Some NFL stadiums appear empth, is the boycott working?

The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)
The gatewaypundit....

'Some NFL stadiums appear empth, is the boycott working?'

Doesn't the title answer itself?
The Stadiums were "nearly empty" in Week 6?

The Jets/Dolphins game had an attendance of 65025. Hard Rock Cafe holds 75,540.
New York Jets vs. Miami Dolphins - Box Score - October 22, 2017

The Titans/Browns game had an attendance of 59,061 people. Paul Brown Stadium holds 65,000.
Tennessee Titans vs. Cleveland Browns - Box Score - October 22, 2017

The Panthers/Bears game had an attendance of 61256 people. Solider Field holds 61,500.
Carolina Panthers vs. Chicago Bears - Box Score - October 22, 2017

The Jags/Colts game had an attendance of 63104 people. Lucas Oil Stadium holds 70,000.
Jacksonville Jaguars vs. Indianapolis Colts - Box Score - October 22, 2017
'Some NFL stadiums appear empth, is the boycott working?'

Doesn't the title answer itself?
Of course not. Showing stadiums at kickoff before many have arrived proves nothing. Hell, the photo from one of those games is even before the game started. Which is why schlock sites like the gatewaypundit uses those photos in order to establish a false narrative.

Anyone who's been to a game knows many people are still finding their way to their seats into the first quarter -- which is why virtually every time you rightwingnuts claim stadiums are not full, you show pictures of the kickoff.

Meanwhile, here on planet reality, the average attendance in the NFL during the years 2006-2016 is:


While so far in 2017, the average attendance has been:


2017 NFL Football Attendance - National Football League - ESPN

Which just goes to prove that rightwingnuts and gatewaypundit are full of shit. But then, that is not exactly new information.
'Some NFL stadiums appear empth, is the boycott working?'

Doesn't the title answer itself?
Of course not. Showing stadiums at kickoff before many have arrived proves nothing. Hell, the photo from one of those games is even before the game started. Which is why schlock sites like the gatewaypundit uses those photos in order to establish a false narrative.

Anyone who's been to a game knows many people are still finding their way to their seats into the first quarter -- which is why virtually every time you rightwingnuts claim stadiums are not full, you show pictures of the kickoff.

Meanwhile, here on planet reality, the average attendance in the NFL during the years 2006-2016 is:


While so far in 2017, the average attendance has been:


2017 NFL Football Attendance - National Football League - ESPN

Which just goes to prove that rightwingnuts and gatewaypundit are full of shit. But then, that is not exactly new information.
Whatever you say....

National-anthem protests top list of reasons NFL fans tuned out last season: survey

Confirmed: NFL Losing Millions Of TV Viewers Because Of National Anthem Protests

NFL Anthem Protests Continue As Owners Dither, Trump Agitates, Fans React

'is the boycott working?'

It depends how you define 'working'?

- Advertisers have pulled ads and ended contracts with players.
- Fans have stayed away and have refused to purchase merchandise.
- Tv ratings are down.
- Players have responded by locking arms and standing up in reaction to fan anger / protests.

I would say the fans' protests have resulted in more results that the National Anthem protests.
'Some NFL stadiums appear empth, is the boycott working?'

Doesn't the title answer itself?
Of course not. Showing stadiums at kickoff before many have arrived proves nothing. Hell, the photo from one of those games is even before the game started. Which is why schlock sites like the gatewaypundit uses those photos in order to establish a false narrative.

Anyone who's been to a game knows many people are still finding their way to their seats into the first quarter -- which is why virtually every time you rightwingnuts claim stadiums are not full, you show pictures of the kickoff.

Meanwhile, here on planet reality, the average attendance in the NFL during the years 2006-2016 is:


While so far in 2017, the average attendance has been:


2017 NFL Football Attendance - National Football League - ESPN

Which just goes to prove that rightwingnuts and gatewaypundit are full of shit. But then, that is not exactly new information.
Whatever you say....

National-anthem protests top list of reasons NFL fans tuned out last season: survey

Confirmed: NFL Losing Millions Of TV Viewers Because Of National Anthem Protests

NFL Anthem Protests Continue As Owners Dither, Trump Agitates, Fans React

'is the boycott working?'

It depends how you define 'working'?

- Advertisers have pulled ads and ended contracts with players.
- Fans have stayed away and have refused to purchase merchandise.
- Tv ratings are down.
- Players have responded by locking arms and standing up in reaction to fan anger / protests.

I would say the fans' protests have resulted in more results that the National Anthem protests.

^^^ a rightwing putz running away from the thread topic.

We’re talking about folks going to games, not the 2% drop in TV viewership due to the boycott.
It was a good football weekend. My Bills won. That's the most important thing.
The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)

Maybe the lack of fans have something to do with the officials? For the last couple of years I've noticed the officials and their little yellow flag has become a dominate part of the game.

Of course there are biddable people like you, who have adopted the Trump spin and really believe the protest is about the flag, our National Anthem and our Military. It is not, and never has been.

But keep on posting this BIG LIE, it is divisive, racist and sadly the only thing neo fascist trumpanzees have in their tool box.
Of course not. If it is a trigger happy cop doing so without just cause, it's a crime.

