Some of the reasons why Americans of all political backgrounds oppose funding and supporting Ukraine.

Sorry, learn your history...

Putin was very much welcomed into the Western Europe until he decided to invade other countries and turn his state in to a rogue dictatorship... Putin doesn't do friendly, we think he might be the richest person in the world from the amounts he has stole from his own people..

The west was actually hoping that Russia could possibly have strong trade ties with EU...

Putin behaved the way he did and you are trying to defend a war criminal... I

Integration into EU means Russia had to have real democracy, real personal rights, real courts, real freedom of speech and media.

All of that is INCOMPATIBLE with Putin's kleptocratic authoritarianism and imperialistic delusions.

We are not just supporting one country against another, we are supporting Ukraine's righteous fight for freedom and international stability that extends far beyond their borders and certainly into Russia itself.

If you can't tell if you are for Ukraine or Russia in this conflict then you don't know up from down, right from wrong.
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We are not just supporting one country against another, we are supporting Ukraine's righteous fight for freedom and international stability that extends far beyond their borders and certainly into Russia itself.

Why are WE 'doing the heavy lifting', leading?

Where is the U N.?

Every time there is a major world problem the UN does agree needs 'their' help it is the US who does the majority of the paying, arming, and fighting.

Where are the European nations? Why aren't they doing more?

Trump had to FORCE NATO countries to pay more money for their own defense despite the fact they have known about this threat, despite the fact that we have bailed them out twice before at a great cost in blood, sweat, sacrifice, and money.

Why NOW are liverals suddenly for never-ending costly war?
Other things bad happening in the world is not a reason for ignoring Ukraine. But you are right to ask why Ukraine... Ukraine is under US protection from Budapest Memorandum, they fought back and have been holding there own... Something the other conflicts couldn't do.. Also there is the very heavy political will to stop Russia, EU thought that their people wouldn't care abount Ukraine initially and they said they do... Eastern Europeans have mingled a lot with EU since they joined and they aren't this other people anymore... They are us... They are Europeans, strangely the EU mandate that we are all Europeans and we have behaved that way...
Treaty’s are worth as much as a piece of paper they’re on my friend. What about the so-called minsk agreement which Ukrainians have been accused of breaking.

The bottom line for me is that if a major power of the world wants to go to war it is going to happen. That is always been a part of human history that’s what the major powers do and even if Saddam Hussein and his two sons left Iraq just as George W. Bush said we might still have had to go into Iraq.

I don’t necessarily know or how could any of us know what Russia’s actual intentions in Ukraine were and what their military strategy was. It seems quite convenient for the opponents of Russia to say hey they expected to take the place in three days and here they are still fighting.

Here is another issue. Now I believe that men can grow up and live how they want even if I disagree with it. And there are men in this world who admire Adolf Hitler that’s the thing I disagree with it but that’s the thing. But what the problem is is the current US administration are just huge hypocrites of the highest order they always talk about Black Lives Matter they claim that the United States has a bunch of white supremacists which of course is nonsense. We are a liberal country there are no white supremacists in America maybe there’s 10 of them. Do you want white supremacy it in Ukraine.

These are non-Russian sources so nobody can say oh it’s just Russian propaganda.

Furthermore the support of Ukraine is not popular in the United States. Huge swaths of Republicans and the Democrats are either against funding Ukraine or they’re saying that we’re giving them too much money and that is the majority of Americans now at this point who are either choosing one of two of those options.

I have nothing against you you are cool. I am tired of know it all Americans and Europeans who say the Russians are evil. That is a bunch of nonsense. There’s nothing wrong with the Russians there’s nothing wrong with Ukrainians. We are Americans we were not attacked by Russia.

This is wrong to be supporting The killing of fellow Christians in the Russian people ….by our country supplying all this money and weapons
I just can’t believe that some Americans fall for whatever the media tells them too. Like the media tells him how to think they tell him hey Ukraine’s fighting for democracy they’re fighting as the vanguard of freedom. What about all the starving children in Africa what about all of the authoritarian dictatorship‘s around the world. You see that’s why this is all a bunch of nonsense. It really is getting old and it’s brutal to see how people in America and Europe fall for the trap of believing that the Russians are evil. Give me a goddamn break…. There are millions of children around the world who are starving living in shit literally what about them.
Why are WE 'doing the heavy lifting', leading?
...Ukrainians are paying with their very lives and you are talking about us doing the heavy lifting? Zero perspective.

Even talking only about assitance, we are the big whale in the world, but there are other countries are doing more or equal to us relative to their economy size.

Just imagine in the midst of our invasion an occupation of Iraq or Afghanistan people in Russia or whatever we’re saying we just hope the Americans pull out right now and engage in diplomatic negotiations. And how we would feel about that as Americans.
...Ukrainians are paying with their very lives and you are talking about us doing the heavy lifting? Zero perspective.

Even talking about straight level of assitance, we are the big whale in the world, but there are other countries are doing more or equal to us relative to their GDP.

But that’s kind of flawed . who is asking smaller countries to help out here ? here’s the thing my friend Germany is an extremely rich country they’ve given four billion dollars . that’s what counts my friend it’s the United States once again who has given by far and wide everything almost everything whether it’s the best weapons or the hundred and ten billion dollars . here’s the thing what about Japan for example they got all this money what about Japan…Japan is one of the most racist immigration countries in the world it is 99.8% Japanese.

