Some of the reasons why Americans of all political backgrounds oppose funding and supporting Ukraine.

I can agree with much of that. I do like the idea of the United Nations though especially the UN Security Council where we have China, Russia, France, England and America and the security council we are the major powers of the world having us together friendly is way better than being at odds with each other

Another thing I am a true blue Democrat. I see nothing wrong with respecting the Soviet war effort during World War II. Isn’t that like only humane to respect them for standing with us Americans to liberate the concentration camps to actually do something really good for the world. I think it is and I really am proud of that view.

But as for pulling out of Korea Japan and what not that is certainly interesting and the idea that all of a sudden those countries would be invaded if we pulled out is of course propaganda. The United States has initiated something like 60 wars at least in its history if not the numbers quite higher. We have expanded from 13 colonies to 50 states. We have the strongest military in the world our military budget is so far ahead of China and Russia it’s not even funny. So doing something like pulling out of other countries doesn’t necessarily change things so much.

We should also check the corruption in the United Nations. That is something we should do for sure let’s look at we’re all of our money I was going when it comes to United Nations causes is it actually going to help out poor people in Africa and in South America or is it going into the hands of corrupt people.
Now your just trolling... Spreading shit as we say here...

Now you are going for UN...

What you are hoping is that we loose focus on Ukraine... Sorry we are all going to help Ukraine, Putin is the enemy and he is war criminal...

We are not soft on War Criminals..
To my fellow Democrats in this thread. How can you not watch this video and just be riveted by it be inspired by it by that heroic teamwork between Soviets and Americans who were living in a Nazi concentration camp against all odds they did an operation together to fight back. To fight for freedom to fight for what is right and I’ll never forget it. Let my fellow democrats say whatever they want about me I stand by what I said.


This is American patriotism and I am very proud of what I’m saying in the thread
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To be used against a belligerent foreign power, that has nukes.

You neocon warmonger moonbats are fucking insane.
WE have nukes.
France has nukes, Britain has nukes, Israel has nukes

If Russia decides to drop nukes, Russia will be destroyed, utterly.
East of the Urals will become a Chinese client state
West of the Urals will Balkanize into 3 or more states.
Now your just trolling... Spreading shit as we say here...

Now you are going for UN...

What you are hoping is that we loose focus on Ukraine... Sorry we are all going to help Ukraine, Putin is the enemy and he is war criminal...

We are not soft on War Criminals..
I'm on Murica's side, not Russia's, shitferbrains.
I can’t believe the types of things these other posters are saying to you. They are literally inventing things out of thin air to try to attack you. Just disregard it brother
To my fellow Democrats in this thread. How can you not watch this video and just be riveted by it be inspired by it by that heroic teamwork between Soviets and Americans who were living in a Nazi concentration camp against all odds they did an operation together to fight back. To fight for freedom to fight for what is right and I’ll never forget it. They can say whatever you want about me I stand by what I said.

Putin invaded a peaceful country...

You are just a Russian troll..
Now your just trolling... Spreading shit as we say here...

Now you are going for UN...

What you are hoping is that we loose focus on Ukraine... Sorry we are all going to help Ukraine, Putin is the enemy and he is war criminal...

We are not soft on War Criminals..
Back up my second brother we’re on the same side here. There is corruption in the United Nations that’s what I want to go after. How about all those reports we always hear about somebody in the UN in some country taking money from a cause that was supposed to go to people who really need it ….like people who are starving, people who are very poor. That’s a serious concern and it is a legitimate concern. I already said I stand by the idea of the UN security council.
Considering the money laundering that has gone on in Ukraine in the past, it isn’t unreasonable to think that a lot of it wound up in the pockets of Zelensky, Biden, Pelosi, etc...
More Russian bullshit...

Russia caused most of the corruption in Ukraine...

Ukraine is trying to join the EU to clean up corruption but that doesn't make sense to your narrative...
The invasion of Ukraine was self defence just like the invasion of the island of Grenada.

It was a sad spectacle to see a small island that didn't do anything to America and couldn't defend itself from the haitian army being invaded without provocation by the US military machine.

