"Some people did something." No, Omar, YOUR people did something!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
"Some people did something.", She said, referring to the Twin Towers loss of life and property destruction. No, Ilhan Omar, YOUR people did something. Your muslim brothers plotted and implemented a plan to kill thousands of Americans and you and your muslim people approve of it to this day. You should have said, "MY people did something really evil and I want to apologize for it and help us heal and move on." But you didn't.

Do NOT talk to us about causing division, do NOT call us racists, do NOT say we hate muslims (If we did, we'd be killing them every day here like YOUR people do where they find "non-believers", but we don't.), do NOT make anti-Jewish comments. Just stop. Close your mouth. If you refuse, you're going to cause a conflict the likes of which this country has NEVER seen, not even our own civil war. Is that what you want?

Apparently the people who supported you financially behind the scenes want more bloodshed such as occurred on 911. And, the people from your district also support that. Otherwise, you wouldn't gloss over that terrible incident by saying "Some people did something." No, Omar, it wasn't some people, it was YOUR people.

"Some people did something.", She said, referring to the Twin Towers loss of life and property destruction. No, Ilhan Omar, YOUR people did something. Your muslim brothers plotted and implemented a plan to kill thousands of Americans and you and your muslim people approve of it to this day. You should have said, "MY people did something really evil and I want to apologize for it and help us heal and move on." But you didn't.

Do NOT talk to us about causing division, do NOT call us racists, do NOT say we hate muslims (If we did, we'd be killing them every day here like YOUR people do where they find "non-believers", but we don't.), do NOT make anti-Jewish comments. Just stop. Close your mouth. If you refuse, you're going to cause a conflict the likes of which this country has NEVER seen, not even our own civil war. Is that what you want?

Apparently the people who supported you financially behind the scenes want more bloodshed such as occurred on 911. And, the people from your district also support that. Otherwise, you wouldn't gloss over that terrible incident by saying "Some people did something." No, Omar, it wasn't some people, it was YOUR people.

Omar was probably one of those kids flipping me off when I was in Somalia in 1993.


April 13, 2019
Rep. Ilhan Omar's anti-Americanism exposed
By Eugene Slaven
In case anyone had any doubts about the precise nature of the ideology espoused by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), this week's unearthing of a tweet posted by the freshman congresswoman erased any such doubts:


Given the unprecedented number of fanatical sentiments shared by Omar during her brief political career, it's perhaps easy to overlook the uniquely insidious point she is making here.

You see, this tweet is the definitive proof that Rep. Omar is an anti-American fanatic.

Whereas her prior controversies exposed her anti-Semitism, political radicalism, and any other number of undesirable views, we now have unequivocal proof that a U.S. congresswoman actually despises the nation she represents.

True, there have been prior instances of congressmen and senators acting in ways that called into question their patriotism or endorsement of Western values. But in virtually all such cases, these dissidents have been artful enough to allow for at least a modicum of the benefit of the doubt against charges of anti-Americanism. Even Bernie Sanders — a socialist who adored the Soviet Union so much that as mayor of Burlington, Vermont, he hung the Soviet flag outside his office — has been careful to not explicitly declare his aversion for the United States.

But Omar doesn't exercise any such discretion when she contends that America was "founded by genocide" and maintains "global power through neocolonialism."

Absolutely stunning. She doesn't think America's founding was rooted in liberty, suffrage, rule of law, or constitutional republicanism; she declares it was rooted in genocide. Furthermore, she believes that America has never redeemed itself and continues to perpetuate oppression via "neocolonialism."

It's almost immaterial to parse the staggering ignorance underlying Omar's argument by pointing out that the pseudo-"genocide" she speaks of was caused by disease spread by Europeans over two centuries before America was founded, and that "neocolonialism" is an absurd misnomer the far left uses to characterize the United States aiding pro-Western regimes. To ascertain Omar's anti-Americanism, one only has to take what she says at face value: genocide is the foundation of the United States, and "neocolonialism" is the means by which the U.S. maintains its malevolent global power. Ergo, America is a really, really bad country.

Rep. Omar's allies in Congress and the media will deflect; play the race, sex, and religion cards; accuse anyone of criticizing her as anti–[insert keyword]; and otherwise do what they always do. But the proof that Rep. Ilmar Omar is an anti-American fanatic is her explicit condemnation of the United States as being born out of an evil it continues to perpetuate.

