Some kids separated at border may never see parents again

So,where are these parents separated from their kids?

I find it hard to believe that some leftard hasn't started a hash tag they took mah baby awaaayyyyyy, if this is really going on.
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.
Oh well. I hope the little bastards were sterilized while in government custody so they can't breed more mexishit. Their "parents" shouldn't have come here illegally. No one to blame but themselves

God you're awful! I've read the terrible things you've said about blacks too and I'll bet you have your hood and robe hanging in your closet.
Yeah. Its hanging next to mine, too. :D
And you're proud to admit it? Oh shit, of course you are! Knuckle dragging, mouth breathing inbreeds are always pored to admit it.
You know nothing about me. All you know is what I post. I guess sarcasm escapes you. Meanwhile...go fuck yourself since you know yourself best.
On other sites I belong to, when someone posts sarcasm, they clarify it by also posting this...../ that everyone knows it is. I'm fairly new here and don't recognize many screen names and what, or who they support. I don't recognize you, so I could only take you at your word. If i was wrong then I apologize.
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.

The number of families permanently separated from loved ones due to crimes committed by illegal aliens is far greater and gets worse every year. Those innocent victims didn't break the law and willingly take a risk.

Some people in California will be separated from their families for at least 6 months if they forget about the new ban on straws and hand one to a customer.

People entering illegally are willing to risk being separated. They have every chance to be reunited with their children. All they have to do is agree to go back home. Or they could not enter illegally in the first place.

Some are separated because they are dangerous criminals or the children are no theirs.

Their own fault 100%.
Maybe they shouldgo back to the shitholes THEY created and try to fix them.

But they won't because, they can't.

They're too stupid
That right there is the heart of Trump’s America. He, his cabinet and his supporters are vile human beings.
No we're not. You are speaking from a place of small knowledge and big hate. The artificial world of Libtardia. And you dress funny too.
I watched a documentary recently on one woman who lives in Guatemala who said she paid the drug smugglers 3,000.00 for her husband and young son to cross illegally.
One question?
If they had that much money, why can't they move to a better area or another country in South America?
You said you were in Vietnam, (I'm of that age group too.) so let me ask you this, what is the difference of these people seeking asylum and the Vietnamese who came here doing the same? My property borders on property and a house given to Vietnamese refugees who came here seeking asylum. They now own a business and employs locals, and have kept up the property and improved it over the years. They are fine, upstanding people and I've had the privilege of talking to them over the years.
On a side note; they have a storage building in the back of their house that is open, and when we had a power outage, the women cooked food outside there and it smelled SO good! They also kept chickens, and one came over here, and my dog got it but didn't kill it, but stripped it of several of it's feathers. It walked around on my yard clucking piteously. I got it and took it back to them. I was embarrassed, but they were grateful I brought it back.
Okay, long story short, These refugees aren't any different than the Vietnamese refugees. They're just seeking a safer life and so, why should they be arrested and imprisoned for it? When they presented themselves at the border, they declared themselves as seeking asylum. Where has our humanity gone? Maybe I should go ask my Vietnamese neighbors.

You know what you and others like you are forgetting?
The word ILLEGAL

We have compassion. But open borders means it will soon be as dangerous and poverty stricken here as where they left.
We have a process for Legal immigration. But what you and others like you are advocating is the fall of a nation.
You cannot sustain a nation with lawless, open borders PERIOD....End of Story
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.
Oh well. I hope the little bastards were sterilized while in government custody so they can't breed more mexishit. Their "parents" shouldn't have come here illegally. No one to blame but themselves

God you're awful! I've read the terrible things you've said about blacks too and I'll bet you have your hood and robe hanging in your closet.
Yeah. Its hanging next to mine, too. :D
And you're proud to admit it? Oh shit, of course you are! Knuckle dragging, mouth breathing inbreeds are always proud to admit it.
Do you stupid hypocrites ever have anything other than stupid fucking left wing buzzwords?

Kittymom? No doubt you have no less than 5 fucking cats in your house. Probably fat as hell and smell like cat piss.

Do you have fleas?


Are you some stupid typical gold digging alcoholic living off your husbands money?

You are one of those two things. Either way, what we all know for a fact is you do nothing for illegals. You certainly don't allow them in your predominantly white gated community. We all know you are the type that doesn't do shit for the planet, and yet chant about THE global warming.

