Some kids separated at border may never see parents again

I watched a documentary recently on one woman who lives in Guatemala who said she paid the drug smugglers 3,000.00 for her husband and young son to cross illegally.
One question?
If they had that much money, why can't they move to a better area or another country in South America?
Maybe they sold their neighbors kids to pay the mule
Oh we’ve got an internet tough guy here!

Not at all. Just someone who expects you to back up your suggestion the world would be better without me in it. If so, come make it happen.
He’s a keyboard hero!
It's funny how libstains the world over criticize people for doing the same things they are doing. You are making your usual baseless claims, using a keyboard, but somehow it's wrong for someone else to remark on your nonsense? lol
Who pulled your string, TamponTx?

Get back to gobbling cocks on Westheimer Rd.
Oh well. I hope the little bastards were sterilized while in government custody so they can't breed more mexishit. Their "parents" shouldn't have come here illegally. No one to blame but themselves

God you're awful! I've read the terrible things you've said about blacks too and I'll bet you have your hood and robe hanging in your closet.
Yeah. Its hanging next to mine, too. :D
And you're proud to admit it? Oh shit, of course you are! Knuckle dragging, mouth breathing inbreeds are always proud to admit it.
Do you stupid hypocrites ever have anything other than stupid fucking left wing buzzwords?

Kittymom? No doubt you have no less than 5 fucking cats in your house. Probably fat as hell and smell like cat piss.

Do you have fleas?


Are you some stupid typical gold digging alcoholic living off your husbands money?

You are one of those two things. Either way, what we all know for a fact is you do nothing for illegals. You certainly don't allow them in your predominantly white gated community. We all know you are the type that doesn't do shit for the planet, and yet chant about THE global warming.

Like some stupid fat smelly typical ignorant know it all white left wing female.

JFC!! Are you always this offensively crude? FYI...I am a volunteer for an animal rescue group and I'm part of the cat rescue side. I do have cats, but all of them are seen by my vet regularly and except for two, are strictly indoor cats. The two who are indoor/outdoor wear very expensive flea/tick collars and there isn't a flea in my house or even in my yard. I also get my yard sprayed by a mosquito company and it kills all of the critters on it.

I'm 5'2" and weigh a whopping 110 pounds, so once again, you're full of shit! Oh, and I don't have a husband, but my house and car are paid for....all by me because I WORKED for it and also because I invested well. I've worked everyday of my life since I was 19 and I'm 72 now. I retired from a major airline and have a great retirement in addition to my SS. I still have a great IRA too.

Oh, and another FYI, I had my own business at age 19. It was a hair salon, but I decided after a few years that doing that just wasn't for me, so I went to work for the airlines.

I also put myself through college and got a degree in Behavioral Science while I was working. Unfortunately, I never used it because at the time, I was making way more at the airline than any job I could have gotten in that field.

I have a partner and we've been together for 18 years but neither one of us wan to marry, but we have all of the legalities drawn up and recorded. He's richer than me and if he dies first, then i will be really rich.

As far as doing anything for the planet, I recycle everything I can. My recycle bin is always fuller than my trash bin. I belong to a group in my city who goes around gathering up trash and giving it to our local recycle company.

I know you won't believe any of this, but I could give you my name and you could check it out and see that it's 100% true. But, because I know there are trolls on these sites, I won't. And frankly, to quote Rhett, "I don't give a damn."
For someone who doesn't give a damn, you sure make lengthy damn!
Don’t endanger your kids by breaking the law.

Seems pretty straightforward to me.

Enter legally through ports of entry.
According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.

These children cane to the US ILLEGALLY. They’re lucky not to have been shot at the border. Send them back and let them try to find their parents.

The only outrage here is that we fed and housed these wastes of flesh and oxygen (parents and kids) this long before we disposed of them.
You want to send small children back to find their parents when some of them are too small to even know what country they came from? You would shoot a child who was brought here to escape that very thing in their war torn countries?

A 6 year old girl was sexually abused in a detention center and after she reported it, she was forced to sign a statement saying she understood it was HER responsibility to stay away from her abuser. After that happened, her abuser did it again, right after he hit her. How do you feel about that? How can you not feel some empathy for these children? Are you that heartless?