People in United States are rightfully protesting that we are once again on the hook for these types of issues. That is only fair. What about the big country is France Germany and yes England with all their money and power all they can fork up is a few billion dollars

There’s also quite a few people in countries like Germany and Italy who are opposed to funding Ukraine.

The raw truth is that the great majority of Europe depends on American protection. That is just a post World War II raw truth. Should’ve never gone down this way it there should never have been a cold war. If FDR lived on past World War II or the vision of the allies was upheld all of the world powers will be working together to the day and we would’ve avoided many wars.
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Like the media tells him how to think they tell him hey Ukraine’s fighting for democracy they’re fighting as the vanguard of freedom. What about all the starving children in Africa
There is nothing about African children that prevents Ukraine from fighting for democracy. Take your bullshit false choice and shove it already.
...Ukrainians are paying with their very lives and you are talking about us doing the heavy lifting? Zero perspective.

Even talking only about assitance, we are the big whale in the world, but there are other countries are doing more or equal to us relative to their economy size.



Of course Ukrainians are fighting
/ during - their country was invaded. Its their war.

Had Biden, who has been wrong about EVERY foreign picu decision he has ever made, done what was needed to PREVENT Putin from invading in the 1st place, hadn't facilitated the invasion, we wouldn't be in this shit & Ukrainians probably would not have died / would not be dying right now.

Your graph shows all the different nations fighting this proxy WAR you claim we are not in.

Again, where is the UN? Time to pull out - they are completely useless, a waste of US $$$ and resources
But that’s kind of flawed . who is asking smaller countries to help out here ? here’s the thing my friend Germany is an extremely rich country they’ve given four billion dollars .

Ukraine is asking, because it wants to survive.

Germany's economy is 19% of our's and they are contributing 11% of what we are.
Ukraine is asking, because it wants to survive.

Germany's economy is 19% of our's and they are contributing 11% of what we are.
What country are you from my friend. If you don’t have a dog in the fight …if you or your relatives are not fighting why be against Russia. ?

I’m neutral
Moron, we are not at war with Russia and all of the military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine is approved by Congress.
But most American people say we should not be funding Ukraine or they say we are giving them too much money. You know that Congress has low approval ratings like something like between 10 and 20% of the American people approve of Congress.
Integration into EU means Russia had to have real democracy, real personal rights, real courts, real freedom of speech and media.

All of that is INCOMPATIBLE with Putin's kleptocratic authoritarianism and imperialistic delusions.

We are not just supporting one country against another, we are supporting Ukraine's righteous fight for freedom and international stability that extends far beyond their borders and certainly into Russia itself.

If you can't tell if you are for Ukraine or Russia in this conflict then you don't know up from down, right from wrong.
I said all along that Putin fears EU way more that NATO...

EU is like a virus to him, people seeing their neighbours getting wealthier, safer, less corruption... It is hard to say they are evil westerns... They know their nieghbours..
Ukraine is asking, because it wants to survive.

Germany's economy is 19% of our's and they are contributing 11% of what we are.
Germany is also taking Refugees...

CountryAs of dateNumber of refugees
United Kingdom2/7/23161,400


That is 2,123 in total for the US... US finds it harder politically to accept Refugees than Europe, so they take more and US gives aid.... This amount of refugees is expensive especially with housing shortages after COVID..
European Leaders have been surprised by how much their own people will tollerate and support for the Ukrainian people... European clearly see this as a proxy war that democracy was attacked by autocracy, freedom attacked by oppression, transparency by corruption.... The fight is in Ukraine so the least we can do is look after their people for a while..
What country are you from my friend. If you don’t have a dog in the fight …if you or your relatives are not fighting why be against Russia. ?

I’m neutral

I'm an American, originally from Russia.

I'm not at all against Russia. I am FOR Russia.

Free, economically integrated, prosperous, clean governing, peaceful Russia. All the things that are not possible under Russia's current regime.

Putin losing this bloody invasion would be the best thing that could happen to Russia since dissolution of USSR and Perestroyka. And not only Russia, this would be profound message to all the two bit imperialist land grabbers where that road leads.
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But most American people say we should not be funding Ukraine or they say we are giving them too much money. You know that Congress has low approval ratings like something like between 10 and 20% of the American people approve of Congress.
No they don't


Sorry but you are plainly lying...
Proxy war is still at war, Bushbot neocon asshole.
Thats just some bullshit in your head.

America supports Ukraine's fight for freedom and democracy. It just so happens that Russians are the ones invading them.

If China or India was invading Ukraine we would support them just the same.
I'm an American, originally from Russia.

I'm not at all against Russia. I am FOR Russia.

Free, economically integrated, prosperous, clean governing, peaceful Russia. All the things that are not possible under Russia's current regime.

Putin losing this bloody invasion would be the best thing that could happen to Russia since dissolution of USSR and Perestroyka. And not only Russia, this would be profound message to all the two bit imperialist land grabbers where that road leads.
The best thing to happen Russia would to loose this war in humiliation and let the people take back their country from these criminals..

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