Like some stupid fat smelly typical ignorant know it all white left wing female.
I watched a documentary recently on one woman who lives in Guatemala who said she paid the drug smugglers 3,000.00 for her husband and young son to cross illegally.
One question?
If they had that much money, why can't they move to a better area or another country in South America?
Only 3000? That is super cheap they often pay 5 to 10 thousand. That's a good point, because down there that kind of money goes a long way.
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.
Such drama! Such Emotion! Well, if the parents were that bloody irresponsible, um, well, shouldn't we be giving attention to how cruel and abusive these parents ARE? If they dragged their families into a maelstrom and they knew bloody well what they getting into ahead of time. Yeah. So, boo hoo, the parents were reckless asses. Perhaps the kids are better off apart from their biological parents. Because life is like that.
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.
Such drama! Such Emotion! Well, if the parents were that bloody irresponsible, um, well, shouldn't we be giving attention to how cruel and abusive these parents ARE? If they dragged their families into a maelstrom and they knew bloody well what they getting into ahead of time. Yeah. So, boo hoo, the parents were reckless asses. Perhaps the kids are better off apart from their biological parents. Because life is like that.
Of course what those virtue signaling hypocrites won't tell you is many of the parents leave them deliberately. That is their hope.

Meahwhile, these naive morons are the ones that the push along the emotional appeal and always applying guilt whenever they can. Full of the usual buzzwords, double talk, and hypocrisy.

They don't do shit, but they think they are doing something because they hate white republicans and the American free market well enough.
Oh we’ve got an internet tough guy here!

Not at all. Just someone who expects you to back up your suggestion the world would be better without me in it. If so, come make it happen.
He’s a keyboard hero!
It's funny how libstains the world over criticize people for doing the same things they are doing. You are making your usual baseless claims, using a keyboard, but somehow it's wrong for someone else to remark on your nonsense? lol
Who pulled your string, TamponTx?

Get back to gobbling cocks on Wertheimer Rd.
Typical response by a libtard. :)
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.
Oh well. I hope the little bastards were sterilized while in government custody so they can't breed more mexishit. Their "parents" shouldn't have come here illegally. No one to blame but themselves

God you're awful! I've read the terrible things you've said about blacks too and I'll bet you have your hood and robe hanging in your closet.
Yeah. Its hanging next to mine, too. :D
And you're proud to admit it? Oh shit, of course you are! Knuckle dragging, mouth breathing inbreeds are always proud to admit it.
Do you stupid hypocrites ever have anything other than stupid fucking left wing buzzwords?

Kittymom? No doubt you have no less than 5 fucking cats in your house. Probably fat as hell and smell like cat piss.

Do you have fleas?


Are you some stupid typical gold digging alcoholic living off your husbands money?

You are one of those two things. Either way, what we all know for a fact is you do nothing for illegals. You certainly don't allow them in your predominantly white gated community. We all know you are the type that doesn't do shit for the planet, and yet chant about THE global warming.

Like some stupid fat smelly typical ignorant know it all white left wing female.

JFC!! Are you always this offensively crude? FYI...I am a volunteer for an animal rescue group and I'm part of the cat rescue side. I do have cats, but all of them are seen by my vet regularly and except for two, are strictly indoor cats. The two who are indoor/outdoor wear very expensive flea/tick collars and there isn't a flea in my house or even in my yard. I also get my yard sprayed by a mosquito company and it kills all of the critters on it.

I'm 5'2" and weigh a whopping 110 pounds, so once again, you're full of shit! Oh, and I don't have a husband, but my house and car are paid for....all by me because I WORKED for it and also because I invested well. I've worked everyday of my life since I was 19 and I'm 72 now. I retired from a major airline and have a great retirement in addition to my SS. I still have a great IRA too.

Oh, and another FYI, I had my own business at age 19. It was a hair salon, but I decided after a few years that doing that just wasn't for me, so I went to work for the airlines.

I also put myself through college and got a degree in Behavioral Science while I was working. Unfortunately, I never used it because at the time, I was making way more at the airline than any job I could have gotten in that field.

I have a partner and we've been together for 18 years but neither one of us wan to marry, but we have all of the legalities drawn up and recorded. He's richer than me and if he dies first, then i will be really rich.

As far as doing anything for the planet, I recycle everything I can. My recycle bin is always fuller than my trash bin. I belong to a group in my city who goes around gathering up trash and giving it to our local recycle company.

I know you won't believe any of this, but I could give you my name and you could check it out and see that it's 100% true. But, because I know there are trolls on these sites, I won't. And frankly, to quote Rhett, "I don't give a damn."
Illegal aliens are such swine they don't care who they hurt, to me it's indicative of Mexican culture that they are this reckless and indifferent to suffering. Sadomasochists. But, perhaps they are on to something. Poor poor Mexicans! And their poor poor kids! All the suffering they willingly accept because they can't just immigrate legally. How sad, too bad. I am lactose intolerant , and so the milk of human kindness gives me the runs. Ever been in a cancer ward in a children's hospital? Life is really cruel sometimes. And life goes on.


* Reunite those who CAN be reunited

* Turn over to their consulates, those who cannot; flushing the rest of 'em out of the country with all haste.

* Keep families together in family detention camps, moving forward.

* Keep those sneaking in without families, in alternative (non-family) camps.

* Require every Illegal Alien to work to clean and improve the camp, every day they're in detention - above a minimal age and health standard.

