Some kids separated at border may never see parents again

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.

These children cane to the US ILLEGALLY. They’re lucky not to have been shot at the border. Send them back and let them try to find their parents.

The only outrage here is that we fed and housed these wastes of flesh and oxygen (parents and kids) this long before we disposed of them.
You want to send small children back to find their parents when some of them are too small to even know what country they came from? You would shoot a child who was brought here to escape that very thing in their war torn countries?

A 6 year old girl was sexually abused in a detention center and after she reported it, she was forced to sign a statement saying she understood it was HER responsibility to stay away from her abuser. After that happened, her abuser did it again, right after he hit her. How do you feel about that? How can you not feel some empathy for these children? Are you that heartless?

And BTW, it was trump who made the decision to put them in detention centers. What has been done in the past was they were fitted with a bracelet and allowed to leave, but they would have to return for their court date. And, most of them did show up for their court dates.

So the parents brought them here illegally and the parents knew that, and we are supposed to have empathy and raise all those kids with taxpayers money. Who gives you the right to say we aren’t empathetic, we want a wall and no more catch and release, if we keep the first ones from getting in then the rest won’t try, isn’t that empathy,

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Lol “fuck those kids.” So proud.

So Captain Compassion, what exactly are you doing to help the situation?
Voting :fu:

:fu:Us to dickhead, See that is why you need to adopt a few, then they can become citizens, train them as you see fit, and you can increase your voting base.
“My” voting base is already the overwhelming majority. I’ll still welcome these kids to it, though :thup:

Ok time will tell, but you still need to adopt them first, then they can vote a citizens to pad your perceived lead.
According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.

These children cane to the US ILLEGALLY. They’re lucky not to have been shot at the border. Send them back and let them try to find their parents.

The only outrage here is that we fed and housed these wastes of flesh and oxygen (parents and kids) this long before we disposed of them.
You want to send small children back to find their parents when some of them are too small to even know what country they came from? You would shoot a child who was brought here to escape that very thing in their war torn countries?

A 6 year old girl was sexually abused in a detention center and after she reported it, she was forced to sign a statement saying she understood it was HER responsibility to stay away from her abuser. After that happened, her abuser did it again, right after he hit her. How do you feel about that? How can you not feel some empathy for these children? Are you that heartless?

And BTW, it was trump who made the decision to put them in detention centers. What has been done in the past was they were fitted with a bracelet and allowed to leave, but they would have to return for their court date. And, most of them did show up for their court dates.

So the parents brought them here illegally and the parents knew that, and we are supposed to have empathy and raise all those kids with taxpayers money. Who gives you the right to say we aren’t empathetic, we want a wall and no more catch and release, if we keep the first ones from getting in then the rest won’t try, isn’t that empathy,

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The Constitution's called 'free speech'.

I am surprised you did not know that.
This is appalling.

I agree. Let this be a lesson to aspiring illegal aliens.
Let it be a lesson to us. We the taxpayers will now have to take care of them until they are 18. Stop them at the border,

Well, if it keeps new ones from coming.....worth it.
Build the wall. Now.

Trump and you Little Trumpsters are so out of touch with a huge majority of Americans, that is particularly pathetic.

A majority of Americans oppose building Trump's wall, but 83% support giving Dreamers citizenship.

so out of touch with a huge majority of Americans, that is particularly pathetic.

The majority are tired of illegal aliens. Give them the boot, build the wall.
Then we'll talk about maybe giving some "dreamers" citizenship. Maybe.
Well , today the Little Trumpsters, again demonstrated their inability to have empathy, because their minds are so small and dominated by Trumpism. They ignore the psychological harm knowingly done to children and all they can say, “the Wall, the Wall”!
This is right out of 1984. Scary.

How does caring about the children so they don’t end up smuggled across the. Border a lack of empathy? Why does wishing them to build up theirs homes rather than get smuggled into ours lacking empathy?
Sympathy is a very devious manipulation tool for liberals. It’s part of the overall “racist” name calling shaming inspired attempts. Does not work here once recognized
According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.

These children cane to the US ILLEGALLY. They’re lucky not to have been shot at the border. Send them back and let them try to find their parents.