And BTW, it was trump who made the decision to put them in detention centers. What has been done in the past was they were fitted with a bracelet and allowed to leave, but they would have to return for their court date. And, most of them did show up for their court dates.
You know that these countries are not war torn. No matter how romantic the prospect. The entire purpose of separate detention was to keep children from abusers. These are not small children these are teens whose parents sold them to traffickers or coyotes.

Put armed personnell on the border. Shoot it if it moves.
Kids lose their parents in car crashes, or fires. Kids die of cancer or drowning. Awful stuff, but that's life. Not to be callous, but Mexican sneaky immigration scofflaws have worn out that patina of victim-hood by the fact they CHOOSE this path of their own free will. So this comes down to: Is immigration law unfair or are Mexicans presuming they are above immigration laws? I see too much of the latter. How about the rest of you?
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What kind of a mother sends her child off with some cartel thug or drags it across the Sonoran Desert, hoping they can cross the border before they run out of water or run into a mohave rattler? How about you tree-huggers come on down and see the tons of trash they've strewn across our beautiful desert? You all know what happens when they get here...robbed, raped, and dropped into a world they know nothing about. What kind of mother does that to herself let alone her child?
A mother looking to make a buck by selling off childrrn she doesn't want to support.
God you're awful! I've read the terrible things you've said about blacks too and I'll bet you have your hood and robe hanging in your closet.
Yeah. Its hanging next to mine, too. :D
And you're proud to admit it? Oh shit, of course you are! Knuckle dragging, mouth breathing inbreeds are always proud to admit it.
Do you stupid hypocrites ever have anything other than stupid fucking left wing buzzwords?

Kittymom? No doubt you have no less than 5 fucking cats in your house. Probably fat as hell and smell like cat piss.

Do you have fleas?


Are you some stupid typical gold digging alcoholic living off your husbands money?

You are one of those two things. Either way, what we all know for a fact is you do nothing for illegals. You certainly don't allow them in your predominantly white gated community. We all know you are the type that doesn't do shit for the planet, and yet chant about THE global warming.

Like some stupid fat smelly typical ignorant know it all white left wing female.

JFC!! Are you always this offensively crude? FYI...I am a volunteer for an animal rescue group and I'm part of the cat rescue side. I do have cats, but all of them are seen by my vet regularly and except for two, are strictly indoor cats. The two who are indoor/outdoor wear very expensive flea/tick collars and there isn't a flea in my house or even in my yard. I also get my yard sprayed by a mosquito company and it kills all of the critters on it.

I'm 5'2" and weigh a whopping 110 pounds, so once again, you're full of shit! Oh, and I don't have a husband, but my house and car are paid for....all by me because I WORKED for it and also because I invested well. I've worked everyday of my life since I was 19 and I'm 72 now. I retired from a major airline and have a great retirement in addition to my SS. I still have a great IRA too.

Oh, and another FYI, I had my own business at age 19. It was a hair salon, but I decided after a few years that doing that just wasn't for me, so I went to work for the airlines.

I also put myself through college and got a degree in Behavioral Science while I was working. Unfortunately, I never used it because at the time, I was making way more at the airline than any job I could have gotten in that field.

I have a partner and we've been together for 18 years but neither one of us wan to marry, but we have all of the legalities drawn up and recorded. He's richer than me and if he dies first, then i will be really rich.

As far as doing anything for the planet, I recycle everything I can. My recycle bin is always fuller than my trash bin. I belong to a group in my city who goes around gathering up trash and giving it to our local recycle company.

I know you won't believe any of this, but I could give you my name and you could check it out and see that it's 100% true. But, because I know there are trolls on these sites, I won't. And frankly, to quote Rhett, "I don't give a damn."
All I got out of that is you are a cat loving lesbian.

Plus, all you are about is passing along the buzzwords, pushing emotional appeal and applying guilt.

While it is admirable that you work at an animal rescue center, the point is you have no clue what is truly happening at the border.

Your pathetic selective outrage NOW with "Trump" but not one word out of you hypocrites when those things were happening under obama is duly noted.

You are just a pawn for your democrat masters pushing along identity politics whenever, wherever and however they can.

