Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

The events from last Jan. 6 in Washington unfolded on live television but they've since been up for debate.

Millions of Americans watched the events in Washington last Jan. 6 unfold on live television. Police officers testified to the violence and mayhem. Criminal proceedings in open court detailed what happened.

Yet the hoaxes, conspiracy theories and attempts to rewrite history persist, muddying the public’s understanding of what actually occurred during the most sustained attack on the seat of American democracy since the War of 1812.

By excusing former President Donald Trump of responsibility, minimizing the mob’s violence and casting the rioters as martyrs, falsehoods about the insurrection aim to deflect blame for Jan. 6 while sustaining Trump’s unfounded claims about the free and fair election in 2020 that he lost.

Spread by politicians, broadcast by cable news pundits and amplified by social media, the falsehoods are a stark reminder of how many Americans may no longer trust their own institutions or their own eyes.

Several different conspiracy theories have emerged in the year since the insurrection, according to an analysis of online content by media intelligence firm Zignal Labs on behalf of The Associated Press. Unfounded claims that the rioters were members of antifa went viral first, only to be overtaken by a baseless claim blaming FBI operatives. Other theories say the rioters were peaceful and were framed for crimes that never happened.

Claim: The Rioters Weren’t Trump Supporters​

In fact, many of those who came to the Capitol on Jan. 6 have said — proudly, publicly, repeatedly — that they did so to help the then-president.

Claim: The Rioters Weren’t Violent​

Dozens of police officers were severely injured. One Capitol Police officer who was attacked and assaulted with bear spray suffered a stroke and died a day later of natural causes.

Claim: Trump Did Not Encourage The Rioters​

Trump may now want to minimize his involvement, but he spent months sounding a steadydrumbeat of conspiracy theory and grievance, urging his followers to fight to somehow return him to power.

Claim: Ashli Babbitt Was Killed By An Officer Working For Democrats​

Babbitt died after being shot in the shoulder by a lieutenant in the Capitol Police force as she and others pressed to enter the Speaker’s Lobby outside the House chamber.
Trump falsely claimed the officer was the head of security “for a certain high official, a Democrat,” and was being shielded from accountability. He also misstated where Babbitt was shot.

Claim: The Jan. 6 Suspects Are Political Prisoners And Are Being Mistreated​

No, they are not, despite some assertions from members of Congress.

While it’s true some of the suspects have complained about their time in jail, it’s wrong to argue they’re being held as political prisoners. Authorities have said the suspects in custody are being given the same access to food and medical care as any other inmate.

One of the most notorious rioters, Jacob Chansley, known as the QAnon Shaman, was given organic food in his jail cell after he complained about the food options.

Much more at the link below...

We all know what really happened on January 6 - so why do some people keep lying about it and spreading false conspiracy theories?

Thanks for showing us the biggest lies from the far left on this subject.

Do not worry the sky people will come soon and take you away!
Yet the onus is on those making the accusation to prove it and unfortunately the way our system is designed that cannot be done since you can't verify who voted, how many times etc and we cannot confirm that our votes were recorded as cast.

Even if we could prove conclusively that 50 million fraudulent votes were cast we could not prove how or to what extent it changed the outcome of the election.

More importantly is that under our system the popular vote is meaningless. States may appoint their electors on any basis they see fit and once the EC has voted and their votes accepted by congress there is no "undo" or "redo" button.

The only solution is to work in each state to secure future elections do no allow for a repeat and to then win in 2024.

Unsatisfying as it is, there is no way to reverse the outcome of 2020 even with a mountain the size of Everest as proof.
It might be enough to destroy the Democratic party.
Yes, lots of people believe the big lie. Those people will never believe differently. If facts, and reason ment anything to them, they would have never fallen for that conspiracy theory to start with. Just because you are in a croud of crazies doesn't mean you aren't crazy.
And the same could be said of you. Two sides each with their own conspiracy theory that they cannot prove. I think Biden's performance since the alleged election has proven that no one in their right mind could consider him Presidential material before or after. The actual scary people are the ones who wanted and got him as a puppet.
You didn't say the obvious, many more millions of Americans voted for Biden than they did for ttump ; that's why Biden his president. Thank GOD if trump were president the world would be in cinders now because idiots like him and putin are insane.
Many more illegal votes.
60 courts and the former AG proved it.
Bullspit! No one has proven the claim that there was any sign of an insurrection. And it was Government officers that committed the worst of the violence and refused to prosecute which also denied them the opportunity to establish their innocence of murder. Can a new government not see them tried later when there is competent government?

No one has proven otherwise?

I demur.

My voting precinct did.
They counted, checked, checked, and then sent their count to the county....which tabulated all precincts, checked, and re-checked.......and sent their numbers to the State. And the State did their checks and then, as the Constitution mandates, Electoral votes were allocated per those checked and re-checked numbers. That went on across America.
And, with some contention in some geographies re-checks were done again, audits were performed with great effort and cost. And the results were the results. Unchanged from prior to the audits.

And thus, critically, the checked, re-checked again numbers provided the legitimacy and, hold for it.....the 'proof' that the results were valid.

In contradistinction, the losing side has objected to and claimed that all of that was wrong.
Critically though, the American Constitutional process doesn't believe as they do. American jurisprudence .....doesn't believe as they do.

So, with all that said, good poster 9Doc,
It is your side's responsibility, your side's requirement to prove that you are right.

To date, after nearly 18 months, ...and 60 courts, and nearly 100 judges.....the losing side has been impotent and unsuccessful in making a persuasive case before our courts .....including up to the highest court in the land.

In short, the requirement that good poster 9Doc, and others, needs to perform is to "prove otherwise" to the Constitutionally mandated count that was legally established with the approval of the Electoral votes during the evening of January 6th in Washington, DC.

Cute, but no banana. Neither myself nor any other American are required to prove anything to anybody in order have an opinion. Americans have a long history of not believing bullspit being handed out by so-called authority. Do you forget that the judiciary is part of the federal government? Ask the British how testy Americans can be about the idea that Americans must always bow to authority rather than their own opinions. The US Civil war showcases American opinion from both sides.

... it is NOT the requirement of the winning side to prove...
It is if you want anybody to change their already formed opinion. And it was American opinion that is supposed to have determined the election results; that happens to be the matter in dispute. But here you are demanding that everyone accept your opinion in the matter of who was or was not the "winner" without question. Let me know how that works out for you.

But you are okay with disenfranchising the white voters who supported Trump
No Trump voter has been disenfranchised or will be disenfranchised.. It is not being disenfranchised when you fucking lose. Trump lost. there is no voter fraud except the fake TRUMP electors after being certified that the Orange shit for brains list. Yes the fake electors are election fraud and Trump was in on it.
No Trump voter has been disenfranchised or will be disenfranchised.. It is not being disenfranchised when you fucking lose. Trump lost. there is no voter fraud except the fake TRUMP electors after being certified that the Orange shit for brains list. Yes the fake electors are election fraud and Trump was in on it.
Every vote cast or counted illegally disenfranchises one legal voter.

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