The only outrage here is that we fed and housed these wastes of flesh and oxygen (parents and kids) this long before we disposed of them.
You want to send small children back to find their parents when some of them are too small to even know what country they came from? You would shoot a child who was brought here to escape that very thing in their war torn countries?

A 6 year old girl was sexually abused in a detention center and after she reported it, she was forced to sign a statement saying she understood it was HER responsibility to stay away from her abuser. After that happened, her abuser did it again, right after he hit her. How do you feel about that? How can you not feel some empathy for these children? Are you that heartless?

And BTW, it was trump who made the decision to put them in detention centers. What has been done in the past was they were fitted with a bracelet and allowed to leave, but they would have to return for their court date. And, most of them did show up for their court dates.

So the parents brought them here illegally and the parents knew that, and we are supposed to have empathy and raise all those kids with taxpayers money. Who gives you the right to say we aren’t empathetic, we want a wall and no more catch and release, if we keep the first ones from getting in then the rest won’t try, isn’t that empathy,

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The Constitution's called 'free speech'.

I am surprised you did not know that.

Free speech is not the same as stupid speech...dumbass.
According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.

These children cane to the US ILLEGALLY. They’re lucky not to have been shot at the border. Send them back and let them try to find their parents.

The only outrage here is that we fed and housed these wastes of flesh and oxygen (parents and kids) this long before we disposed of them.
You want to send small children back to find their parents when some of them are too small to even know what country they came from? You would shoot a child who was brought here to escape that very thing in their war torn countries?

A 6 year old girl was sexually abused in a detention center and after she reported it, she was forced to sign a statement saying she understood it was HER responsibility to stay away from her abuser. After that happened, her abuser did it again, right after he hit her. How do you feel about that? How can you not feel some empathy for these children? Are you that heartless?

And BTW, it was trump who made the decision to put them in detention centers. What has been done in the past was they were fitted with a bracelet and allowed to leave, but they would have to return for their court date. And, most of them did show up for their court dates.

So the parents brought them here illegally and the parents knew that, and we are supposed to have empathy and raise all those kids with taxpayers money. Who gives you the right to say we aren’t empathetic, we want a wall and no more catch and release, if we keep the first ones from getting in then the rest won’t try, isn’t that empathy,

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The Constitution's called 'free speech'.

I am surprised you did not know that.

Free speech is not the same as stupid speech...dumbass.

LOL...well that is the least intelligent sounding post I have read so far today.

So, he asked 'who gives you the right to say we aren't empathetic?'

And I rightly told him - the Constitution's, First Amendment which guarantees free speech.

And then you turn around and say 'free speech is not stupid speech...dumbass'.

And that is the most intelligent and fact-based reply you are capable of giving on this subject?


So noted.

Well, after seeing several of your posts...and seeing that you clearly are little more than a troll (plus, your IQ/education/sense of honor seems to be severely lacking)...welcome to my ignore list.

I do not waste my time (knowingly) on trolls.

Have a wonderful day, troll.

Ta ta.
According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.

These children cane to the US ILLEGALLY. They’re lucky not to have been shot at the border. Send them back and let them try to find their parents.

The only outrage here is that we fed and housed these wastes of flesh and oxygen (parents and kids) this long before we disposed of them.

Your attitude is disgusting.

Welcome to my Ignore xenophobic pig.

I don't knowingly waste time on people who so easily dehumanize others.
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.

Is this where we're supposed to blame our government for bad foreign parenting? It must be. Shove projection up the ass of anyone who participates in this BS.
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.

Is this where we're supposed to blame our government for bad foreign parenting? It must be. Shove projection up the ass of anyone who participates in this BS.

LOL...and yet another sophisticated, well researched, link included, intelligent and compelling response from a Trumpbot.


Your reply seems to fit in EXACTLY with my impression of most Trumpbots...uneducated, xenophobic, (mostly) racist and probably misogynistic to boot.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?

Enjoy you time with political power. It will not last.

Welcome to my Ignore List.

Have a wonderful day.
These children cane to the US ILLEGALLY. They’re lucky not to have been shot at the border. Send them back and let them try to find their parents.