There you are, just gleefully doing your job. Behavioral science? Interesting. Since you are an expert in the field tell us your thoughts about conformity, how it works, and tell us how that applies to hyped stories and endless protests that the left love to do.

Not to mention left wing agenda strategy. You seem to fit right in line with group think. Have anymore cliches or democrat buzzwords? Or do you have original thought.

If I am communicating with a deranged left wing parrot conformists, then I am crude as hell. Mainly to entertain, but also to show I have not the time nor inclination to get into a debate with a robot.
My partner is a MAN you idiot! You know what? Go fuck yourself because I tried to actually communicate with you in a civilized manner , but all you can do is insult and attack. I'm finished with you.
Looks like these illegals should be charged with endangering a child.
God you're awful! I've read the terrible things you've said about blacks too and I'll bet you have your hood and robe hanging in your closet.
Yeah. Its hanging next to mine, too. :D
And you're proud to admit it? Oh shit, of course you are! Knuckle dragging, mouth breathing inbreeds are always proud to admit it.
Do you stupid hypocrites ever have anything other than stupid fucking left wing buzzwords?

Kittymom? No doubt you have no less than 5 fucking cats in your house. Probably fat as hell and smell like cat piss.

Do you have fleas?


Are you some stupid typical gold digging alcoholic living off your husbands money?

You are one of those two things. Either way, what we all know for a fact is you do nothing for illegals. You certainly don't allow them in your predominantly white gated community. We all know you are the type that doesn't do shit for the planet, and yet chant about THE global warming.

Like some stupid fat smelly typical ignorant know it all white left wing female.

JFC!! Are you always this offensively crude? FYI...I am a volunteer for an animal rescue group and I'm part of the cat rescue side. I do have cats, but all of them are seen by my vet regularly and except for two, are strictly indoor cats. The two who are indoor/outdoor wear very expensive flea/tick collars and there isn't a flea in my house or even in my yard. I also get my yard sprayed by a mosquito company and it kills all of the critters on it.

I'm 5'2" and weigh a whopping 110 pounds, so once again, you're full of shit! Oh, and I don't have a husband, but my house and car are paid for....all by me because I WORKED for it and also because I invested well. I've worked everyday of my life since I was 19 and I'm 72 now. I retired from a major airline and have a great retirement in addition to my SS. I still have a great IRA too.

Oh, and another FYI, I had my own business at age 19. It was a hair salon, but I decided after a few years that doing that just wasn't for me, so I went to work for the airlines.

I also put myself through college and got a degree in Behavioral Science while I was working. Unfortunately, I never used it because at the time, I was making way more at the airline than any job I could have gotten in that field.

I have a partner and we've been together for 18 years but neither one of us wan to marry, but we have all of the legalities drawn up and recorded. He's richer than me and if he dies first, then i will be really rich.

As far as doing anything for the planet, I recycle everything I can. My recycle bin is always fuller than my trash bin. I belong to a group in my city who goes around gathering up trash and giving it to our local recycle company.

I know you won't believe any of this, but I could give you my name and you could check it out and see that it's 100% true. But, because I know there are trolls on these sites, I won't. And frankly, to quote Rhett, "I don't give a damn."
For someone who doesn't give a damn, you sure make lengthy damn!
I'm used to actually communicating with member of the boards I belong to and having civilized conversations. I guess this one is different because it seem that all any of you want to do is attack and insult. I'll keep that in mind from now on....sorry.
According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.

These children cane to the US ILLEGALLY. They’re lucky not to have been shot at the border. Send them back and let them try to find their parents.

The only outrage here is that we fed and housed these wastes of flesh and oxygen (parents and kids) this long before we disposed of them.
You want to send small children back to find their parents when some of them are too small to even know what country they came from? You would shoot a child who was brought here to escape that very thing in their war torn countries?

A 6 year old girl was sexually abused in a detention center and after she reported it, she was forced to sign a statement saying she understood it was HER responsibility to stay away from her abuser. After that happened, her abuser did it again, right after he hit her. How do you feel about that? How can you not feel some empathy for these children? Are you that heartless?

