Some of the best proof yet of failed liberal policy

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

The left is under the absurd belief that moving jobs overseas makes the market "free". How ignorant does one have to be to think that corporations actually want to spend the millions upon millions to lay off workers, build new facilities in a foreign land, find interpreters to do business with, and then hire foreign workers?

This was done under the extreme necessity of government strangling business literally to their death with taxes and regulations.

Libtards are so dumb, they can't comprehend that businesses are basically consumers of business environments. Just as consumers shop store to store to store for the best price and quality, business shops nations/municipalities for the best environment (lowest taxes, least regulations, best labor laws, etc.). And when another location provides these things, liberals stand around scratching their heads wondering why. Then they take to the message boards and cry like little bitches about the "evil rich".

Curiosity killed the cat, but it seems pretty safe to ask someone with your apparent level of awareness whether wages are factored into these decisions?

Another question is, what is it worth to have rivers that don't catch on fire and what is it worth to avoid 'Love Canal' type factory sites here? Is that, in your opinion, really worth destroying the economic engine that made the US the strongest economy in history from about 1950-1967.

Yes, I get it that the Clinton economy is recorded as the strongest, but it like the Reagan years, was 100% fueled by open borders, government borrowing, and unsavory accounting practices; whereas the Truman-IKE-Kennedy economies were fueled by production and trade.

Actually they were fueled by post war rebuilding. But never mind that Kennedy instituted a tax break across the board because the economy wasn't performing. Details were never your strong point.

What else but rebuilding would have "fueled" the, uh, postwar, uh, economy, chief? Speaking of details, Mr Emission, you failed to mention that the Marshall Plan and GI Bill were hard core REAL Keynesian economics [read, emergency or temporary policies] that paid back BIG TIME with ZERO tax-based corporate welfare.

I made no claim those years were perfect. My claim was they were real. Your Fox News grade bullshit about Kennedy's tax break is interesting but irrelevant. However, since you brought it up, let's cram it back down your throat. Truman and IKE also made tax changes. IKE specifically praised unions as "full partners" in America's destiny. You also failed to mention any of that. Who is leaving out more stuff?

To recap: my point is that was a REAL economy based on real DEMAND, real money in real time, not a PERMANENT KEYNESIAN debt-fueled canned heat fantasy economy with more propagandist-grade names behind it than a new war; to wit, "voodoo", "trickle down", "supply side", "new economy", etc.
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It is laugh out loud funny that a bunch of halfwit white trash nutball degenerates, some of whom were malignantly anti-American enough to vote for Junebug Bush TWICE, criticize poor people for buying lottery tickets. The stupid cocksuckers elected Obama with that second vote yet some congenital deformity inhibits most from understanding that and well above 99% of the rest from admitting it.

All wars feature two regrettable numbers, acceptable losses and collateral damage. There is no price too high to pay to see these scum writing around like a snakepit on fire.

It is a pleasure to watch.

Halfwitticisms of Roosterwhiner's riposte follow with my responses in red:

A little angry when the truth smacks you in your stupid face?

What truth? Rational people see a palm print on your face.

:lmao: What would a radical libtard like you know about "rational"? You talk like a libtard but claim to be a Sovereign Citizen asshole. Either way, you prove yourself to be an unhinged radical who is so far from "rational" that the best mental healthcare and medications couldn't save you.

The lottery is designed for disposable income you ignorant inbred fucktard high-school drop out. If you can afford to GAMBLE, I don't want to hear one fucking word about "poverty", "minimum wage", or "the poor".

Did God make halfwit white trash the arbiter of "disposable" income? I am fucking HOWLING that you scum - probably living paycheck to paycheck yourselves - don't want competition in the lottery with your own fifty dollars.

So the unhinged wacko here admits that he "howls"! :lmao:

Dude - I don't doubt that for a second. I am sure that an unhinged asshole like you gets high on something, strips down naked, gets on all fours, and "howls" at some symbol.

By the way - I don't play the lottery. Ever. Oops - someone just got exposed for speaking from a place of ignorance (as usual).

My view is the lottery is a fool's game, but again, I am fucking HOWLING at the idea you people want to limit prospects of someone not white trash winning. That is among the most hilarious positions ever posted here.

How sad is it that you want to steal money from other people so you and your ghetto pals can play the lottery? This is very simple (even for a simpleton like you): people should only gamble if they have disposable income (have a parent explain to you what the term "disposable income" means - I'll wait while you do). If you're living off of me, you do NOT have disposable income....

