Some poll numbers.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
These are from RCP and I'm not posting these to predicate a Republican victory in next years midterms or the 2016 Presidential election they catch my eye because barely a month ago the Republicans were taking it on the chin in these very same polls because of the shut down and debt ceiling fight then the Obamacare roll out starts and now we have the Democrats taking it on the chin.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Generic Congressional Vote
Every congressional poll except Faux News Poll (lol...) shows the democrats with a sizable lead, why are you posting this? It does not show "democrats taking it on the chin" at all, whatsoever...
Every congressional poll except Faux News Poll (lol...) shows the democrats with a sizable lead, why are you posting this? It does not show "democrats taking it on the chin" at all, whatsoever...

That's untrue. The trend has been a shrinking lead since the latter part of October. Quinnipiac posted a tie.

Are you so insecure about the subject that you need to fudge the data?

What is to be gained by that when the truth is one click away?
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why not poll state by state? aren't most congressmen in very red districts? the polling experts already know that the red congressmen/women already in red districts are safe, its the ones in purple states that could lose and we will add more GOP/Conservatives into the 2014 Congress.
Every congressional poll except Faux News Poll (lol...) shows the democrats with a sizable lead, why are you posting this? It does not show "democrats taking it on the chin" at all, whatsoever...

There is a lot of dissatisfaction over the whole healthcare mess, and it is showing up in the polling numbers. The thing is that if they can get the website working and do a better job of explaining this whole process, a lot of people who are now bitching about their policies being cancelled will end up being happy that they are actually saving money. No, not everyone is going to save money by changing plans, but a lot more will than won't especially when they are eligible for the subsidy.

After going over everything, I am going to save a few hundred dollars next year on all of my healthcare spending, and that is without getting a subsidy. If for some reason I do become very sick and need hospitalization for something, then I will pay more because I am choosing a higher deductible plan. I don't hit my current deductible and since I am in relatively good health, I don't expect to hit one that is higher if I'm not hitting the lower one now.

Bottom line is that if they can get this damn thing off the ground, a lot of people are actually going to like it. Sure, there are always going to be those who hate it, but it's a numbers game, and it's a numbers game the Dems can win.
Every congressional poll except Faux News Poll (lol...) shows the democrats with a sizable lead, why are you posting this? It does not show "democrats taking it on the chin" at all, whatsoever...

I notice you didn't post a link to any of the polls you talked about second I didn't post a FOX news poll these are from Real Clear Politics which uses several polls to come up with their average. Now lets take the polls one at a time since his reelection Obama's approval rating has been from the mid 40s to 50 percent it is currently at 41% that is trending down not up second Obamacare approval rating generally that has been about 50/50 give or take a few points currently 39% approval rating last generic congressional ballot a month ago the Democrats had a six point lead on this that lead is now down to 2.7. All of these downward trends which started with the Obamacare roll out add up to taking it on the chin deny it if you wish the numbers don't lie.
Well Real clear politics still shows the Ds retaining the senate even though the Ds account for the vast majority of seats at risk. that is strange. Also on average D seats are at greater risk according to their own calculations. I think the Ds have lost the senate>
Every congressional poll except Faux News Poll (lol...) shows the democrats with a sizable lead, why are you posting this? It does not show "democrats taking it on the chin" at all, whatsoever...

There is a lot of dissatisfaction over the whole healthcare mess, and it is showing up in the polling numbers. The thing is that if they can get the website working and do a better job of explaining this whole process, a lot of people who are now bitching about their policies being cancelled will end up being happy that they are actually saving money. No, not everyone is going to save money by changing plans, but a lot more will than won't especially when they are eligible for the subsidy.

After going over everything, I am going to save a few hundred dollars next year on all of my healthcare spending, and that is without getting a subsidy. If for some reason I do become very sick and need hospitalization for something, then I will pay more because I am choosing a higher deductible plan. I don't hit my current deductible and since I am in relatively good health, I don't expect to hit one that is higher if I'm not hitting the lower one now.

Bottom line is that if they can get this damn thing off the ground, a lot of people are actually going to like it. Sure, there are always going to be those who hate it, but it's a numbers game, and it's a numbers game the Dems can win.

This is now the 5th thread I have found where you tell the same lie. This is some kind of compulsion. I have saved my standard response to the initial lie. Here it is.

We've been through this before. You're insurance costs have gone up $208.30 a month. You know this. It has been pointed out to you, and yet you still tell the same lies. As I have also said previously, your monthly costs will go up 64.8%.

