatred would probably ruin my breakfast.

Frankly, I'm not thrilled with H1B visas, but they are probably a necessary evil because we don't invest enough in education in this country. Probably because people like you live in mortal fear them darkies might get something you don't.

Of course, we have an overall labor shortage in this country. what's the point of getting a visa when sneaking under a fence is still free?
I am opposed to affirmative action for anyone, including white Gentiles, of whom I am one. I have never known any south Asians. I have never known an east Asian I disliked.

If all H1B visas and all H2B visas were ended, employers would be more willing to train people they hired if those people indicated in IQ tests that they could learn the material.

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