(some) Muslims love Hitler

It was the Grand Mufti that convinced Hitler to impliment final solution rather than merely deporting Jews.

The Nazi SS Werewolfs trained the PLO.
Seems like Semites of all descriptions had a love affair with him...

I made this astonishing discovery while delving into the literature of the war and the Nazi occupation of France for my novel, Paris Never Leaves You. According to Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers by Bryan Mark Rigg, thousands of full Jews and more than a hundred-thousand part-Jews joined the military of the Third Reich. The stories of these men and of the psychological as well as the physical hazards they endured altered the book I had originally set out to write.
Some of the Jewish men who fought in Hitler’s military had been drafted. Others were patriots whose fathers, grandfathers, and uncles had served in the Imperial Army in WWI, and dutifully enlisted. One survivor described himself as a German first and a Jew second. Jewish allegiance to Germany in the early days of the Third Reich is one of the great unrequited love stories of history.
Seems like Semites of all descriptions had a love affair with him...

I made this astonishing discovery while delving into the literature of the war and the Nazi occupation of France for my novel, Paris Never Leaves You. According to Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers by Bryan Mark Rigg, thousands of full Jews and more than a hundred-thousand part-Jews joined the military of the Third Reich. The stories of these men and of the psychological as well as the physical hazards they endured altered the book I had originally set out to write.
Some of the Jewish men who fought in Hitler’s military had been drafted. Others were patriots whose fathers, grandfathers, and uncles had served in the Imperial Army in WWI, and dutifully enlisted. One survivor described himself as a German first and a Jew second. Jewish allegiance to Germany in the early days of the Third Reich is one of the great unrequited love stories of history.

It's like turkeys liking butchers because they're killing pigs right now.
Some of these , those , and those always love others that are this , that and that .
So what on earth are you babbling about , Morticia ?
Seems like Semites of all descriptions had a love affair with him...

I made this astonishing discovery while delving into the literature of the war and the Nazi occupation of France for my novel, Paris Never Leaves You. According to Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers by Bryan Mark Rigg, thousands of full Jews and more than a hundred-thousand part-Jews joined the military of the Third Reich. The stories of these men and of the psychological as well as the physical hazards they endured altered the book I had originally set out to write.
Some of the Jewish men who fought in Hitler’s military had been drafted. Others were patriots whose fathers, grandfathers, and uncles had served in the Imperial Army in WWI, and dutifully enlisted. One survivor described himself as a German first and a Jew second. Jewish allegiance to Germany in the early days of the Third Reich is one of the great unrequited love stories of history.
Hitler despised Arabs. He called them mud people. By 1939 every Arab state had signed up with the Allies.
Hitler despised Arabs. He called them mud people. By 1939 every Arab state had signed up with the Allies.
He didn'rt hate ALL arabs......but maybe he just considered them useful idiots.

I would be very surprised if you didn't know that already.

He didn'rt hate ALL arabs......but maybe he just considered them useful idiots.

I would be very surprised if you didn't know that already.


By 1939 every Arab state signed on with the Allies. By the time the mufti complained the population of Palestine had doubled with Jewish refugees. Is the mufti your new excuse?
By 1939 every Arab state signed on with the Allies. By the time the mufti complained the population of Palestine had doubled with Jewish refugees. Is the mufti your new excuse?
Excuse for what?

There were Muslim units in the Waffen SS from Bosnia and Albania, how come Nato and the West ended up supporting the Sons and Grandsons of those head hackers in the Balkan wars of the 90s ? Izetbegovic the Islamo Fascist head of the Bosnian Muslims even named one of his army units after the Bosnian Muslim SS from WW2.

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