I agree, it is. But then you have cases like Tamir Rice, Philandro Castille, Michael Brown, where cops are shooting unarmed black folks and being either not charged or let off.

Obviously, if it's a case of it being justified, an armed man not following orders etc, well NO amount of kneeling is going to change how law enforcement will deal with such circumstances. Deal with the bad apples and lax accountability, but do so outside of work.

Okay, let's look at that. Let's look how cops handled a white man carrying an AR-15 in public, and how they dealt with a person of color.

This isn't about the desire for a fair and honest justice system, everyone wants that, this is about the method in which to express this unhappiness. It's not helpful, and it offends many people. People don't go to the football games for politics, nor to watch their flag and anthem disrespected by the very people they are paying to watch. That's not entertainment.

I'm not sure everyone wants that. It seems that if you have 46% of people voting for a racist POS like Trump, a lot of white people are more scared of the Darkies than wanting to see fair play.

Oh, and now there are even questions about tax breaks given to these owners. Can you imagine how MASSIVE a personal cost it would be to the owners if the public keep pressing this issue?

The tax breaks are given because these teams produce revenues for their cities. Revoke them, they'll move somewhere else where they'd be just as happy to give them tax breaks.

Stand for the anthem and the flag. A small sacrifice to make for those risking their lives for their freedoms.

It seems to me one of those freedoms would be to not stand for the flag or the anthem if you don't want to.

Michael Brown? really? Michael Brown? it is sad that you ignore facts. People who witnessed this. just sad. Don't come in here talking like you want to pony up and all of us agree on cop and blacks with that as a point of discussion. You most likely believe hands up don't shoot then. Right? LOL. I guess you're like, fk them black witnesses, they lied cause you know.

And all of you posting stadium attendance, that is the paid attendance. It is not who came through the turn styles. funny.
The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)

Maybe the lack of fans have something to do with the officials? For the last couple of years I've noticed the officials and their little yellow flag has become a dominate part of the game.

Of course there are biddable people like you, who have adopted the Trump spin and really believe the protest is about the flag, our National Anthem and our Military. It is not, and never has been.

But keep on posting this BIG LIE, it is divisive, racist and sadly the only thing neo fascist trumpanzees have in their tool box.
We've been bitching about these shitstains since BEFORE Trump made his comments. Hell it started BEFORE he was even president. What trump did say recently was stupid but so is your statement above.
^^^ a rightwing putz running away from the thread topic.
Hardly, snowflake. I have posted links to articles in the past about stadiums being which snowflakes have responded how those have only been the stadiums of losing teams.

I have posted published photos of nowhere-near 'filled to capacity stadiums', as snowflakes have claimed, proviing they lied, and they always lie / deny / justify their lies.

I'm still standing here, not running, still dealing with snowflake BS. I just don't have the same interest in this issue, as it is one of the lesser piss-poor partisan political attacks on Trump and a distraction from the recently further revealed treason and criminal activities of Mueller, Obama, Holder, and the Clintons regarding the KNOWN wide-spread Russian Bribery / Extortion / Influence Purchasing of the Russians in 2009.
^^^ a rightwing putz running away from the thread topic.
Hardly, snowflake. I have posted links to articles in the past about stadiums being which snowflakes have responded how those have only been the stadiums of losing teams.

I have posted published photos of nowhere-near 'filled to capacity stadiums', as snowflakes have claimed, proviing they lied, and they always lie / deny / justify their lies.

I'm still standing here, not running, still dealing with snowflake BS. I just don't have the same interest in this issue, as it is one of the lesser piss-poor partisan political attacks on Trump and a distraction from the recently further revealed treason and criminal activities of Mueller, Obama, Holder, and the Clintons regarding the KNOWN wide-spread Russian Bribery / Extortion / Influence Purchasing of the Russians in 2009.
Who cares what photos you post? I posted the actual attendance figures showing attendance is higher this year the average over the past decade. You laughably show pictures of games at kickoff when not everyone is arrived at the game yet.
One of many reasons Conservatives suck at boycotting is what's a redneck to do if not watch football and then talk about it the next day? It does appear that the NFL is hurting a little, but the NFL decided it's better to offend conservatives than libtards, which is what they would have done if they told KP right off the bat, stand or don't play.
The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)
The gatewaypundit....

It is amazing to me that snowflakes - whose party has relied on white supremacist web sites and partisan Liberal Propaganda spreaders who have admitted live on the air they protect democrats / who have had to retract story after story / who have had to fire reporters for pushing partisan lies - attempt to attack anyone else for their sources.

^^^ a rightwing putz running away from the thread topic.
Hardly, snowflake. I have posted links to articles in the past about stadiums being which snowflakes have responded how those have only been the stadiums of losing teams.

I have posted published photos of nowhere-near 'filled to capacity stadiums', as snowflakes have claimed, proviing they lied, and they always lie / deny / justify their lies.

I'm still standing here, not running, still dealing with snowflake BS. I just don't have the same interest in this issue, as it is one of the lesser piss-poor partisan political attacks on Trump and a distraction from the recently further revealed treason and criminal activities of Mueller, Obama, Holder, and the Clintons regarding the KNOWN wide-spread Russian Bribery / Extortion / Influence Purchasing of the Russians in 2009.
they don't understand that attendance numbers are counted as paid attendance, not the numbers in the stadium. funny.

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