And BTW, it was trump who made the decision to put them in detention centers. What has been done in the past was they were fitted with a bracelet and allowed to leave, but they would have to return for their court date. And, most of them did show up for their court dates.
You know that these countries are not war torn. No matter how romantic the prospect. The entire purpose of separate detention was to keep children from abusers. These are not small children these are teens whose parents sold them to traffickers or coyotes.

Put armed personnell on the border. Shoot it if it moves.

It’s not just cruel to separate a breastfeeding baby from a mom. It’s medically dangerous.
Yeah. Its hanging next to mine, too. :D
And you're proud to admit it? Oh shit, of course you are! Knuckle dragging, mouth breathing inbreeds are always proud to admit it.
Do you stupid hypocrites ever have anything other than stupid fucking left wing buzzwords?

Kittymom? No doubt you have no less than 5 fucking cats in your house. Probably fat as hell and smell like cat piss.

Do you have fleas?


Are you some stupid typical gold digging alcoholic living off your husbands money?

You are one of those two things. Either way, what we all know for a fact is you do nothing for illegals. You certainly don't allow them in your predominantly white gated community. We all know you are the type that doesn't do shit for the planet, and yet chant about THE global warming.

Like some stupid fat smelly typical ignorant know it all white left wing female.

JFC!! Are you always this offensively crude? FYI...I am a volunteer for an animal rescue group and I'm part of the cat rescue side. I do have cats, but all of them are seen by my vet regularly and except for two, are strictly indoor cats. The two who are indoor/outdoor wear very expensive flea/tick collars and there isn't a flea in my house or even in my yard. I also get my yard sprayed by a mosquito company and it kills all of the critters on it.

I'm 5'2" and weigh a whopping 110 pounds, so once again, you're full of shit! Oh, and I don't have a husband, but my house and car are paid for....all by me because I WORKED for it and also because I invested well. I've worked everyday of my life since I was 19 and I'm 72 now. I retired from a major airline and have a great retirement in addition to my SS. I still have a great IRA too.

Oh, and another FYI, I had my own business at age 19. It was a hair salon, but I decided after a few years that doing that just wasn't for me, so I went to work for the airlines.

I also put myself through college and got a degree in Behavioral Science while I was working. Unfortunately, I never used it because at the time, I was making way more at the airline than any job I could have gotten in that field.

I have a partner and we've been together for 18 years but neither one of us wan to marry, but we have all of the legalities drawn up and recorded. He's richer than me and if he dies first, then i will be really rich.

As far as doing anything for the planet, I recycle everything I can. My recycle bin is always fuller than my trash bin. I belong to a group in my city who goes around gathering up trash and giving it to our local recycle company.

I know you won't believe any of this, but I could give you my name and you could check it out and see that it's 100% true. But, because I know there are trolls on these sites, I won't. And frankly, to quote Rhett, "I don't give a damn."
All I got out of that is you are a cat loving lesbian.

Plus, all you are about is passing along the buzzwords, pushing emotional appeal and applying guilt.

While it is admirable that you work at an animal rescue center, the point is you have no clue what is truly happening at the border.

Your pathetic selective outrage NOW with "Trump" but not one word out of you hypocrites when those things were happening under obama is duly noted.

You are just a pawn for your democrat masters pushing along identity politics whenever, wherever and however they can.

There you are, just gleefully doing your job. Behavioral science? Interesting. Since you are an expert in the field tell us your thoughts about conformity, how it works, and tell us how that applies to hyped stories and endless protests that the left love to do.

Not to mention left wing agenda strategy. You seem to fit right in line with group think. Have anymore cliches or democrat buzzwords? Or do you have original thought.

If I am communicating with a deranged left wing parrot conformists, then I am crude as hell. Mainly to entertain, but also to show I have not the time nor inclination to get into a debate with a robot.
My partner is a MAN you idiot! You know what? Go fuck yourself because I tried to actually communicate with you in a civilized manner , but all you can do is insult and attack. I'm finished with you.
Finished with me? I am finished with YOOOOUUUUUU!!

Back to your cliches, and democrat buzzwords. Glad too how you did not want to acknowledge your pathetic double talk and did not want to talk about the power of conformity through group think.

How ironic.
Care to share so I can understand why you are who you are?

Readers Digest version....

Born with a full facial birthmark, glaucoma, calcium deposits in the brain and seizure activity. Look up Sturge Weber Syndrome.

