Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection

"The truth is that millions of Americans did-and continue to-believe that the election was a sham and no one has proven otherwise."

No one has proven otherwise?

I demur.

My voting precinct did.
They counted, checked, checked, and then sent their count to the county....which tabulated all precincts, checked, and re-checked.......and sent their numbers to the State. And the State did their checks and then, as the Constitution mandates, Electoral votes were allocated per those checked and re-checked numbers. That went on across America.
And, with some contention in some geographies re-checks were done again, audits were performed with great effort and cost. And the results were the results. Unchanged from prior to the audits.

And thus, critically, the checked, re-checked again numbers provided the legitimacy and, hold for it.....the 'proof' that the results were valid.

In contradistinction, the losing side has objected to and claimed that all of that was wrong.
Critically though, the American Constitutional process doesn't believe as they do. American jurisprudence .....doesn't believe as they do.

So, with all that said, good poster 9Doc, it is NOT the requirement of the winning side to prove you are wrong.
It is your side's responsibility, your side's requirement to prove that you are right.

To date, after nearly 18 months, ...and 60 courts, and nearly 100 judges.....the losing side has been impotent and unsuccessful in making a persuasive case before our courts .....including up to the highest court in the land.

In short, the requirement that good poster 9Doc, and others, needs to perform is to "prove otherwise" to the Constitutionally mandated count that was legally established with the approval of the Electoral votes during the evening of January 6th in Washington, DC.

Trump is not responsible for the actions of the individual actors on January 6th at the Capitol. He said let's go to the capitol and peacefully protest.

You can make an argument that two months of screaming, "I was robbed" whipping up his sycophants led to ever building anger and a sense that we were all robbed, but on Jan 6th, he told rally goers heading to the Capitol to "Keep it peaceful".

There's therefore no argument to be made that he was legally responsible for inciting a riot or directing a coup.
Yes he is responsible and we may very well soon be shown how responsible he is.
Be careful about redefining such words because the next time democrats get rowdy protesting at the Capitol the same standards will be applied to yours side.
Ah, I'm not so sure.
One poster's view of 'rowdiness'.......could be seen as criminal assault with a dangerous weapon on a federal uniformed officer, causing great bodily harm.

So I think the 're-defining' really ain't gonna be that much of an issue.
In this case, what one is and the other ain't ......seems clear cut.
The courts reviewed all the so-called evidence and concluded it was garbage. Enough said. Basically trump got laughed out of court. When your elect a clown expect a circus. I would never vote for that clown.
of course you wouldn't vote for him. you're an idiot.
That is what you have heard from the same people caught in huge lies about him. You listen to liars and criminals.
It sure is true.
How's that argument fared for you, poster?
Have any courts agreed with your position?
Any of the ballot, or even down ballot.....been effected by your conviction?

If not, after 18 months, the argument appears to be rather impotent.
But, there are worse fantasies a man could harbor, I suppose.
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How's that argument fared for you, poster?
Have any courts agreed with your position?
Any of the ballot, or even down ballot.....been effected by your conviction?

If not, after 18 months, the argument appears to be rather impotent.
But, there are worse fantasies a man could harbor, I suppose.
:9:Don't derail the thread.
Ah, I'm not so sure.
One poster's view of 'rowdiness'.......could be seen as criminal assault with a dangerous weapon on a federal uniformed officer, causing great bodily harm.

So I think the 're-defining' really ain't gonna be that much of an issue.
In this case, what one is and the other ain't ......seems clear cut.
There was no grave bodily harm done to any of the police that day.

Funny how ANTIFA and BLM were always excused for the same and worse for four years of attacks on local, state, and federal officers.

It's ok though, they'll be subject to the same scrutiny and prosecutions in the future.

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