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Yea I watched the video of that guy shooting up that Mosque a few weeks back. It was nice seeing the bullets and death flying the other way for once.
Yea I watched the video of that guy shooting up that Mosque a few weeks back. It was nice seeing the bullets and death flying the other way for once.
I dont think new zealand has seen the last of them mooslums.
I don't support the death threats this evil creature is receiving, but I can certainly understand why she is receiving them.
Is she receiving them or is this just a part of her strategy to portray herself as the victim and not the aggressor?
"Some people did something.", She said, referring to the Twin Towers loss of life and property destruction. No, Ilhan Omar, YOUR people did something. Your muslim brothers plotted and implemented a plan to kill thousands of Americans and you and your muslim people approve of it to this day. You should have said, "MY people did something really evil and I want to apologize for it and help us heal and move on." But you didn't.

Do NOT talk to us about causing division, do NOT call us racists, do NOT say we hate muslims (If we did, we'd be killing them every day here like YOUR people do where they find "non-believers", but we don't.), do NOT make anti-Jewish comments. Just stop. Close your mouth. If you refuse, you're going to cause a conflict the likes of which this country has NEVER seen, not even our own civil war. Is that what you want?

Apparently the people who supported you financially behind the scenes want more bloodshed such as occurred on 911. And, the people from your district also support that. Otherwise, you wouldn't gloss over that terrible incident by saying "Some people did something." No, Omar, it wasn't some people, it was YOUR people.

It was Saudi Arabians, who Trump is in an almost sexual love relationship with. He has more ties to 9/11 terrorists than Omar ever will.
"Some people did something.", She said, referring to the Twin Towers loss of life and property destruction. No, Ilhan Omar, YOUR people did something. Your muslim brothers plotted and implemented a plan to kill thousands of Americans and you and your muslim people approve of it to this day. You should have said, "MY people did something really evil and I want to apologize for it and help us heal and move on." But you didn't.

Do NOT talk to us about causing division, do NOT call us racists, do NOT say we hate muslims (If we did, we'd be killing them every day here like YOUR people do where they find "non-believers", but we don't.), do NOT make anti-Jewish comments. Just stop. Close your mouth. If you refuse, you're going to cause a conflict the likes of which this country has NEVER seen, not even our own civil war. Is that what you want?

Apparently the people who supported you financially behind the scenes want more bloodshed such as occurred on 911. And, the people from your district also support that. Otherwise, you wouldn't gloss over that terrible incident by saying "Some people did something." No, Omar, it wasn't some people, it was YOUR people.

It was Saudi Arabians, who Trump is in an almost sexual love relationship with. He has more ties to 9/11 terrorists than Omar ever will.
You can always count on black fag giving us an opening to shove it up his ass....

"Some people did something.", She said, referring to the Twin Towers loss of life and property destruction. No, Ilhan Omar, YOUR people did something. Your muslim brothers plotted and implemented a plan to kill thousands of Americans and you and your muslim people approve of it to this day. You should have said, "MY people did something really evil and I want to apologize for it and help us heal and move on." But you didn't.

Do NOT talk to us about causing division, do NOT call us racists, do NOT say we hate muslims (If we did, we'd be killing them every day here like YOUR people do where they find "non-believers", but we don't.), do NOT make anti-Jewish comments. Just stop. Close your mouth. If you refuse, you're going to cause a conflict the likes of which this country has NEVER seen, not even our own civil war. Is that what you want?

Apparently the people who supported you financially behind the scenes want more bloodshed such as occurred on 911. And, the people from your district also support that. Otherwise, you wouldn't gloss over that terrible incident by saying "Some people did something." No, Omar, it wasn't some people, it was YOUR people.

It was Saudi Arabians, who Trump is in an almost sexual love relationship with. He has more ties to 9/11 terrorists than Omar ever will.
You can always count on black fag giving us an opening to shove it up his ass....

Trump helped the Saudi's get away with the assassination and dismemberment of a Washington Post journalist. Trump is sharing U.S. nuclear technology with Saudi Arabia. On 9/11 Trump chose to boast, falsely, that his building was now the tallest in New York.
"Some people did something.", She said, referring to the Twin Towers loss of life and property destruction. No, Ilhan Omar, YOUR people did something. Your muslim brothers plotted and implemented a plan to kill thousands of Americans and you and your muslim people approve of it to this day. You should have said, "MY people did something really evil and I want to apologize for it and help us heal and move on." But you didn't.

Do NOT talk to us about causing division, do NOT call us racists, do NOT say we hate muslims (If we did, we'd be killing them every day here like YOUR people do where they find "non-believers", but we don't.), do NOT make anti-Jewish comments. Just stop. Close your mouth. If you refuse, you're going to cause a conflict the likes of which this country has NEVER seen, not even our own civil war. Is that what you want?