Spent 18 hours with the full left side of my body paralyzed at age 4. Spent next 7 years on medication that stunted my growth.

2 younger brothers who were bigger, stronger, better looking and more social than me at a young age. Basically the “odd” one out in every way possible.

I’ll let your imagination take it from there.
Yeah. Its hanging next to mine, too. :D
And you're proud to admit it? Oh shit, of course you are! Knuckle dragging, mouth breathing inbreeds are always proud to admit it.
Do you stupid hypocrites ever have anything other than stupid fucking left wing buzzwords?

Kittymom? No doubt you have no less than 5 fucking cats in your house. Probably fat as hell and smell like cat piss.

Do you have fleas?


Are you some stupid typical gold digging alcoholic living off your husbands money?

You are one of those two things. Either way, what we all know for a fact is you do nothing for illegals. You certainly don't allow them in your predominantly white gated community. We all know you are the type that doesn't do shit for the planet, and yet chant about THE global warming.

Like some stupid fat smelly typical ignorant know it all white left wing female.

JFC!! Are you always this offensively crude? FYI...I am a volunteer for an animal rescue group and I'm part of the cat rescue side. I do have cats, but all of them are seen by my vet regularly and except for two, are strictly indoor cats. The two who are indoor/outdoor wear very expensive flea/tick collars and there isn't a flea in my house or even in my yard. I also get my yard sprayed by a mosquito company and it kills all of the critters on it.

I'm 5'2" and weigh a whopping 110 pounds, so once again, you're full of shit! Oh, and I don't have a husband, but my house and car are paid for....all by me because I WORKED for it and also because I invested well. I've worked everyday of my life since I was 19 and I'm 72 now. I retired from a major airline and have a great retirement in addition to my SS. I still have a great IRA too.

Oh, and another FYI, I had my own business at age 19. It was a hair salon, but I decided after a few years that doing that just wasn't for me, so I went to work for the airlines.

I also put myself through college and got a degree in Behavioral Science while I was working. Unfortunately, I never used it because at the time, I was making way more at the airline than any job I could have gotten in that field.

I have a partner and we've been together for 18 years but neither one of us wan to marry, but we have all of the legalities drawn up and recorded. He's richer than me and if he dies first, then i will be really rich.

As far as doing anything for the planet, I recycle everything I can. My recycle bin is always fuller than my trash bin. I belong to a group in my city who goes around gathering up trash and giving it to our local recycle company.

I know you won't believe any of this, but I could give you my name and you could check it out and see that it's 100% true. But, because I know there are trolls on these sites, I won't. And frankly, to quote Rhett, "I don't give a damn."
For someone who doesn't give a damn, you sure make lengthy damn!
I'm used to actually communicating with member of the boards I belong to and having civilized conversations. I guess this one is different because it seem that all any of you want to do is attack and insult. I'll keep that in mind from now on....sorry.
Yet, you insulted me and you don't even know me.
Yeah. Its hanging next to mine, too. :D
And you're proud to admit it? Oh shit, of course you are! Knuckle dragging, mouth breathing inbreeds are always proud to admit it.
Do you stupid hypocrites ever have anything other than stupid fucking left wing buzzwords?

Kittymom? No doubt you have no less than 5 fucking cats in your house. Probably fat as hell and smell like cat piss.

Do you have fleas?


Are you some stupid typical gold digging alcoholic living off your husbands money?

You are one of those two things. Either way, what we all know for a fact is you do nothing for illegals. You certainly don't allow them in your predominantly white gated community. We all know you are the type that doesn't do shit for the planet, and yet chant about THE global warming.

Like some stupid fat smelly typical ignorant know it all white left wing female.

JFC!! Are you always this offensively crude? FYI...I am a volunteer for an animal rescue group and I'm part of the cat rescue side. I do have cats, but all of them are seen by my vet regularly and except for two, are strictly indoor cats. The two who are indoor/outdoor wear very expensive flea/tick collars and there isn't a flea in my house or even in my yard. I also get my yard sprayed by a mosquito company and it kills all of the critters on it.

