Some much-needed rationale on Iran holding our sailors

Under such circumstances it would not be unusual to disarm members of a foreign military force — even a small one like the two Navy boats — and hold them temporarily for questioning.
What was exceptional about this episode — and perhaps a provocation — is that the Iranians videotaped the Americans during the encounter and posted the images on the Internet.
No, what was "exceptional and perhaps a provocation" was (possibly) forcing an American Military Officer to apologize on video and then broadcasting said video, it remains to be seen what the specifics were surrounding that video but it certainly does not bode well if that "apology" was coerced.
All you liberal Iran collaborators raise your hand and be counted, I'm sure the families of US soldiers injured and killed by Iran and their proxies would like to know who you are.

Raising my hand....I have three brothers who served in Viet Nam and a cousin who was military attache at the American Embassy in Iran in 1979, and one of the hostages. He was one of the ones beaten and interrogated. They know I am not any more an Iranian collaborator than they are.. Too bad you know NOTHING of what you speak.

P.S. And cousin is also one of the 52 hostages receiving $4.4M, as was announced recently by the White House.
I would hope the U.S. Navy wouldn't end up in that position under a GOP administration. The only thing Barry Hussein is good for is apologizing to renegade regimes and bowing to two bit dictators. The U.S. did not come out of this incident with much credibility.
All you liberal Iran collaborators raise your hand and be counted, I'm sure the families of US soldiers injured and killed by Iran and their proxies would like to know who you are.

Raising my hand....I have three brothers who served in Viet Nam and a cousin who was military attache at the American Embassy in Iran in 1979, and one of the hostages. He was one of the ones beaten and interrogated. They know I am not any more an Iranian collaborator than they are.. Too bad you know NOTHING of what you speak.

P.S. And cousin is also one of the 52 hostages receiving $4.4M, as was announced recently by the White House.

Grow a pair and pick a side, Iran's murderous thug dictatorship or the USA.
I would hope the U.S. Navy wouldn't end up in that position under a GOP administration. The only thing Barry Hussein is good for is apologizing to renegade regimes and bowing to two bit dictators. The U.S. did not come out of this incident with much credibility.

Well, you're "right" we should start a war with Iran over this incident...after all, look at how happy you'd be with Obama then...and, most of all, look at the economic boon for casket manufacturers.
All you liberal Iran collaborators raise your hand and be counted, I'm sure the families of US soldiers injured and killed by Iran and their proxies would like to know who you are.
Let me guess...your definition of a "Iran collaborator" is someone who disagrees with you ... or someone who is relieved we did NOT go apeshit and start a war with Iran over our sailors whom we got back within 24 hours.
Gotta love the anti-American leftwingers!!!

It's always America's fault. Why do they stay in this God forsaken place?
I would hope the U.S. Navy wouldn't end up in that position under a GOP administration. The only thing Barry Hussein is good for is apologizing to renegade regimes and bowing to two bit dictators. The U.S. did not come out of this incident with much credibility.

I'm not sold on Cruz but I liked what he said about this....

" no US service member will ever be on their knees and any nation that captures any of our military will feel the full force and fury of the United States of America."
I would hope the U.S. Navy wouldn't end up in that position under a GOP administration. The only thing Barry Hussein is good for is apologizing to renegade regimes and bowing to two bit dictators. The U.S. did not come out of this incident with much credibility.

I'm not sold on Cruz but I liked what he said about this....

" no US service member will ever be on their knees and any nation that captures any of our military will feel the full force and fury of the United States of America."
Fond of saber rattling as long as it isn't your neck on the line, aren't you?
I would hope the U.S. Navy wouldn't end up in that position under a GOP administration. The only thing Barry Hussein is good for is apologizing to renegade regimes and bowing to two bit dictators. The U.S. did not come out of this incident with much credibility.

I'm not sold on Cruz but I liked what he said about this....

" no US service member will ever be on their knees and any nation that captures any of our military will feel the full force and fury of the United States of America."
we could kill two birds.
Perhaps they would have preferred the sailors go down fighting and most likely get themselves killed in the process.

You know, take one for the team and all. . .
what would the soldiers want ?

How about finish their deployment and get back home to their families in one piece.
in a perfect world. do the sailors feel humiliated ? that would be the place to start. it does go along with leading from behind, and putting America in it's place, but that's not supposed to happen from this side.

They should feel humiliated for allowing themselves to be in that position.
Permanent War purveyors can't admit that their own nation was in the wrong. They feel that would make them look weak to their fellow Permanent War purveyors. They truly believe the U.S. has the right to do anything it wants. They apply a hypocritical double standard to all of its actions.

I mean let's face it, if the Iranian Military had trespassed into U.S. waters, they'd likely be dead meat right now. So Iran did handle this incident with calm and reason. We should just acknowledge that and move on.
Permanent War purveyors can't admit that their own nation was in the wrong. They feel that would make them look weak to their fellow Permanent War purveyors. They truly believe the U.S. has the right to do anything it wants. They apply a hypocritical double standard to all of its actions. I mean let's face it, if the Iranian Military had trespassed into U.S. waters, they'd likely be dead meat right now. So Iran did handle this incident with calm and reason. We should just acknowledge that and move on.

Pulease, if that were the case we'd be blowing Russian bombers out of the sky
To quit sounding stupid Cruz and others should review such incidents going back to at least the USS Pueblo and get a sense of history before opening their pie holes.
Permanent War purveyors can't admit that their own nation was in the wrong. They feel that would make them look weak to their fellow Permanent War purveyors. They truly believe the U.S. has the right to do anything it wants. They apply a hypocritical double standard to all of its actions. I mean let's face it, if the Iranian Military had trespassed into U.S. waters, they'd likely be dead meat right now. So Iran did handle this incident with calm and reason. We should just acknowledge that and move on.

Pulease, if that were the case we'd be blowing Russian bombers out of the sky

We applauded our 'Good Friend' Turkey for shooting and killing Russian pilots as they parachuted down from their planes. We justified it because Turkey claimed the Russians had violated its sovereignty.

However In my opinion, what Turkey did was heinous and cowardly. But the U.S. stood behind it all the way. So Pulease, if the Iranian Military crosses into U.S. waters, they'll likely be blown to bits.

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