Your initial lie was "I never hit my deductible." Fine, then why do you need insurance? You obviously will never get sick or have an accident, right?

You have an increased insurance cost of $2500 a year at minimum. That does not include the higher taxes you will pay for any medical devices you get under this law.

Please stop being like Obama and continue to tell the same lie over and over hoping people will believe you. Like really hurts your credibility.
why not poll state by state? aren't most congressmen in very red districts? the polling experts already know that the red congressmen/women already in red districts are safe, its the ones in purple states that could lose and we will add more GOP/Conservatives into the 2014 Congress.
It won't be a big swing because 90% of the house seats can only be lost if the incumbent is discovered bed with a dead child.
Every congressional poll except Faux News Poll (lol...) shows the democrats with a sizable lead, why are you posting this? It does not show "democrats taking it on the chin" at all, whatsoever...

There is a lot of dissatisfaction over the whole healthcare mess, and it is showing up in the polling numbers. The thing is that if they can get the website working and do a better job of explaining this whole process, a lot of people who are now bitching about their policies being cancelled will end up being happy that they are actually saving money. No, not everyone is going to save money by changing plans, but a lot more will than won't especially when they are eligible for the subsidy.

After going over everything, I am going to save a few hundred dollars next year on all of my healthcare spending, and that is without getting a subsidy. If for some reason I do become very sick and need hospitalization for something, then I will pay more because I am choosing a higher deductible plan. I don't hit my current deductible and since I am in relatively good health, I don't expect to hit one that is higher if I'm not hitting the lower one now.

Bottom line is that if they can get this damn thing off the ground, a lot of people are actually going to like it. Sure, there are always going to be those who hate it, but it's a numbers game, and it's a numbers game the Dems can win.

This is now the 5th thread I have found where you tell the same lie. This is some kind of compulsion. I have saved my standard response to the initial lie. Here it is.

We've been through this before. You're insurance costs have gone up $208.30 a month. You know this. It has been pointed out to you, and yet you still tell the same lies. As I have also said previously, your monthly costs will go up 64.8%.

Your initial lie was "I never hit my deductible." Fine, then why do you need insurance? You obviously will never get sick or have an accident, right?

You have an increased insurance cost of $2500 a year at minimum. That does not include the higher taxes you will pay for any medical devices you get under this law.

Please stop being like Obama and continue to tell the same lie over and over hoping people will believe you. Like really hurts your credibility.

Flat out lying is a favored libturd propaganda technique.
Every congressional poll except Faux News Poll (lol...) shows the democrats with a sizable lead, why are you posting this? It does not show "democrats taking it on the chin" at all, whatsoever...

There is a lot of dissatisfaction over the whole healthcare mess, and it is showing up in the polling numbers. The thing is that if they can get the website working and do a better job of explaining this whole process, a lot of people who are now bitching about their policies being cancelled will end up being happy that they are actually saving money. No, not everyone is going to save money by changing plans, but a lot more will than won't especially when they are eligible for the subsidy.

After going over everything, I am going to save a few hundred dollars next year on all of my healthcare spending, and that is without getting a subsidy. If for some reason I do become very sick and need hospitalization for something, then I will pay more because I am choosing a higher deductible plan. I don't hit my current deductible and since I am in relatively good health, I don't expect to hit one that is higher if I'm not hitting the lower one now.

Bottom line is that if they can get this damn thing off the ground, a lot of people are actually going to like it. Sure, there are always going to be those who hate it, but it's a numbers game, and it's a numbers game the Dems can win.

This is now the 5th thread I have found where you tell the same lie. This is some kind of compulsion. I have saved my standard response to the initial lie. Here it is.

We've been through this before. You're insurance costs have gone up $208.30 a month. You know this. It has been pointed out to you, and yet you still tell the same lies. As I have also said previously, your monthly costs will go up 64.8%.

Your initial lie was "I never hit my deductible." Fine, then why do you need insurance? You obviously will never get sick or have an accident, right?

You have an increased insurance cost of $2500 a year at minimum. That does not include the higher taxes you will pay for any medical devices you get under this law.

Please stop being like Obama and continue to tell the same lie over and over hoping people will believe you. Like really hurts your credibility.