I'm 5'2" and weigh a whopping 110 pounds, so once again, you're full of shit! Oh, and I don't have a husband, but my house and car are paid for....all by me because I WORKED for it and also because I invested well. I've worked everyday of my life since I was 19 and I'm 72 now. I retired from a major airline and have a great retirement in addition to my SS. I still have a great IRA too.

Oh, and another FYI, I had my own business at age 19. It was a hair salon, but I decided after a few years that doing that just wasn't for me, so I went to work for the airlines.

I also put myself through college and got a degree in Behavioral Science while I was working. Unfortunately, I never used it because at the time, I was making way more at the airline than any job I could have gotten in that field.

I have a partner and we've been together for 18 years but neither one of us wan to marry, but we have all of the legalities drawn up and recorded. He's richer than me and if he dies first, then i will be really rich.

As far as doing anything for the planet, I recycle everything I can. My recycle bin is always fuller than my trash bin. I belong to a group in my city who goes around gathering up trash and giving it to our local recycle company.

I know you won't believe any of this, but I could give you my name and you could check it out and see that it's 100% true. But, because I know there are trolls on these sites, I won't. And frankly, to quote Rhett, "I don't give a damn."
All I got out of that is you are a cat loving lesbian.

Plus, all you are about is passing along the buzzwords, pushing emotional appeal and applying guilt.

While it is admirable that you work at an animal rescue center, the point is you have no clue what is truly happening at the border.

Your pathetic selective outrage NOW with "Trump" but not one word out of you hypocrites when those things were happening under obama is duly noted.

You are just a pawn for your democrat masters pushing along identity politics whenever, wherever and however they can.

There you are, just gleefully doing your job. Behavioral science? Interesting. Since you are an expert in the field tell us your thoughts about conformity, how it works, and tell us how that applies to hyped stories and endless protests that the left love to do.

Not to mention left wing agenda strategy. You seem to fit right in line with group think. Have anymore cliches or democrat buzzwords? Or do you have original thought.

If I am communicating with a deranged left wing parrot conformists, then I am crude as hell. Mainly to entertain, but also to show I have not the time nor inclination to get into a debate with a robot.
My partner is a MAN you idiot! You know what? Go fuck yourself because I tried to actually communicate with you in a civilized manner , but all you can do is insult and attack. I'm finished with you.
You must be a liberal. You want to insult others, but when they get back in your face, you cry foul.
I'm used to actually communicating with member of the boards I belong to and having civilized conversations. I guess this one is different because it seem that all any of you want to do is attack and insult. I'll keep that in mind from now on....sorry.

Maybe, but you hid from the fact that when you mentioned Vietnamese refugees and I told you the difference was that the Vietnamese refugees were LEGAL immigrants and the ones you are demanding be allowed in are ILLEGAL.


Suddenly you have no argument.

You don't care the damage done to AMERICAN children. You don't consider the damage done to the nation. It's irreparable. An open border policy is a death sentence for a nation.

I would say you're hiding something. Your agenda? Your motives?

The work you do for animals is commendable. But I can;t understand your stance on immigration. Surely you are familiar with TNR programs. Their purpose is to keep from having an overload of unwanted, unhealthy, unsustainable cats & kittens running around.
You see the enormous cost to responsible people trying to catch all the cats and the costs to spay & neuter. It gets expensive. Well, the cost to curb an illegal immigration problem is millions of times more costly. Who pays for it all?

Consider open borders to be the same as no one ever spaying and neutering cats in the wild.
Eventually the mess will be too large to handle (as it already is). Something HAS to be done to curb the growing problem or MANY MORE will suffer.
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And you're proud to admit it? Oh shit, of course you are! Knuckle dragging, mouth breathing inbreeds are always proud to admit it.
Do you stupid hypocrites ever have anything other than stupid fucking left wing buzzwords?

Kittymom? No doubt you have no less than 5 fucking cats in your house. Probably fat as hell and smell like cat piss.

Do you have fleas?


Are you some stupid typical gold digging alcoholic living off your husbands money?

You are one of those two things. Either way, what we all know for a fact is you do nothing for illegals. You certainly don't allow them in your predominantly white gated community. We all know you are the type that doesn't do shit for the planet, and yet chant about THE global warming.

Like some stupid fat smelly typical ignorant know it all white left wing female.

