Some of the reasons why Americans of all political backgrounds oppose funding and supporting Ukraine.

Knowing that my country has invaded other countries. I can’t throw the stones in glass houses. No I don’t see Russia going after other countries. It seems like they want the eastern portions of Ukraine of which much of it is pro Russian.

us supporting Ukraine goes against the vision of the allies of World War II

According to a General from India and I’ve said this before …he says that as much as 30% of Ukraine is pro Russian. So that makes this a much different scenario than what the American people are being fed by CNN and the neoconservatives on Fox.
If it were 1946 you might have a point.
Ukraine has been an independent democratic nation for more than 2 decades

Would you feel the same if Russia invaded Alaska, Spain invaded Florida, France invaded Louisiana?
This ^

I don’t stand with Russia. I stand with the United States of America. And I think that we should pull out of funding Ukraine. I think we should use some of that money to help causes in Africa or causes around the world where there are starving people. We should use some of that money to help the American citizens of eastern Palestine, Ohio. we could do this in a way where we know the money is going to the right people …we don’t know where the money is going in Ukraine.

You stand with Russia. We should pull your ass out of this country. We know where the money is going in Ukraine. To stop the Russians.
Oh my friend but you are leaving out some huge information. Tons of Americans want to pursue neutrality on this war…. much much larger numbers of Americans oppose funding Ukraine more Republicans oppose funding Ukraine but plenty of Democrats do too.

Are you a democrat. What happened to the Antiwar left? I remember back in 2003 people were on the streets protesting the Iraq war. What is your deal are you some kind of anti-Russian racist.? So when Russia goes to a war they’re evil…. but not when America goes to war. ?

What do you say to the families of upwards of 1 million dead Iraqis …deaths that occurred after the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

I’m really proud of my Catholic Church is praying for the people of Ukraine and Russia.

We should have never invaded Iraq. That's one of the reasons Putin invaded Ukraine. What can we say about it? We invaded Iraq for god sakes!!

Yea, Bush did. Us liberal democrats didn't like him lying us into a war. Is Biden doing that? No.

Did Russia fuck with us when we were in Iraq? Yes. So let's give it back to them.

This is global politics. You don't understand the fallout if we abandon Ukraine. Who's next if we do? Will we stand by them? No? So who are we?

Russia is weak and they are trying to become powerful again. We can not allow that. They are broke and weak. Let's keep up helping Ukraine. And you stop being such a cheap pussy.
Knowing that my country has invaded other countries. I can’t throw the stones in glass houses. No I don’t see Russia going after other countries. It seems like they want the eastern portions of Ukraine of which much of it is pro Russian.

us supporting Ukraine goes against the vision of the allies of World War II

According to a General from India and I’ve said this before …he says that as much as 30% of Ukraine is pro Russian. So that makes this a much different scenario than what the American people are being fed by CNN and the neoconservatives on Fox.
30% of Ukraine maybe Russian but that means 70% are not...

That is why Crimea was let slide a little... But lets remember that the Russian in Crimea are there due to ethic cleansing
Are we saying as long as Russia Ethic Cleanse areas they can keep it? Ukraine has supported the Tartars being resettled back to there homeland, Russia wants an end to that... They want the Crimean Tartars removed from the face of this earth... Not that much of a difference to Hitler..
At the 2001 Ukrainian National Census, the ethnic groups within the Donetsk Oblast were: Ukrainians – 2,744,100 (56.9%), Russians – 1,844,400 (38.2%), Pontic Greeks – 77,500 (1.6%), Belarusians – 44,500 (0.9%), others (2.3%).

The Russian way is to invade and then ethnic cleanse the areas they want of the natives and place in Russians... IT is a pretty disgusting practice and thus a war crime (one of the most horrendous)...

So when you say these areas are Russian you are basically supporting Ethnic Cleansing...
The US has a international obligation to Ukraine after the Budapest Memorandum.

