Some of the reasons why Americans of all political backgrounds oppose funding and supporting Ukraine.

Back up my second brother we’re on the same side here. There is corruption in the United Nations that’s what I want to go after. How about all those reports we always hear about somebody in the UN in some country taking money from a cause that was supposed to go to people who really need it ….like people who are starving, people who are very poor. That’s a serious concern and it is a legitimate concern. I already said I stand by the idea of the UN security council.
In America the same thing happens. Bret Favre former Football player and Republican Governor of Tennessee stole millions of welfare money. It's sad.
I can’t believe the types of things these other posters are saying to you. They are literally inventing things out of thin air to try to attack you. Just disregard it brother
It's "1" or "0" with those sub-cretins....Went through exactly the same thing with the alleged "other team" a mere 20 years ago...They've turned into everything that they professed to hate.

There are people who are opposed to funding Ukraine for a variety of reasons.

-Russians are not evil

-Let’s not throw stones in glass houses….America‘s invaded other countries. Where in the hell is the anti-war left on this. Those deranged hypocrites. Oh they think that the Ukrainians are the good guys. What a load of nonsense millions of Ukrainian supported the third reich in World War II. There are neo-Nazis in Ukraine to this day. For all that talk in America about opposing “white supremacy “ in the United States. Well There is no white supremacy in the United States ….there is white supremacy in Ukraine.

-Obama and Hillary Clinton shook hands with Vladimir Putin and were far closer to Vladimir Putin then Joe Biden is.

-We have no idea what’s going on in Ukraine which is a very corrupt country. Not many Americans knew anything about Ukraine prior to this war. Still there are Americans who are completely unaware that this war goes all the way back to 2014. Some Americans because of CNN and MSNBC and even Fox News and the neo conservatives…. believe that Ukraine was invaded last year out of nowhere , for the hell of it.

- Many Americans are saying we should not be giving all this money to Ukraine…. we should be giving it to the American people that are starving that are poor especially those in Palestine.

- Huge numbers of Americans reject the media trying to get at our heartstrings. Trying to get on us morally speaking. Which is really quite evil one might say. They keep showing us pictures of Ukrainian children Ukrainian grandmothers crying. Where were those pictures when the United States invaded Iraq? . Not just that what about all the other wars going on in the world. What about all the starving children in Africa. Are we gonna send $100 billion to the countries in Africa?

Edit- One more thing some percentage of eastern Ukraine supports Russia. So this is somewhat of a Civil War.
Russia attacked a neighboring sovereign nation that was no threat to them.
It's "1" or "0" with those sub-cretins....Went through exactly the same thing with the alleged "other team" a mere 20 years ago...They've turned into everything that they professed to hate.

Do you remember this one brother

I don’t hate anyone including George W. Bush but I certainly disagreed with the invasion of Iraq.
My suggestions are quite straightforward. Let’s look at the people who have been accused of corruption in the UN. Lets also look at those proven to be corrupt in the UN and stop giving those people positions of power in the united nations.

Cleaning up the United Nations kind of remind me of cleaning up FIFA. It could be done but there’s work to do.

You are talking with a Democrat sir. I believe in civil rights for all I believe in a good peaceful world. And I believe in the vision of Franklin Roosevelt where the powerful countries of the world are not at odds with each other…. where we all work together to prevent wars. Something went wrong here in Ukraine …there wasn’t a war when Donald Trump was president but there is now that Biden is in … the question is can Biden bring Putin and Zelinsky to the table?
You're a democrat? LOL...

Your suggestions are full of shit as are you.
People saw BIden in Ukraine giving our money to a corrupt dictator wannabe and promising to fund their pensions while ignoring American citizens in Ohio. The fact that a lot of that money already sent there can’t be accounted for isn’t helping. Hence why some Congressmen want a full audit of any money going to Ukraine. Which the left strangely opposes.
No politicians in America should oppose the audit. We the people have a right to know where our money is going.
The typical response of the warmongers is just call the opposing side names. They are their own worst enemy. They can’t see that they are engaging in anti-Americanism, they try to try and prevent free speech but they’re completely powerless to do that. And they also say nothing about the Russian contribution to World War II what a shame that is.
Originally posted by candycorn
Russia attacked a neighboring sovereign nation that was no threat to them.

And they will continue to eat russian bombs by the thousands until mentally retarded super patriotic american clowns like you get it through your thick skulls that Russia has the same right to live free from military harassment from NATO as America during the Cold War.
Only 5 percent of Republicans support Russia over Ukraine, but the MAGA wing of the GOP has continually sided with Putin and against Ukraine.

Now, they have decided that they should disparage Ukraine and Volodymyr Zelenskyy despite Russia’s invasion. Some of them have walked back their comments once they saw Putin’s war machine target innocent people, but many still see Russia as an ally.