JFC!! Are you always this offensively crude? FYI...I am a volunteer for an animal rescue group and I'm part of the cat rescue side. I do have cats, but all of them are seen by my vet regularly and except for two, are strictly indoor cats. The two who are indoor/outdoor wear very expensive flea/tick collars and there isn't a flea in my house or even in my yard. I also get my yard sprayed by a mosquito company and it kills all of the critters on it.

I'm 5'2" and weigh a whopping 110 pounds, so once again, you're full of shit! Oh, and I don't have a husband, but my house and car are paid for....all by me because I WORKED for it and also because I invested well. I've worked everyday of my life since I was 19 and I'm 72 now. I retired from a major airline and have a great retirement in addition to my SS. I still have a great IRA too.

Oh, and another FYI, I had my own business at age 19. It was a hair salon, but I decided after a few years that doing that just wasn't for me, so I went to work for the airlines.

I also put myself through college and got a degree in Behavioral Science while I was working. Unfortunately, I never used it because at the time, I was making way more at the airline than any job I could have gotten in that field.

I have a partner and we've been together for 18 years but neither one of us wan to marry, but we have all of the legalities drawn up and recorded. He's richer than me and if he dies first, then i will be really rich.

As far as doing anything for the planet, I recycle everything I can. My recycle bin is always fuller than my trash bin. I belong to a group in my city who goes around gathering up trash and giving it to our local recycle company.

I know you won't believe any of this, but I could give you my name and you could check it out and see that it's 100% true. But, because I know there are trolls on these sites, I won't. And frankly, to quote Rhett, "I don't give a damn."
For someone who doesn't give a damn, you sure make lengthy damn!
I'm used to actually communicating with member of the boards I belong to and having civilized conversations. I guess this one is different because it seem that all any of you want to do is attack and insult. I'll keep that in mind from now on....sorry.
Yet, you insulted me and you don't even know me.

Liberals do that. They insult you, and then when you respond appropriately, they act like something in wrong with you for being upset.
Yeah. Its hanging next to mine, too. :D
And you're proud to admit it? Oh shit, of course you are! Knuckle dragging, mouth breathing inbreeds are always proud to admit it.
Do you stupid hypocrites ever have anything other than stupid fucking left wing buzzwords?

Kittymom? No doubt you have no less than 5 fucking cats in your house. Probably fat as hell and smell like cat piss.

Do you have fleas?


Are you some stupid typical gold digging alcoholic living off your husbands money?

You are one of those two things. Either way, what we all know for a fact is you do nothing for illegals. You certainly don't allow them in your predominantly white gated community. We all know you are the type that doesn't do shit for the planet, and yet chant about THE global warming.

Like some stupid fat smelly typical ignorant know it all white left wing female.

JFC!! Are you always this offensively crude? FYI...I am a volunteer for an animal rescue group and I'm part of the cat rescue side. I do have cats, but all of them are seen by my vet regularly and except for two, are strictly indoor cats. The two who are indoor/outdoor wear very expensive flea/tick collars and there isn't a flea in my house or even in my yard. I also get my yard sprayed by a mosquito company and it kills all of the critters on it.

I'm 5'2" and weigh a whopping 110 pounds, so once again, you're full of shit! Oh, and I don't have a husband, but my house and car are paid for....all by me because I WORKED for it and also because I invested well. I've worked everyday of my life since I was 19 and I'm 72 now. I retired from a major airline and have a great retirement in addition to my SS. I still have a great IRA too.

Oh, and another FYI, I had my own business at age 19. It was a hair salon, but I decided after a few years that doing that just wasn't for me, so I went to work for the airlines.

I also put myself through college and got a degree in Behavioral Science while I was working. Unfortunately, I never used it because at the time, I was making way more at the airline than any job I could have gotten in that field.

I have a partner and we've been together for 18 years but neither one of us wan to marry, but we have all of the legalities drawn up and recorded. He's richer than me and if he dies first, then i will be really rich.

As far as doing anything for the planet, I recycle everything I can. My recycle bin is always fuller than my trash bin. I belong to a group in my city who goes around gathering up trash and giving it to our local recycle company.

