Some much-needed rationale on Iran holding our sailors

Grow a pair and pick a side, Iran's murderous thug dictatorship or the USA

Good news, Blues....someone with the other half of your brain gave your post a "wiener" .....LOL

Awe, are you bitter because you had to synch up your bra straps another notch due to sagging?
this is funny, but not in the way you intended it.
first, the word you wanted is cinch.
second, you can tell you're a killer with the ladies, what with your knowledge of bra strap notches and all.

You sound like my ex wife, you know like that teacher on the Charlie Brown cartoons.
that a woman could no longer stand to be around you comes as no surprise.
Grow a pair and pick a side, Iran's murderous thug dictatorship or the USA

Good news, Blues....someone with the other half of your brain gave your post a "wiener" .....LOL

Awe, are you bitter because you had to synch up your bra straps another notch due to sagging?
this is funny, but not in the way you intended it.
first, the word you wanted is cinch.
second, you can tell you're a killer with the ladies, what with your knowledge of bra strap notches and all.

You sound like my ex wife, you know like that teacher on the Charlie Brown cartoons.
that a woman could no longer stand to be around you comes as no surprise.

Lets get back on topic before some mod yells at me again for being mean to you libs.
Good news, Blues....someone with the other half of your brain gave your post a "wiener" .....LOL

Awe, are you bitter because you had to synch up your bra straps another notch due to sagging?
this is funny, but not in the way you intended it.
first, the word you wanted is cinch.
second, you can tell you're a killer with the ladies, what with your knowledge of bra strap notches and all.

You sound like my ex wife, you know like that teacher on the Charlie Brown cartoons.
that a woman could no longer stand to be around you comes as no surprise.

Lets get back on topic before some mod yells at me again for being mean to you libs.
fine, if you want to discuss more how much you hate our military and want to see them dead i'm all for it
It's very difficult trying to reason with with Permanent War purveyors. Because they aren't reasonable on the subject of war. Their biggest problem is that they apply a hypocritical double standard to all U.S. actions. They applaud questionable actions committed by the US, while condemning others for committing the very same actions.

Therefore, they can't admit the U.S. Military was in the wrong on this. They're gonna continue banging those War Drums no matter what. It's just what they do. You can try to reason with em, but i can tell you, it won't likely get ya anywhere. They want war, and that's that.
What questionable actions? the only "questionable action" here is (possibly) forcing one of our officers to give an "apology" on video and then broadcasting the video on Iranian State Television, if it's the case that it was indeed coerced then that is the act of belligerent nation.

However there is no need for any military action, we have a $150 Billion in frozen Iranian assets, a little note to the Ayatollahs along the lines of "That little stunt with our Naval Officer just cost you $150 billion, hope it was worth it" should suffice.
no force.he was coward.
Awe, are you bitter because you had to synch up your bra straps another notch due to sagging?
this is funny, but not in the way you intended it.
first, the word you wanted is cinch.
second, you can tell you're a killer with the ladies, what with your knowledge of bra strap notches and all.

You sound like my ex wife, you know like that teacher on the Charlie Brown cartoons.
that a woman could no longer stand to be around you comes as no surprise.

Lets get back on topic before some mod yells at me again for being mean to you libs.
fine, if you want to discuss more how much you hate our military and want to see them dead i'm all for it

So you make up a lie, then you want me to debate it with you? :haha:
That's cute, but if Obama has such "close ties" with the Iranian Government, why hasn't Iran freed all of the American hostages that have holed up in their prisons? Answer? Because he has done nothing to bring about their release.

You misjudge the effectiveness of Obama's foreign relations with Iran.

You should know that we ALSO are holding Iranian citizens in our prisons and the Iranians are looking to "trade".

You call Americans held in Iran "hostages" which is infantile. Would you stake your life in asserting that those Americans held there were NOT spying?
American citizens are the priority. If we could go after that traitor Bergdahl and free him, we can free Americans suspected of spying.

Oh, and then there's Saeed Abedini, a Christian pastor, 1490 days and counting in Iranian custody. Not a word from you.
Fully realizing that this issue was going to be used by GOP candidates to bash Obama during the latest "debate", what is lost in the demagoguery by these blow-hards is what EXACTLY they would do when faced by this type of situation.

Here's what Cruz and Christie hinted at, and what the AP stated about the issue:

CRUZ: Any country that makes U.S. service members get on their knees like the 10 sailors whose boats were boarded and seized by the Iranian military this week "will feel the full force and fury of the United States of America."

CHRISTIE: "Tin pot dictators ... are taking our Navy ships."

THE FACTS: Neither candidate addressed the fact that the short-lived crisis was created by the U.S. sailors who steered their boats into sovereign Iranian waters, where they were boarded and seized by Iranian naval forces. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Thursday that the U.S. sailors had made a navigation error.

Under such circumstances it would not be unusual to disarm members of a foreign military force — even a small one like the two Navy boats — and hold them temporarily for questioning. What was exceptional about this episode — and perhaps a provocation — is that the Iranians videotaped the Americans during the encounter and posted the images on the Internet.

The suggestion by Cruz that he would have launched a military attack on Iran in response to such an incident is hard to square with accepted international tests for the use of force.

Iran returned the sailors unharmed and their boats undamaged.


American citizens are the priority. If we could go after that traitor Bergdahl and free him, we can free Americans suspected of spying.

Oh, and then there's Saeed Abedini, a Christian pastor, 1490 days and counting in Iranian custody. Not a word from you.