But what did you expect US presidents to do? Spend 50 years asking the Soviet Union to be nice and stop creating satellite countries in America's backyard?

If America hadn't invaded, financed military coups and proxy wars throughout Central America and the Caribbean, the country would have been totally surrounded by soviet bases just like Russia is now almost totally surrounded by NATO.
At long last, Russia finally said:

Enough is enough!! The days of begging NATO to stop expanding towards our borders are definitely over!!

From now on, if you decide to participate in the military encirclement of european Russia you're gonna find yourself on the receiving end of russian bombs!!
More Russian bullshit...

Russia caused most of the corruption in Ukraine...

Ukraine is trying to join the EU to clean up corruption but that doesn't make sense to your narrative...
I can't help but think this is payback for not digging dirt up on Hunter for him. If the President of Ukraine would have only went along who knows.

  • President Trump asked Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to “look into” former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, during a phone call in July.
  • The call lasted about 30 minutes, according to a White House memorandum released Wednesday.
  • The conversation is reportedly a central part of the whistleblower complaint that spurred House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to support an impeachment inquiry against Trump.
They are also concerned about why Trump reportedly decided to withhold hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine at least a week before the call with Zelensky.

The timing of that move, which was criticized for being done without a good explanation, has bred speculation that Trump may have used the military assistance as leverage to pressure Zelensky.

House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., characterized the call as a “classic mafia-like shakedown of a foreign leader.”

“There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that, so whatever you can do with the attorney general would be great,”
Back up my second brother we’re on the same side here. There is corruption in the United Nations that’s what I want to go after. How about all those reports we always hear about somebody in the UN in some country taking money from a cause that was supposed to go to people who really need it ….like people who are starving, people who are very poor. That’s a serious concern and it is a legitimate concern. I already said I stand by the idea of the UN security council.
The UN has corruption, no doubt.... But it also has an awful amount of good, actually far more good than the corruption.

What are your suggestions on how to clean up the corruption without loosing the good bits of the UN...

Consider the amount of live the UN has saved through peacekeepers, UNICEF, Vaccine Programs, International Diplomacy.... So you want to rid of all that because some programs are corrupt... UN operates in some very dodgey neighbourhoods under some of the most stressful conditions... I have had conversations with multiple UN peacekeepers and what they have done and the people they have lost has been incredible sacrifice... they have saved millions of lives...

Accusing people of posting Russian propaganda especially coming from Democrats is totally anti-American. Who the hell do these people think they are well too bad for them their powerless to do anything. They are not Senator Joseph McCarthy we’re not gonna bring that garbage back. This is a free country
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Team Putin chimes in

Don't forget that right around the time President Trump was calling the Ukraine president asking him to dig up dirt on his political rival, Trump was also sending hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine.

So isn't it funny today Trump supporters are questioning Biden for sending hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine?
The UN has corruption, no doubt.... But it also has an awful amount of good, actually far more good than the corruption.

What are your suggestions on how to clean up the corruption without loosing the good bits of the UN...

Consider the amount of live the UN has saved through peacekeepers, UNICEF, Vaccine Programs, International Diplomacy.... So you want to rid of all that because some programs are corrupt... UN operates in some very dodgey neighbourhoods under some of the most stressful conditions... I have had conversations with multiple UN peacekeepers and what they have done and the people they have lost has been incredible sacrifice... they have saved millions of lives...
My suggestions are quite straightforward. Let’s look at the people who have been accused of corruption in the UN. Lets also look at those proven to be corrupt in the UN and stop giving those people positions of power in the united nations.

Cleaning up the United Nations kind of remind me of cleaning up FIFA. It could be done but there’s work to do.

You are talking with a Democrat sir. I believe in civil rights for all I believe in a good peaceful world. And I believe in the vision of Franklin Roosevelt where the powerful countries of the world are not at odds with each other…. where we all work together to prevent wars. Something went wrong here in Ukraine …there wasn’t a war when Donald Trump was president but there is now that Biden is in … the question is can Biden bring Putin and Zelinsky to the table?

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