We’ve collected their quotes below to make sure they can never forget where they stood.

“Remember that Zelenskyy is a thug. Remember that the Ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and it is incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies.”
Oh my friend but you are leaving out some huge information. Tons of Americans want to pursue neutrality on this war…. much much larger numbers of Americans oppose funding Ukraine more Republicans oppose funding Ukraine but plenty of Democrats do too.

Are you a democrat. What happened to the Antiwar left? I remember back in 2003 people were on the streets protesting the Iraq war. What is your deal are you some kind of anti-Russian racist.? So when Russia goes to a war they’re evil…. but not when America goes to war. ?

What do you say to the families of upwards of 1 million dead Iraqis …deaths that occurred after the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

I’m really proud of my Catholic Church is praying for the people of Ukraine and Russia.
Ukraine isn't a democracy, dope.....Tenpercentskyy has outlawed opposition parties, outlawed and jailed press that disagrees with him, and even banned the Ukrainian Orthodox church.

Ukraine is being run by a fascist dictator.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church is not banned. That's Russian propaganda. 80% of the Ukrainian population is part of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

What's been banned is the church loyal to Moscow. It's patriarch was part of the FSB. Why would anyone be surprised that Ukraine banned an institution that is loyal to the Moscow patriarch?
I noticed you left out the Democrat FTX Ponzi Scheme where Democrats were 'funding Ukraine' & mist of the cash was filling Democrats' (& McConnell's) pockets.

When that news broke many Americans soured on the idea and demanded the US stop sending billions of our tax dollars to Ukraine ... because at that moment Democrats proved they didn't give as much of a damn about sending ALL the money to help Ukraine as they were about helping themselves to our tax dollars through a criminal fraud scheme.
Thank you that is a good reminder.
My suggestions are quite straightforward. Let’s look at the people who have been accused of corruption in the UN. Lets also look at those proven to be corrupt in the UN and stop giving those people positions of power in the united nations.

Cleaning up the United Nations kind of remind me of cleaning up FIFA. It could be done but there’s work to do.

You are talking with a Democrat sir. I believe in civil rights for all I believe in a good peaceful world. And I believe in the vision of Franklin Roosevelt where the powerful countries of the world are not at odds with each other…. where we all work together to prevent wars. Something went wrong here in Ukraine …there wasn’t a war when Donald Trump was president but there is now that Biden is in … the question is can Biden bring Putin and Zelinsky to the table?
Believe the world inteligence agencies or anyone who knows what dealing with Putin. He is not to be trusted in the slightest. There is no negotiation with him until he is defeated. He has shown this before. He will not stop, giving him land for aggression will mean he will just be emboldened to create more aggression.
You just can't reward Putin for invading a country. He will not stop, next it will be Belarus or Moldova... Then we his next move will be Baltics, he has said so... Putin will expand and corrupt other countries to the best ability to undermine democracy. He considers democracy as the enemy.
He is a war criminal that has no problem in committing war crime after war crime... We are not dealing with someone who treats a peace deal like others unfortunately. The quickest and safest way out of this is to defeat him on the battlefield. Remember Ukraine has nowhere to retreat.
Europe knows him well and they thought when he initially came to power he might reform Russia but he has just made it a dictatorship with his corrupt cronies... He wants that power and he wants to expand it.
Russia invaded UKR
Russia's long term intent is to rebuild the Soviet empire
Russia's intent poses economic and security threats to the US.


The hypocrisy of whining about the money after the actions of the GOP Presidents and Congress' of the 21st century is laughable.
Knowing that my country has invaded other countries. I can’t throw the stones in glass houses. No I don’t see Russia going after other countries. It seems like they want the eastern portions of Ukraine of which much of it is pro Russian.

us supporting Ukraine goes against the vision of the allies of World War II

According to a General from India and I’ve said this before …he says that as much as 30% of Ukraine is pro Russian. So that makes this a much different scenario than what the American people are being fed by CNN and the neoconservatives on Fox.
Oh my friend but you are leaving out some huge information. Tons of Americans want to pursue neutrality on this war…. much much larger numbers of Americans oppose funding Ukraine more Republicans oppose funding Ukraine but plenty of Democrats do too.

Are you a democrat. What happened to the Antiwar left? I remember back in 2003 people were on the streets protesting the Iraq war. What is your deal are you some kind of anti-Russian racist.? So when Russia goes to a war they’re evil…. but not when America goes to war. ?

What do you say to the families of upwards of 1 million dead Iraqis …deaths that occurred after the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

I’m really proud of my Catholic Church is praying for the people of Ukraine and Russia.
I opposed the the second Iraq war... Iraq invaded no one in 2003.

Ukraine or US didn't start this war Russia did...

Russia started by invading the Crimea and then took offence when Ukraine started to increase ties to NATO and the west. They did that as a defence...

Russia started this...

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