some liberal give me one reason I should vote democrat?

Democrats don't benefit me at my age. It's all take.were coming up to July 4the and the way I see it most democrats Pisa on on it and wipe the constitution with thier Ass.

If you include ALL taxes and fees, the nonrich now pay more percentage wise than the rich, and big corporations less than small business. Pub dupes!! We need more DEMAND!!

I don't care with percentage , I care about jobs and my wallet.
FINALLY make the megarich pay more like their fair share and invest in training and education, infrastructure that we need. How bout immigration reform to include the deserving and a good SS/ID card to stop the mess. Save ACA that saves money EVERYWHERE. Basically, reality and intelligence...

Those are all reasons to vote against Democrats.

Just more of the same rape, pillage and plunder.

Wrong again. It's Voodoo tax rates that have ruined the nonrich- see sig pp1- and all the above that's helping them. Obviously except to totally misled Fox/Rush/Becketc bots...

How does cutting tax rates ruin anyone? What economic theory supports that conclusion?
And move back to a blue state?
The weather? No.thanks
Hospitals ? No.thanks after Obama care
Jobs? Name a blue state that out performs a red state
Girls as governors? More women republicans
by far as thanks
Cheap rent? That's a laugh in blue states
Cheap property taxes? See above
Not racist? Drove up to Madison Wisconsin.a.year.ago, was wondering what was missing at a no thanks.

Democrats don't offer me anything in 2014

I don't give a damn how you cast your vote as long as you are voting your hopes rather than your fears.
Democrats don't benefit me at my age. It's all take.were coming up to July 4the and the way I see it most democrats Pisa on on it and wipe the constitution with thier Ass.

What the fuck are you ranting about? You know howw mane people personally? Five?

Pew Research just did a poll that shows liberals are not proud to be Americans.
And move back to a blue state?
The weather? No.thanks
Hospitals ? No.thanks after Obama care
Jobs? Name a blue state that out performs a red state
Girls as governors? More women republicans
by far as thanks
Cheap rent? That's a laugh in blue states
Cheap property taxes? See above
Not racist? Drove up to Madison Wisconsin.a.year.ago, was wondering what was missing at a no thanks.

Democrats don't offer me anything in 2014

I don't give a damn how you cast your vote as long as you are voting your hopes rather than your fears.

I would like everyone moron like you to stop voting.
Democrats don't benefit me at my age. It's all take.were coming up to July 4the and the way I see it most democrats Pisa on on it and wipe the constitution with thier Ass.

do you get a social security check?
And move back to a blue state?
The weather? No.thanks
Hospitals ? No.thanks after Obama care
Jobs? Name a blue state that out performs a red state
Girls as governors? More women republicans
by far as thanks
Cheap rent? That's a laugh in blue states
Cheap property taxes? See above
Not racist? Drove up to Madison Wisconsin.a.year.ago, was wondering what was missing at a no thanks.

Democrats don't offer me anything in 2014

I don't give a damn how you cast your vote as long as you are voting your hopes rather than your fears.

I would like everyone moron like you to stop voting.

Has the concept of not letting politicians scare you into supporting things ever occurred to you?
And move back to a blue state?
The weather? No.thanks
Hospitals ? No.thanks after Obama care
Jobs? Name a blue state that out performs a red state
Girls as governors? More women republicans
by far as thanks
Cheap rent? That's a laugh in blue states
Cheap property taxes? See above
Not racist? Drove up to Madison Wisconsin.a.year.ago, was wondering what was missing at a no thanks.

Democrats don't offer me anything in 2014

If the gayness of this thread is any indicator, you should vote Democrat in case you ever want to marry your partner.
PLEASE stay in your red state.

After all, its a lot easier for you freeloaders to get your food stamps and welfare in a red state.
And move back to a blue state?
The weather? No.thanks
Hospitals ? No.thanks after Obama care
Jobs? Name a blue state that out performs a red state
Girls as governors? More women republicans
by far as thanks
Cheap rent? That's a laugh in blue states
Cheap property taxes? See above
Not racist? Drove up to Madison Wisconsin.a.year.ago, was wondering what was missing at a no thanks.

Democrats don't offer me anything in 2014

If the gayness of this thread is any indicator, you should vote D
emocrat in case you ever want to marry your partner.
that's all Y
ou have saying I am gay with two marriges and 3 kids and four step kids. Kind of butt hurt
some liberal give me one reason I should vote democrat?
Because Democrats are fiscally responsible people who want better financial education for our children and a better economy for our works. Wrongpublicans aren't.

Don't believe me? Well, since you don't have a location listed, I'll use my own current state's senators, Kay Hagan (D) and Richard Burr (R) as examples. Here's a few bills that Senator Hagan has sponsored:
S.453 : A bill to require that certain Federal job training and career education programs give priority to programs that lead to an industry-recognized and nationally portable credential.

S.528 : Protecting Financial Aid for Students and Taxpayers Act

S.829 : Financial Literacy for Students Act

And in contrast, this is what Senator Burr is interested in:
S.705 : War Memorial Protection Act of 2013

S.778 : A bill to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to issue cards to veterans that identify them as veterans, and for other purposes.

S.RES.79 : A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of Take Our Daughters and Sons To Work Day.

S.RES.67 : A resolution designating April 5, 2013, as "Gold Star Wives Day".

That's right, while Hagan is attempting to make the most of our education system and even improve it, Burr wants to protect lumps of rock famous for glorifying violence, get people to bring along their horrible whining brats to work, institute a national ID for veterans (which will cost money), and brainwash strong, independent womyn into wanting to stay home as slaves to patriarchal manpigs rather than get their tubes tied and go directly into the workforce out of college.

Really, is there a legitimate reason to NOT vote Democrat?

And move back to a blue state?
The weather? No.thanks
I can't do anything about the weather, and you trying to find an out in anticipation for your first challenge being met is exceedingly juvenile.
Democrats don't benefit me at my age. It's all take.were coming up to July 4the and the way I see it most democrats Pisa on on it and wipe the constitution with thier Ass.

English Language meet Cuisinart.

And move back to a blue state?
The weather? No.thanks
Florida has nice weather; blue state.

Hospitals ? No.thanks after Obama care
It's a nationwide program so it's bad news for you.

Jobs? Name a blue state that out performs a red state
I could name 8...


Cheap rent? That's a laugh in blue states
Florida has a pretty good record there again. So does Nevada.

Cheap property taxes? See above
Above what?

Not racist? Drove up to Madison Wisconsin.a.year.ago, was wondering what was missing at a no thanks.

Was that supposed to be English?

Democrats don't offer me anything in 2014

2014 should be a great year for the GOP.

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