Some how I ended up with benzylisoquinoline alkaloid

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
While working with the bark and fruit from the Magnolia tree I came up with what looks like and id s as a benzylisoquinoline alkaloid and this make no sense. It is only found in the Poppy plants from the books I have checked with....Anyone????

With help from some of the people here I returned to my little lab and ran somemore test and found that it appears to be in the bark and in very small quanitys but it is a interesting finding for me.
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While working with the bark and fruit from the Magnolia tree I came up with what looks like and id s as a benzylisoquinoline alkaloid and this make no sense. It is only found in the Poppy plants from the books I have checked with....Anyone????

What exactly is that compound, and what does it do?

If you are interested in plants that have shamanic value and help with spirit walking, I recommend Mimosa Hostilis.
While working with the bark and fruit from the Magnolia tree I came up with what looks like and id s as a benzylisoquinoline alkaloid and this make no sense. It is only found in the Poppy plants from the books I have checked with....Anyone????

magnolia bark contains benzylisoquinoline alkaloids, mainly magnocurarine, so a similarity to tubocurarine exists. Tubocurarine is a drug developed for certain limited uses: it is a muscle relaxant that produces a flaccid paralysis sometimes needed during medical procedures (e.g., some surgeries, endotracheal intubation, and electroconvulsive therapy). All, or most, of the benzylisoquinoline alkaloids have muscle-relaxing effects, though tubocurarine is the most potent one used.

Safety Issues Affecting Chinese Herbs: Magnolia alkaloids
While working with the bark and fruit from the Magnolia tree I came up with what looks like and id s as a benzylisoquinoline alkaloid and this make no sense. It is only found in the Poppy plants from the books I have checked with....Anyone????

What exactly is that compound, and what does it do?

If you are interested in plants that have shamanic value and help with spirit walking, I recommend Mimosa Hostilis.
It is a form of Heroin

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