Some people are too stupid to breathe...

This woman should be pistol whipped to a coma, since she has no real job she obviously can't make it in the real world. She being a fucking piece of shit professor… LOL Orange Coast College Student Threatened With Expulsion After Recording Professor's Anti-Trump Tirade
What's stupid about it?

She's taking advantage of the fact that she has a captive audience to fill young minds with her hardcore partisan ideology. As dishonest and nasty as that is, it sure all hell isn't stupid.

What do you think is going on, on campuses from coast to coast? The last thing they want these kids to do is be exposed to contrary opinions and open debate.
I am not defending that particular professor's actions.

I am defending the legal and academic right of a professor to tell the class how the classroom environment will operate.

Any student has the right to file a grievance with, first, the professor, then the Department Chairman, and up to the Dean and Provost.

Students are not in charge of the classroom.
But the students should not have to listen to fairy tales from a fucked up politically correct shit bag…
Believe that all you want, and you will still believe wrongly.

The professor has academic freedom.

There is no consumer contract property right in his education.

The professor controls his classroom.

The syllabus documents the reciprocal obligations of professor and students.

Students can always take another professor.

They have grievance rights as part of the college charter.

You truly do not understand.
And the students have every right to record the fucking whore and expose her politically correct cowardice…
thanks, hwga

Students have to follow the syllabus. If they don't like it, they can take another class. Easy peasy.
The bitch needed to be exposed for her Cowardly behavior...
hwga, bring in the muscle...

Professors have a right to say what they want in class, and students have a right to record them and expose them when they do.
The profs have the legal right to put in the syllabus that the lectures not be taped. End of story.

Yep and if it gets recorded there is not a damn thing the professors can do.
He can bar them from the class room until the person stops, signs an agreement to not do it again, and follows the syllabus.

Yep, and students can still record and if the nutty control freak professor doesn't know, then nothing happens. Control freaks need to lighten up. If you don't like what you say, don't say it. Pretty freakin simple.
Professors have a right to say what they want in class, and students have a right to record them and expose them when they do.
The profs have the legal right to put in the syllabus that the lectures not be taped. End of story.

Yep and if it gets recorded there is not a damn thing the professors can do.
He can bar them from the class room until the person stops, signs an agreement to not do it again, and follows the syllabus.

Yep, and students can still record and if the nutty control freak professor doesn't know, then nothing happens. Control freaks need to lighten up. If you don't like what you say, don't say it. Pretty freakin simple.
That's the professor's call. If he says they can, they can. If he catches them in violation of the Syllabus, they can be barred from the classroom.
Professors have a right to say what they want in class, and students have a right to record them and expose them when they do.
The profs have the legal right to put in the syllabus that the lectures not be taped. End of story.

Yep and if it gets recorded there is not a damn thing the professors can do.
He can bar them from the class room until the person stops, signs an agreement to not do it again, and follows the syllabus.

Yep, and students can still record and if the nutty control freak professor doesn't know, then nothing happens. Control freaks need to lighten up. If you don't like what you say, don't say it. Pretty freakin simple.
That's the professor's call. If he says they can, they can. If he catches them in violation of the Syllabus, they can be barred from the classroom.

I agreed with you, not sure what your issue is.
So funny...the school doesn't want it out there that their professors are political even in classes with nothing to do with politics.

Assholes like this and how the school is handling it is why Trump won.

What's-a matter you? :slap: that's-a not why...
fake news is-a bad, they make fake-a polls
when-a too many white-a people vote
it's-a because they are racist and Obama is-a black,
Russian hackers working-a for Putin, who is Trumps-a lover,
hacked voting-a machines from Russia, to-a take over America,
which will be-a sold to-a China, to-a create a Palestinian state...

Ah, shaddap-a you face...fake news it's-a bad!

I have no idea what any of that means.

Professors should not be espousing their PERSONAL political views in non politics related classes.
Professors have a right to say what they want in class, and students have a right to record them and expose them when they do.
The profs have the legal right to put in the syllabus that the lectures not be taped. End of story.

But does a 'professor' of sexuality allowed to have a political rant on students' dime? The students pay through the nose for their education. They have a right to be taught the subject they are in...not what the 'professor' thinks they should be talking about. If I go to a physics lecture I want to be taught physics, not geography.
. Parents, the ones actually footing the bill for these snowflakes, should sue the universities for tuition cost paid.
You are wasting your time talking to the stupid asshole. Block him and the forum IQ goes up a few points
I did a few days ago. All that fucker's purpose here is to deliver fake opinions and cause people to get banned by instigating controversy. He's not a republican, never was and probably has multiple accounts.
I see AvgGuyIA and iceweasel can't hang with truth, justice, and the American way. :lol:
So funny...the school doesn't want it out there that their professors are political even in classes with nothing to do with politics.

Assholes like this and how the school is handling it is why Trump won.
What's-a matter you? :slap: that's-a not why...
fake news is-a bad, they make fake-a polls
when-a too many white-a people vote
it's-a because they are racist and Obama is-a black,
Russian hackers working-a for Putin, who is Trumps-a lover,
hacked voting-a machines from Russia, to-a take over America,
which will be-a sold to-a China, to-a create a Palestinian state...

Ah, shaddap-a you face...fake news it's-a bad!
I have no idea what any of that means
O...M...G...I have no idea what made me think anyone would!
I wish you and Ridgerunner could hear me cracking the hell up over here!

Seriously, total deprivation of sleep and overexposure
to the dangerously, high levels of the mind blowing stupidity rampant here,
is definitely unhealthy because it'll start to wear off on you!

Attempting to mock these idiots, in a sleep deprived state of mind,
only succeeded in backfiring on me...
I ended up sounding just like one of these nuts!

Haven't you ever heard that song... shaddap-a you face
what's the matter you, why you look so sad,...sung in an Italian dialect,
I started off with some of the crazy shit I've read here,
then, just started adding my own crazy shit I'm surprised I haven't heard yet!

Voilà your posts
This woman should be pistol whipped to a coma, since she has no real job she obviously can't make it in the real world. She being a fucking piece of shit professor… LOL

Orange Coast College Student Threatened With Expulsion After Recording Professor's Anti-Trump Tirade
This stupid bitch teaches a "human sexuality" class so she can snag more young confused girls and turn them into rabid dykes.

Boycott this bitch and warn everyone about her and help make America great again.
If a liberal professor is allowed to share their political beliefs, it's fine for conservative instructors to share their beliefs....correct?

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