US signed this... How is US meant to be trusted if they then go and break it?
The same "world intelligence agencies" that swore up and down that Saddam had WMDs?

That wasn't the world intelligence agencies, mainly just the US working for a GOP administration...

Just because the GOP do something doesn't mean the rest of us do it...

I don't think you get it... Ukraine didn't start this war, Russia did... Ukraine had assurances from US going back decades if this happens that US would help. This is more than they had from EU but they got involved too..

This is not only about US sticking to their word, it is also about defending allies and democracy...

While we know some people don't like democracy on this forum, they find the will of the people doesn't match their objectives...
We should have never invaded Iraq. That's one of the reasons Putin invaded Ukraine. What can we say about it? We invaded Iraq for god sakes!!

Yea, Bush did. Us liberal democrats didn't like him lying us into a war. Is Biden doing that? No.

Did Russia fuck with us when we were in Iraq? Yes. So let's give it back to them.

This is global politics. You don't understand the fallout if we abandon Ukraine. Who's next if we do? Will we stand by them? No? So who are we?

Russia is weak and they are trying to become powerful again. We can not allow that. They are broke and weak. Let's keep up helping Ukraine. And you stop being such a cheap pussy.

Iraq was the invader as they invaded another country.
We should have never invaded Iraq. That's one of the reasons Putin invaded Ukraine. What can we say about it? We invaded Iraq for god sakes!!

Yea, Bush did. Us liberal democrats didn't like him lying us into a war. Is Biden doing that? No.

Did Russia fuck with us when we were in Iraq? Yes. So let's give it back to them.

This is global politics. You don't understand the fallout if we abandon Ukraine. Who's next if we do? Will we stand by them? No? So who are we?

Russia is weak and they are trying to become powerful again. We can not allow that. They are broke and weak. Let's keep up helping Ukraine. And you stop being such a cheap pussy.
Maybe Franklin is trying to do that 'peace in our time ' thing...

But that didn't work then and won't work now...

Bullies don't stop. We have to stand up to bullies.. It is simple, not nice but has to be done...
Mac seven we were allies with the Russians in World War II.
Kind of a long time ago...

And even then it was just to defeat Hitler... Second that was over (and even before that) Russia and West were at it...

Sorry Franklin, WW2 is a long time ago...

The Ukraine war for the West is about Democracy v Autocratic Regimes....

Dictators always dislike democracy and freedom especially in countries next door... They are afraid that their population will see a more prosperous country and think they want it themselves...
Is this true? God knows but Putin has definitely don't his best in stamping out democracy is his neighbouring countries.

Ukraine after the Orange Revolution wanted to move towards the EU... They saw ways the EU cleans up corruption, increases standards of living, creates better freedom economically and personally.. They want that... They want Russia to stop meddling in Ukraine affairs. Russia wanted to have their puppet pro russia leader back..

Not during 2003 war... Iraq invaded no one...

You are think of Gulf War one..
The reason we invaded Iraq changed so many times this guy can't even remember why we were there. He doesn't know the Bush team planned on invading Iraq in the 90's. PNAC. He can look it up.

First it was WMD's, then it was to rid Iraq of an evil dictator, freedom, then it was to fight them there so we don't have to fight them here.

How about we use that excuse? We are fighting russia in ukraine so we don't have to fight them here. I like that one.
It's funny that so-called "conservatives" whore for Russia and hate freedom and western values.
You don't seem to have much support anymore, you infiltrating leftist stooge. :dunno:

I like to think that I had a tiny part to play in that comeuppance since the center flingers (Meister) were fine with your game. :thup:

One benefit of living in a gay neighborhood is...


The results are on the battlefield.
Then you can't back up your assertion you made earlier:

You stand with Russia. We should pull your ass out of this country. We know where the money is going in Ukraine. To stop the Russians.

bolding mine

Nobody disputes money being sent but how much of it is actually used for the war effort and how much is stolen and used in corruption activities which YOU clearly don't know thus you failed to back your assertion.


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