I know you won't believe any of this, but I could give you my name and you could check it out and see that it's 100% true. But, because I know there are trolls on these sites, I won't. And frankly, to quote Rhett, "I don't give a damn."
For someone who doesn't give a damn, you sure make lengthy damn!
I'm used to actually communicating with member of the boards I belong to and having civilized conversations. I guess this one is different because it seem that all any of you want to do is attack and insult. I'll keep that in mind from now on....sorry.

So, you consider this civilized?

Knuckle dragging, mouth breathing inbreeds are always proud to admit it.
This is appalling.

I agree. Let this be a lesson to aspiring illegal aliens.
They have every legal right to seek refugee asylum, STOP LYING!

It's Sunday!

and our government has NO LEGAL RIGHT TO STEAL THE CHILDREN OF ANYONE, without due process with lawyer present, in a court room, period.
If they enter at the authorized ports they can ask for asylum
If they enter illegally they can not ask for asylum
Simple as that
That is a tale told by the liar n chief....

By law, no matter where they cross, they are entitled to seek refugee status and entitled to a hearing before an immigration judge.

From all that I have read up on it, they can be turned down for asylum status, in their hearing before a judge, if they do not meet the criteria.... but we can NOT legally turn refugees seeking asylum away, without allowing them their due process to seek asylum.

And as far as our government taking kids away from their parents and not returning them, that too is ILLEGAL, without giving any parent the right to defend themselves and their children from BIG BROTHER stealing these children, from their parents, without the government, proving in a court of law, the children are in grave danger, if they are returned to their parents.

THIS is LAWLESSNESS on the admin's part....

Oh well. I hope the little bastards were sterilized while in government custody so they can't breed more mexishit. Their "parents" shouldn't have come here illegally. No one to blame but themselves

God you're awful! I've read the terrible things you've said about blacks too and I'll bet you have your hood and robe hanging in your closet.
Yeah. Its hanging next to mine, too. :D
And you're proud to admit it? Oh shit, of course you are! Knuckle dragging, mouth breathing inbreeds are always proud to admit it.
Do you stupid hypocrites ever have anything other than stupid fucking left wing buzzwords?

Kittymom? No doubt you have no less than 5 fucking cats in your house. Probably fat as hell and smell like cat piss.

Do you have fleas?


Are you some stupid typical gold digging alcoholic living off your husbands money?

You are one of those two things. Either way, what we all know for a fact is you do nothing for illegals. You certainly don't allow them in your predominantly white gated community. We all know you are the type that doesn't do shit for the planet, and yet chant about THE global warming.

Like some stupid fat smelly typical ignorant know it all white left wing female.

JFC!! Are you always this offensively crude? FYI...I am a volunteer for an animal rescue group and I'm part of the cat rescue side. I do have cats, but all of them are seen by my vet regularly and except for two, are strictly indoor cats. The two who are indoor/outdoor wear very expensive flea/tick collars and there isn't a flea in my house or even in my yard. I also get my yard sprayed by a mosquito company and it kills all of the critters on it.

I'm 5'2" and weigh a whopping 110 pounds, so once again, you're full of shit! Oh, and I don't have a husband, but my house and car are paid for....all by me because I WORKED for it and also because I invested well. I've worked everyday of my life since I was 19 and I'm 72 now. I retired from a major airline and have a great retirement in addition to my SS. I still have a great IRA too.

Oh, and another FYI, I had my own business at age 19. It was a hair salon, but I decided after a few years that doing that just wasn't for me, so I went to work for the airlines.

I also put myself through college and got a degree in Behavioral Science while I was working. Unfortunately, I never used it because at the time, I was making way more at the airline than any job I could have gotten in that field.

I have a partner and we've been together for 18 years but neither one of us wan to marry, but we have all of the legalities drawn up and recorded. He's richer than me and if he dies first, then i will be really rich.

As far as doing anything for the planet, I recycle everything I can. My recycle bin is always fuller than my trash bin. I belong to a group in my city who goes around gathering up trash and giving it to our local recycle company.

I know you won't believe any of this, but I could give you my name and you could check it out and see that it's 100% true. But, because I know there are trolls on these sites, I won't. And frankly, to quote Rhett, "I don't give a damn."
They why do you wanna force fucked up up socialism on everybody you disagree with?

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