At the end of the day, you people just go off the deep end any time your scam (ie "oh, we're soooo sad, poor, a d poverty stricken that we need handouts") is exposed for what it is....

You are too dishonest or maybe illiterate to get it that
I am to your right. In my world there is no unconditional welfare. That is the product of fake compromises between fake conservative Republicans and fake liberal Democrats like , not reasonable people.

You just used the phrase "fake liberal Democrats" while mentioning "unconditional welfare"... :lmao:

(Hint - since actual liberals/Democrats fully support welfare, what exactly would be "fake" about that?)

Two questions: what grade are you currently in (you're extraordinarily immature) and how many times a day do you get high (literally 97% of your posts are angry, completely incoherent ramblings of a bitch who "howls" on his hands and knees :lol:)?

The little man now dances for truth, justice and the American Way.

Yeah maaaaaaaan.... smoke a fat one and wax poetic about "truth, justice, and the American way" maaaaaan. Fuck'n tool....
The left is under the absurd belief that moving jobs overseas makes the market "free". How ignorant does one have to be to think that corporations actually want to spend the millions upon millions to lay off workers, build new facilities in a foreign land, find interpreters to do business with, and then hire foreign workers?

This was done under the extreme necessity of government strangling business literally to their death with taxes and regulations.

Libtards are so dumb, they can't comprehend that businesses are basically consumers of business environments. Just as consumers shop store to store to store for the best price and quality, business shops nations/municipalities for the best environment (lowest taxes, least regulations, best labor laws, etc.). And when another location provides these things, liberals stand around scratching their heads wondering why. Then they take to the message boards and cry like little bitches about the "evil rich".

Case in point to this previous comment above:

As data dragnets and information breaches dominate the news, states are scrambling to cash in on a rapidly expanding business sector by offering tax incentives to firms that protect sensitive information from outside attacks.

Cybersecurity Firms: Hacker Talent Offered 'Economic Development' Tax Breaks by States ? Stateline

Unfortunately, our libtard friends appear to be completely incapable of understanding basic economics or fundamental aspects of business. If they did, they would realize that the best way to save existing jobs and create new jobs is to create business friendly environments. Not viciously attack business owners and promise to punish them for being successful :cuckoo:
In the United States, no- and low-income tax states are experiencing booms, while high-income tax states are threatened with busts. This is no mere hypothesis. Fifteen years' worth of data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that net adjusted gross incomes (net AGI) move from states that levy high income taxes to those with low or no income tax. Our analysis of more than 134 million individual taxpayer records revealed that, between 1995 and 2010, more than $2 trillion dollars moved between the states. Using this unimpeachable data, we can see – down to the county level – which areas are gaining wealth and residents, and which are losing them.

Why does this matter? There are myriad reasons. Successful people and businesses flee from states with harsh tax environments. They flock to states with benign, progrowth tax structures that allow them to save and invest. This is why a state like California, with its top income tax rate of 13.3 percent, saw a loss of more than $31.7 billion over 15 years. Texas, which taxes its residents at the very agreeable rate of zero, gained more than $22 billion over that same time period. (Recently, Texas Gov. Rick Perry took advantage of this reality by running ad campaigns that woo California businesses to move to Texas.)

High Tax States Are Losing Taxpayers - US News and World Report
Obviously, the best evidence of failed liberal policy is Detroit, California, and the federal government. However, this ranks right up there for two glaring reasons:

1.) While liberals (because of their greed) pretend to cry that people cannot live off of minimum wage, studies show that people making considerably less than minimum wage actually spend over $50 per month in lottery tickets (clearly these people are living so comfortably, they have disposable income).

2.) The free market still produces by far and away the best results. And libtard big-government regulation is creating failure through their red-tape which encourages absurd spending on lottery tickets and discourages saving (coincidence - or evidence that libtard policy is designed to keep people destitute and thus beholden to government?).

How to Put a Thrill Into Saving Money

Depends on what you call the free market. I think the market has gotten freer than ever and the inequality has gotten better for those at the top. Jobs can be sent to low wage countries now.. Cities like Detroit had large minority populations working in the factories until "free trade" sent the factories elsewhere. Remember, there was an exodus from the farm labor of the south to the north by blacks because of better wages and a better life. I know poverty isn't just about blacks however, if you were an enterprising young black man, what could you do in an inner city like Detroit to make your life better? Remember, there's no money circulating in the community like before. Many people on government assistance also. Liquor stores do well and so do lottery tickets. (Lottery tickets give hope) If you don't want to deal drugs, what do you do? This is a result of free trade and capitalism which has to go to the end of the earth if it has to, seeking profit. If a company stays here it's soon out of business because it's trying to compete with offshored companies using almost slave labor.

