Some of the reasons why Americans of all political backgrounds oppose funding and supporting Ukraine.

I noticed you left out the Democrat FTX Ponzi Scheme where Democrats were 'funding Ukraine' & mist of the cash was filling Democrats' (& McConnell's) pockets.
That's a hoax for which none of you tards have provided a shred of evidence.

It's hilarious you claim to be a journalist. You are nothing but a parroting rube.
To be used against a belligerent foreign power, that has nukes.

You neocon warmonger moonbats are fucking insane.
You are exactly like the cowering pinkos of the 80s who whined that Reagan was going to start WWIII when he put intermediate range nukes in Europe.

You are a spineless whimpering appeaser kowtowing to the most evil regime in the world and the most evil dictator in the world.

There is only one thing thugs like Putin understand, and that is strength.

Reagan knew this. His motto was "Peace Through Strength".

The fact is, you appeasers don't care if Putin takes all of Ukraine, just like your appeasing ancestors didn't care if Hitler took all of Europe.

"Not our problem!"

If we leave, Putin won't stop with Eastern Ukraine. Hell, he probably won't stop with just Ukraine. Just look at his pattern. He's trying to rebuild the Soviet Union.

Every penny we spend to stop him is a life saved.
That is not Russia's decision to make!
Again, neutrality agreements have prevented countless wars across human history.
Like I said to Mac1958. It is easy to say things. It is not easy to make what you say a reality, whether you like it or not, or whether you are right or wrong.
In my limited knowledge of this, I do not believe that any value of Ukraine being a NATO state was ever going to be close to the cost to make that happen.
Again, neutrality agreements have prevented countless wars across human history.
Like I said to Mac1958. It is easy to say things. It is not easy to make what you say a reality, whether you like it or not, or whether you are right or wrong.
In my limited knowledge of this, I do not believe that any value of Ukraine being a NATO state was ever going to be close to the cost to make that happen.
Ukraine and the world have seen Putin invade Georgia and Crimea. You think neutrality agreements mean fuck-all to Putin? They didn't mean fuck-all to Hitler, and they don't mean fuck-all to Putin.

Ukraine's only guarantee of safety is by joining NATO.

Sweden and Finland have reached the same conclusion.
The invasion of Ukraine was self defence just like the invasion of the island of Grenada.

It was a sad spectacle to see a small island that didn't do anything to America and couldn't defend itself from the haitian army being invaded without provocation by the US military machine.

But what did you expect US presidents to do? Spend 50 years asking the Soviet Union to be nice and stop creating satellite countries in America's backyard?

If America hadn't invaded, financed military coups and proxy wars throughout Central America and the Caribbean, the country would have been totally surrounded by soviet bases just like Russia is now almost totally surrounded by NATO.

There were Russian medical students being held agaisnst their will in Ukraine?
The invasion of Ukraine was self defence just like the invasion of the island of Grenada.
Apples and oranges.

The United States intervened in Grenada at the request of the OECS and the Governor-General of Grenada, idiot.
And they will continue to eat russian bombs by the thousands until mentally retarded super patriotic american clowns like you get it through your thick skulls that Russia has the same right to live free from military harassment from NATO as America during the Cold War.
Russia can live free from military "harassment" as soon as they leave Ukraine.

How fucking bizarre you tards don't demand Ukraine be freed from military invasion!
Ukraine and the world have seen Putin invade Georgia and Crimea. You think neutrality agreements mean fuck-all to Putin? They didn't mean fuck-all to Hitler, and they don't mean fuck-all to Putin.

Ukraine's only guarantee of safety is by joining NATO.

Sweden and Finland have reached the same conclusion.
Is Ukraine worth WW III?
Where do you see this ending?
You think Ukraine is going to be victorious?
Russia leaving Ukraine with their tails between their legs and their chins to their chest would be a global humiliation to Putin. He is not going to agree to that. Not without gaining geography.
Putin is a mass murderer, a sociopath. He doesn't care one bit how many Russian/Ukrainian youth is killed. He would have no problem if Russia's casualties is 10 times that of Ukraine if it means he saves his face.
Again, where do you see this ending? Not how you want it to end, but how it will end knowing Putin is not going to walk away. No way, no how.
Why our country gets involved in these foolish conflicts is a mystery to me.
Of course it is. Of course.

There are many good reasons for the West to support Ukraine's fight against imperialist Russia.

First, it's the right thing to do.

Second, the Ukraine is a major food source for the world. We cannot allow a mass murdering genocidal dictator to control the world's food supply.

Third, this enables the West to see the military capabilities, tactics, and logistics of Russia. This is an invaluable strategic opportunity. We are learning our greatest enemy's strengths and weaknesses at a very cheap price!

The more we hurt Putin, the less saber rattling he will do in the future. He is a paper tiger and now the whole world knows it.
Again, neutrality agreements have prevented countless wars across human history.
Like I said to Mac1958. It is easy to say things. It is not easy to make what you say a reality, whether you like it or not, or whether you are right or wrong.
In my limited knowledge of this, I do not believe that any value of Ukraine being a NATO state was ever going to be close to the cost to make that happen.
Wasn’t necessary until Russia invaded Ukraine

Putin assumed NATO was weak and not United. It is only stronger and has more members since Putin forced his hand
Is Ukraine worth WW III?
There isn't going to be a WWIII. That's theater for the appeasers.

Where do you see this ending?
You think Ukraine is going to be victorious?
Russia leaving Ukraine with their tails between their legs and their chins to their chest would be a global humiliation to Putin. He is not going to agree to that. Not without gaining geography.
Putin is a mass murderer, a sociopath. He doesn't care one bit how many Russian/Ukrainian youth is killed. He would have no problem if Russia's casualties is 10 times that of Ukraine if it means he saves his face.
Again, where do you see this ending?
The USSR left Afghanistan with its tail between its legs. Just as we did.

So Putin leaving Ukraine with his tail between his legs is doable and likely so long as the West continues to support Ukraine.

Putin is hoping we wimp out just as we have in so many other conflicts for the past 50 years. He is trying to outwait us and let Ukraine down. The appeasers are playing right into that.

He never expected this kind of resistance from the West. He miscalculated just as Hitler miscalculated in Poland.

The Russian people will not tolerate the loss of Russian lives for no purpose.

At the very least, this destruction of the Russian military will ensure Putin never again takes aggressive action against one of our allies.

And China will think twice about taking aggressive action against Taiwan.
Fuck your polls....Ukraine is none of Murica's business.
If that is Trump's position too, and I believe it is, then it's silly to say Putin wouldn't have invaded if Trump was president. You can't have this both ways but you'll try.
There isn't going to be a WWIII. That's theater for the appeasers.

The USSR left Afghanistan with its tail between its legs. Just as we did.

So Putin leaving Ukraine with his tail between his legs is doable and likely so long as the West continues to support Ukraine.

Putin is hoping we wimp out just as we have in so many other conflicts for the past 50 years. He is trying to outwait us and let Ukraine down. The appeasers are playing right into that.

He never expected this kind of resistance from the West. He miscalculated just as Hitler miscalculated in Poland.

The Russian people will not tolerate the loss of Russian lives for no purpose.

At the very least, this destruction of the Russian military will ensure Putin never again takes aggressive action against one of our allies.

And China will think twice about taking aggressive action against Taiwan.
The Russian people are taking it just like we did when Bush lied us into Iraq. How many years later were we still there?

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