some liberal give me one reason I should vote democrat?

Oh i see results by voting for a Republican
USS Nimitz (CVN 68) 3 May 1975 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) 18 Oct 1977 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) 13 Mar 1982 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) 25 Oct 1986 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) 11 Nov 1989 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS George Washington (CVN 73) 4 July 1992 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) 9 Dec 1995 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) 25 July 1998 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) 12 July 2003 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) 10 Jan 2009 / -- Active -- see Fact File PCU Gerald R. Ford(CVN 78) under construction / -- Active -- see Fact File PCU John F. Kennedy(CVN

So you measure the quality of your life by the number of warships in service?

Democrats don't benefit me at my age. It's all take.were coming up to July 4the and the way I see it most democrats Pisa on on it and wipe the constitution with thier Ass.

that's interesting considering that the red states get more in federal money than they put in and the blue states give more than they get.

at your age? well, if you're old enough, they're to talking about taking away *your* social security, so no doubt you're just fine.

And yet we get another far left Obama drone posting propaganda!

Seriously it is time to get all these far left posters one ID.

Seen one far left post seen them all.

says the far right drone.....seen one of your posts and you have seen them all.....
FINALLY make the megarich pay more like their fair share and invest in training and education, infrastructure that we need. How bout immigration reform to include the deserving and a good SS/ID card to stop the mess. Save ACA that saves money EVERYWHERE. Basically, reality and intelligence...
Basically, you are a fool. The ACA is proving to be too costly but idiots like you keep swallowing obamashitforbrains lies. IDIOT!!!!
Oh i see results by voting for a Republican
USS Nimitz (CVN 68) 3 May 1975 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) 18 Oct 1977 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) 13 Mar 1982 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) 25 Oct 1986 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) 11 Nov 1989 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS George Washington (CVN 73) 4 July 1992 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) 9 Dec 1995 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) 25 July 1998 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) 12 July 2003 / -- Active -- see Fact File USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) 10 Jan 2009 / -- Active -- see Fact File PCU Gerald R. Ford(CVN 78) under construction / -- Active -- see Fact File PCU John F. Kennedy(CVN

So you measure the quality of your life by the number of warships in service?
when the republicans do there job i can do mine
You vote for Democraps if...

You feel guilty about being white.
You believe voting for Obama means you are not a racist.
You believe Obama is intelligent and not chosen because he is black.
You believe all of the scandals around Obama are just by chance and bogus.
You believe all the mistakes by Obama are by chance and because of Bush.
You believe the US is evil and needs to be wiped from the face of the Earth.
You don't believe in borders, especially borders made by white people.
You believe socialism is the final end state for a country.
You believe horror stories about medical care in socialist countries are "FoxNews" lies.
You believe msnbc is not lying to you.
You believe Al Sharpton is not a criminal but a genius.
You are stupid.
So duped...see sig.

No one listens to you, pond scum, it's a toss up between you and KNoBhead who is the dumbest subversive on the board.... Between the 2 of you, the IQ isn't enough to keep a 50 W. bulb glowing!
I see where people vote just for the party they belong too....instead of voting for the "person" who would be our best leader, they vote just because they belong to a certain party. They vote for all the wrong reasons, and that is why we are not in the worst situation in our lifetimes.
At the national level, the party and the person become synonymous. If you don't carry the party line, you won't get the support you need to accomplish the goals needed to be considered a good leader. In Washington, you need the support of your party.
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Still no damn reason?i just want one good reason to vote Democrat, you dont offer me anything at the age of 49
years old

For you? Not much. But you're 49, sir. There's not going to be much legislative change that will drastically affect your income.

But you have seven kids. At least some of them are probably young adults by now. What kind of opportunities are they going to have? History shows that, while Republicans may talk more about the economy, it's Democrats who grow it.