* Short-circuit the process so that those going home are turned around within twenty days

* Send the country of origin the bill for housing and food and care

* Subtract from US aid, any amounts left unpaid from such invoices
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Oh well. I hope the little bastards were sterilized while in government custody so they can't breed more mexishit. Their "parents" shouldn't have come here illegally. No one to blame but themselves

God you're awful! I've read the terrible things you've said about blacks too and I'll bet you have your hood and robe hanging in your closet.
Yeah. Its hanging next to mine, too. :D
And you're proud to admit it? Oh shit, of course you are! Knuckle dragging, mouth breathing inbreeds are always proud to admit it.
Do you stupid hypocrites ever have anything other than stupid fucking left wing buzzwords?

Kittymom? No doubt you have no less than 5 fucking cats in your house. Probably fat as hell and smell like cat piss.

Do you have fleas?


Are you some stupid typical gold digging alcoholic living off your husbands money?

You are one of those two things. Either way, what we all know for a fact is you do nothing for illegals. You certainly don't allow them in your predominantly white gated community. We all know you are the type that doesn't do shit for the planet, and yet chant about THE global warming.

Like some stupid fat smelly typical ignorant know it all white left wing female.

JFC!! Are you always this offensively crude? FYI...I am a volunteer for an animal rescue group and I'm part of the cat rescue side. I do have cats, but all of them are seen by my vet regularly and except for two, are strictly indoor cats. The two who are indoor/outdoor wear very expensive flea/tick collars and there isn't a flea in my house or even in my yard. I also get my yard sprayed by a mosquito company and it kills all of the critters on it.

I'm 5'2" and weigh a whopping 110 pounds, so once again, you're full of shit! Oh, and I don't have a husband, but my house and car are paid for....all by me because I WORKED for it and also because I invested well. I've worked everyday of my life since I was 19 and I'm 72 now. I retired from a major airline and have a great retirement in addition to my SS. I still have a great IRA too.

Oh, and another FYI, I had my own business at age 19. It was a hair salon, but I decided after a few years that doing that just wasn't for me, so I went to work for the airlines.

I also put myself through college and got a degree in Behavioral Science while I was working. Unfortunately, I never used it because at the time, I was making way more at the airline than any job I could have gotten in that field.

I have a partner and we've been together for 18 years but neither one of us wan to marry, but we have all of the legalities drawn up and recorded. He's richer than me and if he dies first, then i will be really rich.

As far as doing anything for the planet, I recycle everything I can. My recycle bin is always fuller than my trash bin. I belong to a group in my city who goes around gathering up trash and giving it to our local recycle company.

I know you won't believe any of this, but I could give you my name and you could check it out and see that it's 100% true. But, because I know there are trolls on these sites, I won't. And frankly, to quote Rhett, "I don't give a damn."
All I got out of that is you are a cat loving lesbian.

Plus, all you are about is passing along the buzzwords, pushing emotional appeal and applying guilt.

While it is admirable that you work at an animal rescue center, the point is you have no clue what is truly happening at the border.

Your pathetic selective outrage NOW with "Trump" but not one word out of you hypocrites when those things were happening under obama is duly noted.

You are just a pawn for your democrat masters pushing along identity politics whenever, wherever and however they can.

There you are, just gleefully doing your job. Behavioral science? Interesting. Since you are an expert in the field tell us your thoughts about conformity, how it works, and tell us how that applies to hyped stories and endless protests that the left love to do.

Not to mention left wing agenda strategy. You seem to fit right in line with group think. Have anymore cliches or democrat buzzwords? Or do you have original thought.

If I am communicating with a deranged left wing parrot conformists, then I am crude as hell. Mainly to entertain, but also to show I have not the time nor inclination to get into a debate with a robot.
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Maybe they shouldgo back to the shitholes THEY created and try to fix them.

But they won't because, they can't.

They're too stupid
That right there is the heart of Trump’s America. He, his cabinet and his supporters are vile human beings.
No we're not. You are speaking from a place of small knowledge and big hate. The artificial world of Libtardia. And you dress funny too.
Your name is gay. Nobody cares that you run marathons, or whatever the fuck it’s suppose to mean
Oh we’ve got an internet tough guy here!

Not at all. Just someone who expects you to back up your suggestion the world would be better without me in it. If so, come make it happen.
He’s a keyboard hero!
It's funny how libstains the world over criticize people for doing the same things they are doing. You are making your usual baseless claims, using a keyboard, but somehow it's wrong for someone else to remark on your nonsense? lol
Who pulled your string, TamponTx?

Get back to gobbling cocks on Wertheimer Rd.
Typical response by a libtard. :)
Derpitty derp derpy derp derp
I watched a documentary recently on one woman who lives in Guatemala who said she paid the drug smugglers 3,000.00 for her husband and young son to cross illegally.
One question?
If they had that much money, why can't they move to a better area or another country in South America?

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