The only outrage here is that we fed and housed these wastes of flesh and oxygen (parents and kids) this long before we disposed of them.
You want to send small children back to find their parents when some of them are too small to even know what country they came from? You would shoot a child who was brought here to escape that very thing in their war torn countries?

A 6 year old girl was sexually abused in a detention center and after she reported it, she was forced to sign a statement saying she understood it was HER responsibility to stay away from her abuser. After that happened, her abuser did it again, right after he hit her. How do you feel about that? How can you not feel some empathy for these children? Are you that heartless?

And BTW, it was trump who made the decision to put them in detention centers. What has been done in the past was they were fitted with a bracelet and allowed to leave, but they would have to return for their court date. And, most of them did show up for their court dates.

So the parents brought them here illegally and the parents knew that, and we are supposed to have empathy and raise all those kids with taxpayers money. Who gives you the right to say we aren’t empathetic, we want a wall and no more catch and release, if we keep the first ones from getting in then the rest won’t try, isn’t that empathy,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Constitution's called 'free speech'.

I am surprised you did not know that.

Free speech is not the same as stupid speech...dumbass.

LOL...well that is the least intelligent sounding post I have read so far today.

So, he asked 'who gives you the right to say we aren't empathetic?'

And I rightly told him - the Constitution's, First Amendment which guarantees free speech.

And then you turn around and say 'free speech is not stupid speech...dumbass'.

And that is the most intelligent and fact-based reply you are capable of giving on this subject?


So noted.

Well, after seeing several of your posts...and seeing that you clearly are little more than a troll (plus, your IQ/education/sense of honor seems to be severely lacking)...welcome to my ignore list.

I do not waste my time (knowingly) on trolls.

Have a wonderful day, troll.

Ta ta.

Wow, you can tell all that, you must be one of them intelligent liberals. BTW....OH NO, not the ignore list.
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.

Every year many more American children die and will never see their parents. I don't believe you have ever mentioned the Americans once.

But oh the illegals and criminals! If they aren't getting free pork, oh no!
The leftists are pissed that the illegal children aren't making it to their plantations and the illegal voters to the voting booths.
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.
Apparently a lot of people think it is funny. Sad state of affairs.
Do conservatives understand the word”empathy”?
Apparently, NO!
How many conservatives know what the Bible says about “empathy”?
Apparently, NONE!

How is feeling for the children kidnapped and smuggled across the border not empathy?

Why is it limited to just those? You do realize there no one is questioning the seperation of children when there is reasonable cause to suspect trafficking right?
Seiously? She's only 6!
A 6-Year-Old Girl Was Sexually Abused in an Immigrant-Detention Center
According to immigrant-rights advocates, a 6-year-old girl separated from her mother under the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy was sexually abused while at an Arizona detention facility run by Southwest Key Programs. The child was then made to sign a form acknowledging that she was told to maintain her distance from her alleged abuser, who is another child being held at the same detention facility.

The girl, who is only identified by the initials D.L., and her mother had been fleeing gang violence in their native Guatemala. According to the family, the pair entered the United States at a point of entry in El Paso, Texas, on May 24, where they presented Border Patrol authorities with paperwork claiming that they had “credible fear” that returning to Guatemala would result in harm. On May 26, government officials separated D.L. from her mother and sent her to Casa Glendale, a shelter outside of Phoenix operated by Southwest Key Programs. It was there that the alleged abuse occurred.
'We haven't seen their faces. We don't know their names. We only know a number: 711.

That's how many immigrant kids from separated families remain in custody, according to the latest government tally.
Officials say that, for various reasons, their families weren't eligible for reunification by Thursday's deadline. They might be in the future, although a former head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement warned this week that some of the children might never see their parents again.
What happens to these kids could vary greatly depending on each individual case. Attorneys are still battling over the next steps in court.

And as the landscape shifts, lawyers for immigration advocacy groups are trying to figure things out as they go.'

711 kids in custody haven't been reunited with their parents. What happens to them now? - CNNPolitics

According to the attached video to this link, over half of the parents with separated children have already been deported!?!

This is appalling.
Those poor children who did nothing wrong.

I know. Abandoned by their parents. What scum these poor children were borne to. Did you know that 80% of these kids came up here with no parents and that they are mostly 18+ year old males? Fuck those kids. Fuck their dirt bag parents.

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