some liberal give me one reason I should vote democrat?

Still no damn reason?i just want one good reason to vote Democrat, you dont offer me anything at the age of 49
years old
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And move back to a blue state?
The weather? No.thanks
Hospitals ? No.thanks after Obama care
Jobs? Name a blue state that out performs a red state
Girls as governors? More women republicans
by far as thanks
Cheap rent? That's a laugh in blue states
Cheap property taxes? See above
Not racist? Drove up to Madison Wisconsin.a.year.ago, was wondering what was missing at a no thanks.

Democrats don't offer me anything in 2014

You shouldn't. It's important to elect Republicans because they know what laws arecneeded to control Republicans. Like the death pentalty for commiting murder. We all know that it doesn't deter idiots that stupidly shoot someone while holding up a liquor store. They're neither Republica or Democtrat. They don't vote and lack the mental skills to that far ahead. I have, though, heard one Republican explain that if not for the death penalty, he would commit murder. So, we do need some Republican office to make laws that are effected.
Democrats don't benefit me at my age. It's all take.were coming up to July 4the and the way I see it most democrats Pisa on on it and wipe the constitution with thier Ass.

that's interesting considering that the red states get more in federal money than they put in and the blue states give more than they get.

at your age? well, if you're old enough, they're to talking about taking away *your* social security, so no doubt you're just fine.
I see where people vote just for the party they belong too....instead of voting for the "person" who would be our best leader, they vote just because they belong to a certain party. They vote for all the wrong reasons, and that is why we are not in the worst situation in our lifetimes.
Lmao guess you are not up on current event's baby

Control of the Senate and the Oval. The Senate should be going bye-bye in about 4 months however but Obama will still appoint 2 justices in the last two years :)eusa_pray:) and they'll be there for 3 or 4 decades each.'re still too poor to live in a blue state.

I doubt any conservative justices will be retiring before Obama's term is up. He may get to replace Ginzburg, but that won't change the balance of the court.

Just ensure it's center-left bend for another 20-30 years.:eusa_clap:
And move back to a blue state?
The weather? No.thanks
Hospitals ? No.thanks after Obama care
Jobs? Name a blue state that out performs a red state
Girls as governors? More women republicans
by far as thanks
Cheap rent? That's a laugh in blue states
Cheap property taxes? See above
Not racist? Drove up to Madison Wisconsin.a.year.ago, was wondering what was missing at a no thanks.

Democrats don't offer me anything in 2014
Weather?? This is first time I've heard Democrats blamed for the weather?

California has the best weather in the nation. No contest.

Any idea about what this dork meant by Madison Wisconsin?
You don't travel much and who the hell would want to move to California?
I see where people vote just for the party they belong too....instead of voting for the "person" who would be our best leader, they vote just because they belong to a certain party. They vote for all the wrong reasons, and that is why we are not in the worst situation in our lifetimes.

its the reason that a Congress with a 7% approval rating will have 90% of them incompetent asswipes getting re-elected.....and then we will be here bitching about the same shit for another election cycle...
Democrats don't benefit me at my age. It's all take.were coming up to July 4the and the way I see it most democrats Pisa on on it and wipe the constitution with thier Ass.

that's interesting considering that the red states get more in federal money than they put in and the blue states give more than they get.

at your age? well, if you're old enough, they're to talking about taking away *your* social security, so no doubt you're just fine.

And yet we get another far left Obama drone posting propaganda!

Seriously it is time to get all these far left posters one ID.

Seen one far left post seen them all.
e@ candy corn how am i dont have the skills to live in a blue state i already told yoi i left. You pay the price not me
They want you to pay higher taxes.
Pay more for gas.
Pay more for food.
Pay more for housing.
Pay more for insurance.

The far left wants your money!

You know Red States have lower taxes because they are heavily subsidized by the Federal Government? Right? It's been posted so many times on the USMB, you would have to be determined to stay ignorant to not know that.
And move back to a blue state?
The weather? No.thanks
Hospitals ? No.thanks after Obama care
Jobs? Name a blue state that out performs a red state
Girls as governors? More women republicans
by far as thanks
Cheap rent? That's a laugh in blue states
Cheap property taxes? See above
Not racist? Drove up to Madison Wisconsin.a.year.ago, was wondering what was missing at a no thanks.

Democrats don't offer me anything in 2014

You know that GOP governors go to Blue States to try to recruit workers, right? You don't see anyone from California or New York going to Texas to try to find skilled workers. What does that tell you about what Red States invests in their own people? I refuse to believe it's because Republicans are stupid people and have no skills. Just because the ones on the USMB can't learn, they can't all be that way.
If you enjoy paying taxes and don't want or expect anything in return, then the Republicans are the party for you.
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Oh i see results by voting for a Republican
USS Nimitz (CVN 68) 3 May 1975 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) 18 Oct 1977 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) 13 Mar 1982 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) 25 Oct 1986 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) 11 Nov 1989 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS George Washington (CVN 73) 4 July 1992 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) 9 Dec 1995 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) 25 July 1998 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) 12 July 2003 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) 10 Jan 2009 / -- Active -- see Fact File PCU Gerald R. Ford(CVN 78) under construction / -- Active -- see Fact File PCU John F. Kennedy(CVN
They want you to pay higher taxes.
Pay more for gas.
Pay more for food.
Pay more for housing.
Pay more for insurance.

The far left wants your money!

You know Red States have lower taxes because they are heavily subsidized by the Federal Government? Right? It's been posted so many times on the USMB, you would have to be determined to stay ignorant to not know that.

What the fuck? The entire blue state of Washington is subside with government military contact s who are you trying to fool?

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