You're right....We SHOULD start a war with Iran...after all, it turned out just great with Iraq, and the Pentagon has a while bunch of weapons to test out, and look what a new war would do in lowering the unemployment rate among our youth?
American citizens are the priority. If we could go after that traitor Bergdahl and free him, we can free Americans suspected of spying.

Oh, and then there's Saeed Abedini, a Christian pastor, 1490 days and counting in Iranian custody. Not a word from you.

You're right....We SHOULD start a war with Iran...after all, it turned out just great with Iraq, and the Pentagon has a while bunch of weapons to test out, and look what a new war would do in lowering the unemployment rate among our youth?

Meh we can just broadcast Nancy Pelosi press conferences over their air waves 24/7, I give it 2 weeks max before they will agree to anything if only we'll stop.
It's very difficult trying to reason with with Permanent War purveyors. Because they aren't reasonable on the subject of war. Their biggest problem is that they apply a hypocritical double standard to all U.S. actions. They applaud questionable actions committed by the US, while condemning others for committing the very same actions.

Therefore, they can't admit the U.S. Military was in the wrong on this. They're gonna continue banging those War Drums no matter what. It's just what they do. You can try to reason with em, but i can tell you, it won't likely get ya anywhere. They want war, and that's that.
What questionable actions? the only "questionable action" here is (possibly) forcing one of our officers to give an "apology" on video and then broadcasting the video on Iranian State Television, if it's the case that it was indeed coerced then that is the act of belligerent nation.

However there is no need for any military action, we have a $150 Billion in frozen Iranian assets, a little note to the Ayatollahs along the lines of "That little stunt with our Naval Officer just cost you $150 billion, hope it was worth it" should suffice.
no force.he was coward.
fact1: iran law= advertising and inviting iranian moslem to other religious is crime and its death penalty
i dont agree with this law.but its a law
fact2: he did it.he advertising christianity .
he organised 100 church in 30 city without any pemission.more than 2000 member.
2000 new christian.moslem who converted to christianity

huge huge money !!!!!!

fact3: he sentenced to only 8 years .no death penalty.

fact4:it was iran regime merci.
American citizens are the priority. If we could go after that traitor Bergdahl and free him, we can free Americans suspected of spying.

Oh, and then there's Saeed Abedini, a Christian pastor, 1490 days and counting in Iranian custody. Not a word from you.

You're right....We SHOULD start a war with Iran...after all, it turned out just great with Iraq, and the Pentagon has a while bunch of weapons to test out, and look what a new war would do in lowering the unemployment rate among our youth?
Did I say anything about starting a war with Iran?
Oh, and then there's Saeed Abedini, a Christian pastor, 1490 days and counting in Iranian custody. Not a word from you

Iran sentenced Saeed Abedini, a former Muslim who converted to evangelical Christianity, to eight years in prison for his alleged involvement with Iran's burgeoning house-church movement in the Shia-majority Iran.

No one ever said that Iran is a tolerant democracy and when one tries to proselytize in such a country, one faces the consequences of their religious laws....

BTW and it makes no difference to Abedini's jail sentence....
his wife has accused him of having abused her physically and sexually which unfortunately seems to be the norm among some evangelical pastors.
this is funny, but not in the way you intended it.
first, the word you wanted is cinch.
second, you can tell you're a killer with the ladies, what with your knowledge of bra strap notches and all.

You sound like my ex wife, you know like that teacher on the Charlie Brown cartoons.
that a woman could no longer stand to be around you comes as no surprise.

Lets get back on topic before some mod yells at me again for being mean to you libs.
fine, if you want to discuss more how much you hate our military and want to see them dead i'm all for it

So you make up a lie, then you want me to debate it with you? :haha:
do you not think we should have responded with force to the detention of our sailors?
Iran sentenced Saeed Abedini, a former Muslim who converted to evangelical Christianity, to eight years in prison for his alleged involvement with Iran's burgeoning house-church movement in the Shia-majority Iran.

Yeah, I know who he is. Far be it from you to care about religious persecution.

BTW and it makes no difference to Abedini's jail sentence....
his wife has accused him of having abused her physically and sexually which unfortunately seems to be the norm among some evangelical pastors.

Uh huh...

That claim was made in November, and no proof has surfaced. At some point last year, Naghmeh Abedini sent two emails to close friends accusing Saeed of spousal abuse. Then she went on record as having said that she "regretted having sent those emails."

Naghmeh Abedini regrets emails of marital woe

You must be an inborn liar or something. Because you always lie.
That's cute, but if Obama has such "close ties" with the Iranian Government, why hasn't Iran freed all of the American hostages that have holed up in their prisons? .
there are no American hostages in iran's prisons
then it's just like global warming.

Meet the Four Americans Held Hostage By Iran
an oft repeated lie is still a lie.

there are no hostages
then there is no iran.
That's cute, but if Obama has such "close ties" with the Iranian Government, why hasn't Iran freed all of the American hostages that have holed up in their prisons? Answer? Because he has done nothing to bring about their release.

You misjudge the effectiveness of Obama's foreign relations with Iran.

Are you apologize since the breaking news is that American prisoners in Iran are being FREED ????

(I doubt it.....since it takes some courage.).
That's cute, but if Obama has such "close ties" with the Iranian Government, why hasn't Iran freed all of the American hostages that have holed up in their prisons? .
there are no American hostages in iran's prisons
then it's just like global warming.

Meet the Four Americans Held Hostage By Iran
an oft repeated lie is still a lie.

there are no hostages
then there is no iran.
no, iran exists. prisoners exists. there are no hostages.

also, those prisoners have been released

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