  • Personal disposable income has grown nearly 6 times more under Democratic presidents
  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has grown 7 times more under Democratic presidents
  • Corporate profits have grown over 16% more per year under Democratic presidents (they actually declined under Republicans by an average of 4.53%/year)
  • Average annual compound return on the stock market has been 18 times greater under Democratic presidents (If you invested $100k for 40 years of Republican administrations you had $126k at the end, if you invested $100k for 40 years of Democrat administrations you had $3.9M at the end)
  • Republican presidents added 2.5 times more to the national debt than Democratic presidents
  • The two times the economy steered into the ditch (Great Depression and Great Recession) were during Republican, laissez faire administrations
some liberal give me one reason I should vote democrat?

Democrats are advocates of quality education, which would help you improve your clearly poor thinking and writing skills.

Conservatives are advocates of vouchers, which solve a problem of enabling kids in areas that struggle with quality education. Democrats are ore interested in blindly throwing money at a real problem so that unions and bureaucrats can get paid.
Because everyone will starve to death and women will be murdered in their beds and the sky will fall, if you vote republican
Only insane people keep voting one then another--with NO CHANGE ever in evidence. That's the definition of insanity--expecting a different result when supporting the SAME party, the Republicrats. I mean, mind control must be the answer here. You keep complaining to make yourself feel better, but to what end? Utter futility!
We must vote third parties, I suggest the Green Parry--go check out their website for yourself. At least they have a fresh perspective and alternatives to the same pablum the Republicrats spew forth.
I have 7 kids? When did that happen?

Three kids and four step kids?

Sherry? What is the count anyways 3 kids and think 6 step kids you forgot about alanya

Okay, then Alanya makes 9? Let me know if we're leaving anybody else out! :lol:

My point is, Democrats have a proven track record of steering the economy into better shape. They will create an environment that will better reward your kids' work.
I see where people vote just for the party they belong too....instead of voting for the "person" who would be our best leader, they vote just because they belong to a certain party. They vote for all the wrong reasons, and that is why we are not in the worst situation in our lifetimes.
At the national level, the party and the person become synonymous. If you don't carry the party line, you won't get the support you need to accomplish the goals needed to be considered a good leader. In Washington, you need the support of your party.

Can you actually name any of the people's business that has been accomplished? I dare you to state that our Congress has accomplished ANYTHING of note! All they seem to do is block/stall any legislation or repeal what WAS passed.

Note: Because Americans seem to think that voting the same people into office will produce different results, I dub the American public MIND CONTROLLED!! It was tried in Russia, and its been tried here in America--with ever-proven results. This nation is a basket case. It's over. Completely corrupt, self-interested people running the government, yet the public keeps voting them back into office--now that's the definition of insanity,period. I suggest that third parties are the solution to this quagmire that defines our government. Check out the Green Party at their website, they have fresh approaches to our pressing problems.
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Three kids and four step kids?

Sherry? What is the count anyways 3 kids and think 6 step kids you forgot about alanya

Okay, then Alanya makes 9? Let me know if we're leaving anybody else out! :lol:

My point is, Democrats have a proven track record of steering the economy into better shape. They will create an environment that will better reward your kids' work.

Proven track record? Where have you been?
Obamacare will push 2 million workers out of labor market:
Obamacare will push 2 million workers out of labor market: CBO - Washington Times
A report by Congress' nonpartisan budget analysts seems to have thrown Democrats onto the defensive after it concluded that the party's drive to boost the federal minimum wage could cost a half-million jobs by 2016.
Minimum wage report puts Democrats on defensive | Business & Technology | The Seattle Times

And what about that big hand out they recently passed out? What was it something like a million dollars per job created?
You talking about that proven track record?

oh my number is off a tad bit -->
Obama’s Economists: ‘Stimulus’ Has Cost $278,000 per Job
Obama?s Economists: ?Stimulus? Has Cost $278,000 per Job | The Weekly Standard
Those are some expensive jobs.

are these the proven track record you're talking about?:cuckoo:

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