Some of the best proof yet of failed liberal policy

I posted one; now it's your turn - Post 100 or be proven the liar you are.

How does it "prove" I'm a "liar"? I said I could (and you know I can). I never said I would. Perhaps you should learn to read before commenting? That is really embarassing - you just exposed your lack of reading comprehension.

You know it's true - you just think it's fun to challenge me to waste time posting them all. Obama himself is caught up in half a dozen scandals right now that are exponentially more serious than the drivel you posted. People died because of Obama in the Benghazi scandal. Nobody died getting extra healthcare in the example you gave.

Actually people did die in the example I posted. Being a moron, willfully ignorant and a partisan hack you lack the ability to critically exam the issue. Forcing people over the age of 65 into the hospital when unnecessary - that's part of the fraud because the taxpayer pays via mediicare - exposes them to the infections common in hospitals.

You're a liar because you make allegations which are untrue. Read your post, prove the allegtations you make or STFU!

Name one you lying piece of shit...

You have no evidence that anyone died - you just wish they did because you are a sick partisan hack
you lack the ability to critically exam the issue.

There is nothing more comical than listening to the high school drop-out libtard use their favorite buzz word "critical". They all think using this word makes them sound "smart" so they use it in every fucking post. It's enough to make an intelligent persons head hurt. I'm so tired of seeing that word by the libtard (how sad is it that this is an "amazing" word to a fucking moron like wry here :lmao:).

Critical thinking, critically exam, critically discuss, critically critique, critically critic, Critical thinking, critically exam, critically discuss, critically critique, critically critic, critical thinking, critically exam, critically discuss, critically critique, critically critic, critical thinking, critically exam, critically discuss, critically critique, critically critic, critical thinking, critically exam, critically discuss, critically critique, critically critic, critical thinking, critically exam, critically discuss, critically critique, critically critic, critical thinking, critically exam, critically discuss, critically critique, critically critic, critical thinking, critically exam, critically discuss, critically critique, critically critic...

We get it... You're not intelligent wry catcher. The fact that you can't survive on your own and cry for government to take care of you proves that (not to mention the fact that you think it takes "critical thinking" to realize hospitals can and do spread infections :lmao:). Find a new word already because "critically" makes you sound so stupid.
Being a moron, willfully ignorant and a partisan hack you lack the ability to critically exam the issue. Forcing people over the age of 65 into the hospital when unnecessary - exposes them to the infections common in hospitals.

Cum Carcher *thinks* he is a "critical" thinker because someone once told him that hospitals can and do spread infections..... :lmao:
Obviously, the best evidence of failed liberal policy is Detroit, California, and the federal government. However, this ranks right up there for two glaring reasons:

1.) While liberals (because of their greed) pretend to cry that people cannot live off of minimum wage, studies show that people making considerably less than minimum wage actually spend over $50 per month in lottery tickets (clearly these people are living so comfortably, they have disposable income).

2.) The free market still produces by far and away the best results. And libtard big-government regulation is creating failure through their red-tape which encourages absurd spending on lottery tickets and discourages saving (coincidence - or evidence that libtard policy is designed to keep people destitute and thus beholden to government?).

How to Put a Thrill Into Saving Money

In the liberal innate sense of "fair" and "equal", if someone of greater means can spend $50 a month on lottery tickets, then who the hell are we to deny that same expenditure to those living off the public dole? Ni mean really, don't "poor" people deserve the same opportunity to hit the big one?
Obviously, the best evidence of failed liberal policy is Detroit, California, and the federal government. However, this ranks right up there for two glaring reasons:

1.) While liberals (because of their greed) pretend to cry that people cannot live off of minimum wage, studies show that people making considerably less than minimum wage actually spend over $50 per month in lottery tickets (clearly these people are living so comfortably, they have disposable income).

2.) The free market still produces by far and away the best results. And libtard big-government regulation is creating failure through their red-tape which encourages absurd spending on lottery tickets and discourages saving (coincidence - or evidence that libtard policy is designed to keep people destitute and thus beholden to government?).

How to Put a Thrill Into Saving Money

In the liberal innate sense of "fair" and "equal", if someone of greater means can spend $50 a month on lottery tickets, then who the hell are we to deny that same expenditure to those living off the public dole? Ni mean really, don't "poor" people deserve the same opportunity to hit the big one?

What's amazing is that they never care about "fair" and "equal" when it comes to EFFORT. They want to sit on their fat, lazy asses all day and expect "equal" results.
Obviously, the best evidence of failed liberal policy is Detroit, California, and the federal government. However, this ranks right up there for two glaring reasons:

1.) While liberals (because of their greed) pretend to cry that people cannot live off of minimum wage, studies show that people making considerably less than minimum wage actually spend over $50 per month in lottery tickets (clearly these people are living so comfortably, they have disposable income).

