Some kids separated at border may never see parents again

Californians might get a sideways chuckle out of this. A while back a Mexican next door neighbor of mine was pissed off at me because I called the local FD because this moron had to have a stereotypical bonfire Mexicans seem to adore. This in spite of the fact we are in a drought and in the middle of a red flag, no fire ban, mid summer. A huge fire ten feet tall with sparks against my garage and a pine tree (highly flammable I might add). This Mexican boy didn't get it. He seems to think he's still in Mexico. Because some people give them sanctuary and stuff, they think they can do anything they damn well please. Which is why we are not so happy with our so called government giving these wankers "sanctuary" to begin with.

Yup, welcome to Kalifornia.
Californians might get a sideways chuckle out of this. A while back a Mexican next door neighbor of mine was pissed off at me because I called the local FD because this moron had to have a stereotypical bonfire Mexicans seem to adore. This in spite of the fact we are in a drought and in the middle of a red flag, no fire ban, mid summer. A huge fire ten feet tall with sparks against my garage and a pine tree (highly flammable I might add). This Mexican boy didn't get it. He seems to think he's still in Mexico. Because some people give them sanctuary and stuff, they think they can do anything they damn well please. Which is why we are not so happy with our so called government giving these wankers "sanctuary" to begin with.

Yup, welcome to Kalifornia.
Kkkalifornia used to be a great place. Now, its burning down. Ironic being that it's the liberals that are the ones pushing for ecology and sensitivity to nature. It's fitting, really. Karma. I am thinking of the Billy Joel song, I first heard in the outskirts of San Francisco in 89'.

Hey, as long as the Delta Smelt is safe, that's all that matters.
Would you like to compare the number of documented lies/misleading statements by CNN versus the documented/verified lies/misleading statements by Donald J Trump, since January 20, 2017?

Sure. Show me theTrump statement you feel is the most egregious.

Here is a list of over 3,200 lies or misleading claims, that have not debunked by Trump, the White House or by any Trump supporters.

Analysis | In 497 days, President Trump has made over 3,200 false or misleading claims
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Meanwhile, back at the ranch; Here in Denver we have an EBOLA scare because, well because, unrestrained immigration and open borders and stuff. Isn't that great? I recently had a ride of my life via a local public transit bus with this Somalian bus driver and navigator kid brother , neither of which spoke English well , which came in damned handy since everyone else seemed to be from planet elsewhere. Fellow riders were either Mexicans or Africans of god knows who knows what extraction.The 48 bus on Federal if you must know, this Klingon love child bus driver didn't understand what bus stops, red lights or speed limits were. When I ask the driver, were does this route end? He defers to his backseat brother Somalian, They tell me, in no uncertain terms, "Negrak wahneloonap, shure natgong". This is who the Denver RTD hires, hard working immigrants with people skills. Yeah...
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Maybe they shouldgo back to the shitholes THEY created and try to fix them.

But they won't because, they can't.

They're too stupid
That right there is the heart of Trump’s America. He, his cabinet and his supporters are vile human beings.
No we're not. You are speaking from a place of small knowledge and big hate. The artificial world of Libtardia. And you dress funny too.
Your name is gay. Nobody cares that you run marathons, or whatever the fuck it’s suppose to mean
You figured it out all by yourself?
Would you like to compare the number of documented lies/misleading statements by CNN versus the documented/verified lies/misleading statements by Donald J Trump, since January 20, 2017?

Sure. Show me theTrump statement you feel is the most egregious.

Here is a list of over 3,200 lies or misleading claims, that have not debunked by Trump, the White House or by any Trump supporters.

Analysis | In 497 days, President Trump has made over 3,200 false or misleading claims
Which do you feel is the most egregious?
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.
Well yes, and that's why people who support enforcing immigration laws should have opposed Trump's family separation policy. He tried to punish children, but in reality he created an entire new set of DACA illegal immigrants, who will receive FREE healthcare and FREE education on our dime. He could have expeditiously shipped the entire families back across the border, even placing the hundreds of miles from the location they entered the country, with no resources.

But no, he wanted to make a political statement to his pathetically misinformed base.
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.
The Lord...visits the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation. (Exodus 34:6-7 = Deuteronomy 5:8-10)

“Because of their iniquity, and also because of the iniquities of their fathers they shall rot away like them.” (Leviticus 26:39)
Do conservatives understand the word”empathy”?
Apparently, NO!
How many conservatives know what the Bible says about “empathy”?
Apparently, NONE!

I do not recall seeing the word EMPATHY in the bible----
can you say it in Greek? Hebrew? Aramaic?
I know the word compassion in Hebrew-----but not empathy
Galatians 5:14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

1 Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude.
Do conservatives understand the word”empathy”?
Apparently, NO!
How many conservatives know what the Bible says about “empathy”?
Apparently, NONE!

We need to build a wall and quickly unite these children with their parents back in their country of origin.

Do conservatives understand the word”empathy”?
Apparently, NO!
How many conservatives know what the Bible says about “empathy”?
Apparently, NONE!

We need to build a wall and quickly unite these children with their parents back in their country of origin.

Build the wall and it will pay for itself. It will keep out drugs, criminals that we will not have to pay for incarcerations. Anchor babies that are draining our education, medical and social services. No tax breaks for low wage earning illegals. Employers will hire Americans with higher wages and they will pay more in taxes. I am a diehard liberal and I stand with Trump on immigration.
Do conservatives understand the word”empathy”?
Apparently, NO!
How many conservatives know what the Bible says about “empathy”?
Apparently, NONE!

I do not recall seeing the word EMPATHY in the bible----
can you say it in Greek? Hebrew? Aramaic?
I know the word compassion in Hebrew-----but not empathy
Galatians 5:14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

1 Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude.

thanks for the sentiment-----but it has nothing to do with
my comment. Jesus quoted Hillel lots-----it is a Pharisee
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.
Another reason to build the wall: For the children!
Do conservatives understand the word”empathy”?
Apparently, NO!
How many conservatives know what the Bible says about “empathy”?
Apparently, NONE!

We need to build a wall and quickly unite these children with their parents back in their country of origin.


Most of them would have never got into the US if our border security infrastructure wasn't so inadequate in many areas.

Asylum seekers should either go to a port of entry or the US embassy in their country of origin.
This is appalling.

I agree. Let this be a lesson to aspiring illegal aliens.
Let it be a lesson to us. We the taxpayers will now have to take care of them until they are 18. Stop them at the border,

Well, if it keeps new ones from coming.....worth it.
Build the wall. Now.

Trump and you Little Trumpsters are so out of touch with a huge majority of Americans, that is particularly pathetic.

A majority of Americans oppose building Trump's wall, but 83% support giving Dreamers citizenship.
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.

Shouldn’t you blame the parents!

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