It's no longer dems vs repubs. Clinton pushed free trade and so does obama. We have a plutocracy now and there's no stability for Americans and all jobs are at risk for you if you're young enough, or for your children or grandchildren. Hard to even migrate back to the farm because the large, tax payer subsidized corporations would be your competition.

No question you understand today the US is a functional plutocracy.

What you don't appear to understand that even some halfwit nutballs get is that trade markets have never been less free. At no time in human history have more regulations suppressed competitive free markets more.


There used to be forty or fifty competitive brands of toothpaste, many were regional. Now look. Same with most basics.

What tickles me is how many claim to understand "economies of scale" but come up with a blank stare on being asked to give an example of economies of scale reaching the point of "diminishing returns". I am laughing out loud clicking this out remembering the last B school genius to stumble down that path blowing their interview with pretty much every word a mistake starting with, "Well...".
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:lmao: Really? Is that the best you can do? :lmao:

They are not "free to engage in fraud". That would be president Barack Hussein who you libtards protect from prosecution who is "free to engage in in fraud".

For every one example you can give me of someone breaking the law in the private sector, I can give you more than 100 of someone doing it in government (and at least we can prosecute the criminals in the private sector).

I posted one; now it's your turn - Post 100 or be proven the liar you are.

How does it "prove" I'm a "liar"? I said I could (and you know I can). I never said I would. Perhaps you should learn to read before commenting? That is really embarassing - you just exposed your lack of reading comprehension.

You know it's true - you just think it's fun to challenge me to waste time posting them all. Obama himself is caught up in half a dozen scandals right now that are exponentially more serious than the drivel you posted. People died because of Obama in the Benghazi scandal. Nobody died getting extra healthcare in the example you gave.

Did someone summon Walley the Waffler?

In the United States, no- and low-income tax states are experiencing booms, while high-income tax states are threatened with busts. This is no mere hypothesis. Fifteen years' worth of data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that net adjusted gross incomes (net AGI) move from states that levy high income taxes to those with low or no income tax. Our analysis of more than 134 million individual taxpayer records revealed that, between 1995 and 2010, more than $2 trillion dollars moved between the states. Using this unimpeachable data, we can see – down to the county level – which areas are gaining wealth and residents, and which are losing them.

Why does this matter? There are myriad reasons. Successful people and businesses flee from states with harsh tax environments. They flock to states with benign, progrowth tax structures that allow them to save and invest. This is why a state like California, with its top income tax rate of 13.3 percent, saw a loss of more than $31.7 billion over 15 years. Texas, which taxes its residents at the very agreeable rate of zero, gained more than $22 billion over that same time period. (Recently, Texas Gov. Rick Perry took advantage of this reality by running ad campaigns that woo California businesses to move to Texas.)

High Tax States Are Losing Taxpayers - US News and World Report
Liberals metaphorically beat their dog, then wonder why it runs away.
The Lottery is now a Liberal conspiracy?

And poor people are the most greedy. Oh those damn poor people.

Just think what a better country it would be if it weren't for the poor people

Well God said the poor will always be with us.

And I don't agree that ALL poor people are greedy. I know some that make the best of their life and do what they can, but they hate handouts. They're definately not liberals.....
10,962,532: U.S. Disability Beneficiaries Exceed Population of Greece
We now have more people on disability than the whole population of Greece

The total number of people in the United States now receiving federal disability benefits hit a record 10,962,532 million in April, which exceeds the 10,815,197 people who live in the nation of Greece.

According to newly released data from the Social Security Administration, the record 10,962,532 total disability beneficiaries in April, included a record 8,865,586 disabled workers (up from 8,853,614 in March), 1,936,236 children of disabled workers, and 160,710 spouses of disabled workers.

10,962,532: U.S. Disability Beneficiaries Exceed Population of Greece | CNS News
And poor people are the most greedy. Oh those damn poor people.

Just think what a better country it would be if it weren't for the poor people

"One of the annoying things about believing in free will and individual responsibility is the difficulty of finding somebody to blame your problems on. And when you do find somebody, it's remarkable how often his picture turns up on your driver's license."

-P.J. O'Rourke
No class enjoys the benefits of rules and regulations more than the wealthy.

After all, without those rules and regulations none of their wealth would be safe.
No class enjoys the benefits of rules and regulations more than the wealthy.

After all, without those rules and regulations none of their wealth would be safe.


Really? And how exactly did you come up with that absurd theory?!?

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