2.) The free market still produces by far and away the best results. And libtard big-government regulation is creating failure through their red-tape which encourages absurd spending on lottery tickets and discourages saving (coincidence - or evidence that libtard policy is designed to keep people destitute and thus beholden to government?).

How to Put a Thrill Into Saving Money

In the liberal innate sense of "fair" and "equal", if someone of greater means can spend $50 a month on lottery tickets, then who the hell are we to deny that same expenditure to those living off the public dole? Ni mean really, don't "poor" people deserve the same opportunity to hit the big one?

What's amazing is that they never care about "fair" and "equal" when it comes to EFFORT. They want to sit on their fat, lazy asses all day and expect "equal" results.

You think poor people have it easy?

Why don't you try it and see how you like it. I wouldn't want to live in those neighborhoods
In the liberal innate sense of "fair" and "equal", if someone of greater means can spend $50 a month on lottery tickets, then who the hell are we to deny that same expenditure to those living off the public dole? Ni mean really, don't "poor" people deserve the same opportunity to hit the big one?

What's amazing is that they never care about "fair" and "equal" when it comes to EFFORT. They want to sit on their fat, lazy asses all day and expect "equal" results.

You think poor people have it easy?

Why don't you try it and see how you like it. I wouldn't want to live in those neighborhoods

Here's a clue...I know I wouldn't like it. That's why I continue to feed my addiction. Yes, I am addicted to regular paychecks, so sue me. Poor people don't like being poor? They won't help themselves, preferring being kept like animals? Tough crackers. When they stand on their hind legs by themselves maybe their outlook will become more...manlike.
It is laugh out loud funny that a bunch of halfwit white trash nutball degenerates, some of whom were malignantly anti-American enough to vote for Junebug Bush TWICE, criticize poor people for buying lottery tickets. The stupid cocksuckers elected Obama with that second vote yet some congenital deformity inhibits most from understanding that and well above 99% of the rest from admitting it.

All wars feature two regrettable numbers, acceptable losses and collateral damage. There is no price too high to pay to see these scum writing around like a snakepit on fire.

It is a pleasure to watch.
It is laugh out loud funny that a bunch of halfwit white trash nutball degenerates, some of whom were malignantly anti-American enough to vote for Junebug Bush TWICE, criticize poor people for buying lottery tickets. The stupid cocksuckers elected Obama with that second vote yet some congenital deformity inhibits most from understanding that and well above 99% of the rest from admitting it.

All wars feature two regrettable numbers, acceptable losses and collateral damage. There is no price too high to pay to see these scum writing around like a snakepit on fire.

It is a pleasure to watch.

Speaking of a half wit degenerate, is this all you have left?

I believe poor people are clearly better off not investing both money and hope in lottery tickets.

So I'm a hateful halfwit white trash nutball degenerate, is that correct?


I believe poor people are clearly better off not investing both money and hope in lottery tickets.

So I'm a hateful halfwit white trash nutball degenerate, is that correct?


Apparently. And you don't dare express hope that they might try to better their lot by expending individual effort.
In the liberal innate sense of "fair" and "equal", if someone of greater means can spend $50 a month on lottery tickets, then who the hell are we to deny that same expenditure to those living off the public dole? Ni mean really, don't "poor" people deserve the same opportunity to hit the big one?

What's amazing is that they never care about "fair" and "equal" when it comes to EFFORT. They want to sit on their fat, lazy asses all day and expect "equal" results.

You think poor people have it easy?

Why don't you try it and see how you like it. I wouldn't want to live in those neighborhoods

They have it exactly how they created it. No more. No less.

This is America. If they weren't completely comfortable in their situation, they would do something about it. There is absolutely nothing preventing them from succeeding except their own effort. Go read about Chris Gardner and learn something.

I believe poor people are clearly better off not investing both money and hope in lottery tickets.

So I'm a hateful halfwit white trash nutball degenerate, is that correct?


Apparently. And you don't dare express hope that they might try to better their lot by expending individual effort.


So I guess if we motivate poor people to buy more lottery tickets, that would make us less hateful and show that we "care", correct?

Just want to be sure we're all on the same page here.

It is laugh out loud funny that a bunch of halfwit white trash nutball degenerates, some of whom were malignantly anti-American enough to vote for Junebug Bush TWICE, criticize poor people for buying lottery tickets. The stupid cocksuckers elected Obama with that second vote yet some congenital deformity inhibits most from understanding that and well above 99% of the rest from admitting it.

All wars feature two regrettable numbers, acceptable losses and collateral damage. There is no price too high to pay to see these scum writing around like a snakepit on fire.

It is a pleasure to watch.

A little angry when the truth smacks you in your stupid face? :lol:

The lottery is designed for disposable income you ignorant inbred fucktard high-school drop out. If you can afford to GAMBLE, I don't want to hear one fucking word about "poverty", "minimum wage", or "the poor".

At the end of the day, you people just go off the deep end any time your scam (ie "oh, we're soooo sad, poor, a d poverty stricken that we need handouts") is exposed for what it is....


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