Apparently the people who supported you financially behind the scenes want more bloodshed such as occurred on 911. And, the people from your district also support that. Otherwise, you wouldn't gloss over that terrible incident by saying "Some people did something." No, Omar, it wasn't some people, it was YOUR people.

It was Saudi Arabians, who Trump is in an almost sexual love relationship with. He has more ties to 9/11 terrorists than Omar ever will.
You can always count on black fag giving us an opening to shove it up his ass....

Trump helped the Saudi's get away with the assassination and dismemberment of a Washington Post journalist. Trump is sharing U.S. nuclear technology with Saudi Arabia. On 9/11 Trump chose to boast, falsely, that his building was now the tallest in New York.
ROTFLMFAO....making and spreading FAKE NEWS.... I do hope the DNC check got much smaller as they realize what a fuck up they picked to spread propaganda...

Yea I watched the video of that guy shooting up that Mosque a few weeks back. It was nice seeing the bullets and death flying the other way for once.

Which, of course, makes you no better than them.

I'm not trying to be better than anyone. They kill us, we are happy to see them killed. They started it. Didn't your dad teach you as a kid not to start a fight you can't win?
Yea I watched the video of that guy shooting up that Mosque a few weeks back. It was nice seeing the bullets and death flying the other way for once.

Which, of course, makes you no better than them.

I'm not trying to be better than anyone. They kill us, we are happy to see them killed. They started it. Didn't your dad teach you as a kid not to start a fight you can't win?

My dad certainly did not teach me to smack Mike around because of something that Jim did.

I'm surprised that yours did.
Yea I watched the video of that guy shooting up that Mosque a few weeks back. It was nice seeing the bullets and death flying the other way for once.

Which, of course, makes you no better than them.

I'm not trying to be better than anyone. They kill us, we are happy to see them killed. They started it. Didn't your dad teach you as a kid not to start a fight you can't win?

My dad certainly did not teach me to smack Mike around because of something that Jim did.

I'm surprised that yours did.

When Mike and Jim are members of the same terrorist organization, sure. You might be someone to draw these big lines between sets of terrorists, but I don't. You kill them now or kill them later. I didn't see a global uproar of Muslims standing up and saying 9/11 was wrong. In fact, just the opposite. I have no need for Muslims. I have no need for a religion that promotes killing non believers, so its kill or be killed. The bible does not say to not kill people, it says DO NOT MURDER. BIG DIFFERENCE.

The people that committed the crime were killed in the airplane crashes. Are you saying that we shouldn't have gone after terrorists in Afghanistan?

And she is simply one of them. She is a muslim, she is a terrorist sympathizer, she is an anti-Semite. She hates America and everything we stand for. She referred to the worst terrorist attack on US soil as "someone doing something." The fact that fucking raghead bitch is now an elected representative in our country and calling our president an son-of-a-bitch is a sign that we have become weak as a nation.

You think that fucking raghead could have been elected in 2002?
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I don't support the death threats this evil creature is receiving, but I can certainly understand why she is receiving them.
Is she receiving them or is this just a part of her strategy to portray herself as the victim and not the aggressor?

speaking of which------AN INTERESTING FACTOID!!!! right after the Islamic
atrocity of 9-11-01------the glorious civil rights advocate CAIR ----ANNOUNCED that muslims should and MUST
report anything that might seem "distressing" to them like a "nasty
I worked in a job back then which took
me all over New York City and in
contact with lots of cops. The cops
told me that the precincts were
BESIEGED with muslim women claiming ----"someone pulled my headscarf" (that
hijab thing)----in fact, it was all BS----not
a single case witnessed. but it is an
act that leaves no EVIDENCE. I should
add that making a report in NYC for such
an event is TRULY idiotic. Omar had
the AUDACITY to claim that muslims are
being DENIED their civil rights (???)
YEAH--where? what right is SHE DENIED? reality----according to shariah law they ARE BEING DENIED
their rights------like raping killing and
enslaving "kaffirin" SOMALIA IS
A SHARIAH SHIT HOLE------in its history there were Christians and jews living there---------ain't none no more. In order
to please allah NOW----somalians travel to
Kenya to kill Christians and Hindus
Yea I watched the video of that guy shooting up that Mosque a few weeks back. It was nice seeing the bullets and death flying the other way for once.

Which, of course, makes you no better than them.

I'm not trying to be better than anyone. They kill us, we are happy to see them killed. They started it. Didn't your dad teach you as a kid not to start a fight you can't win?

My dad certainly did not teach me to smack Mike around because of something that Jim did.

I'm surprised that yours did.

your dad was right, doggie------but that is
NOT a lesson in shariah law

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