And I've responded the same way each and every time. No, my costs have not gone up. You are assuming that I will have $5000 or more in medical bills each and every year. There is absolutely nothing to support this since I only average $1200 per year in out of pocket costs as it is now. That is all that goes toward my current deductible. If you are going to make up this false argument that my cost has increased by $208.30, then tell all of us to whom I will pay that money? Who is going to get that $
08.30 every month? To whom do I make out the check? If you cannot answer that question, then your argument is null and void.
There is a lot of dissatisfaction over the whole healthcare mess, and it is showing up in the polling numbers. The thing is that if they can get the website working and do a better job of explaining this whole process, a lot of people who are now bitching about their policies being cancelled will end up being happy that they are actually saving money. No, not everyone is going to save money by changing plans, but a lot more will than won't especially when they are eligible for the subsidy.

After going over everything, I am going to save a few hundred dollars next year on all of my healthcare spending, and that is without getting a subsidy. If for some reason I do become very sick and need hospitalization for something, then I will pay more because I am choosing a higher deductible plan. I don't hit my current deductible and since I am in relatively good health, I don't expect to hit one that is higher if I'm not hitting the lower one now.

Bottom line is that if they can get this damn thing off the ground, a lot of people are actually going to like it. Sure, there are always going to be those who hate it, but it's a numbers game, and it's a numbers game the Dems can win.

This is now the 5th thread I have found where you tell the same lie. This is some kind of compulsion. I have saved my standard response to the initial lie. Here it is.

We've been through this before. You're insurance costs have gone up $208.30 a month. You know this. It has been pointed out to you, and yet you still tell the same lies. As I have also said previously, your monthly costs will go up 64.8%.

Your initial lie was "I never hit my deductible." Fine, then why do you need insurance? You obviously will never get sick or have an accident, right?

You have an increased insurance cost of $2500 a year at minimum. That does not include the higher taxes you will pay for any medical devices you get under this law.

Please stop being like Obama and continue to tell the same lie over and over hoping people will believe you. Like really hurts your credibility.

Flat out lying is a favored libturd propaganda technique.

Yea, I'm the one paying the bill dipshit. I have no need to lie. If it was costing me a lot more and I was getting a shitty plan, I'd be bitching. You guys lack critical thinking skills. Please tell us all what plans you have compared on your state's exchange? Or do you get your insurance through your employer? Have you even registered on the exchange to look at plans, or are you just talking out of your ass like you do most of the time?
There is a lot of dissatisfaction over the whole healthcare mess, and it is showing up in the polling numbers. The thing is that if they can get the website working and do a better job of explaining this whole process, a lot of people who are now bitching about their policies being cancelled will end up being happy that they are actually saving money. No, not everyone is going to save money by changing plans, but a lot more will than won't especially when they are eligible for the subsidy.

After going over everything, I am going to save a few hundred dollars next year on all of my healthcare spending, and that is without getting a subsidy. If for some reason I do become very sick and need hospitalization for something, then I will pay more because I am choosing a higher deductible plan. I don't hit my current deductible and since I am in relatively good health, I don't expect to hit one that is higher if I'm not hitting the lower one now.

Bottom line is that if they can get this damn thing off the ground, a lot of people are actually going to like it. Sure, there are always going to be those who hate it, but it's a numbers game, and it's a numbers game the Dems can win.

This is now the 5th thread I have found where you tell the same lie. This is some kind of compulsion. I have saved my standard response to the initial lie. Here it is.

We've been through this before. You're insurance costs have gone up $208.30 a month. You know this. It has been pointed out to you, and yet you still tell the same lies. As I have also said previously, your monthly costs will go up 64.8%.

Your initial lie was "I never hit my deductible." Fine, then why do you need insurance? You obviously will never get sick or have an accident, right?

You have an increased insurance cost of $2500 a year at minimum. That does not include the higher taxes you will pay for any medical devices you get under this law.

Please stop being like Obama and continue to tell the same lie over and over hoping people will believe you. Like really hurts your credibility.

And I've responded the same way each and every time. No, my costs have not gone up. You are assuming that I will have $5000 or more in medical bills each and every year. There is absolutely nothing to support this since I only average $1200 per year in out of pocket costs as it is now. That is all that goes toward my current deductible. If you are going to make up this false argument that my cost has increased by $208.30, then tell all of us to whom I will pay that money? Who is going to get that $
08.30 every month? To whom do I make out the check? If you cannot answer that question, then your argument is null and void.

You do realize when you bought your insurance premium you are liable for the $2500 increase in the deductible? Your hope and wish (which is all it is) that you will not hit your full deductible means nothing. Legally, you are on the hook for the increased cost.
It's amazing to me that that the Health Care Approval is high as 38 and the Democratic Generic Congressional margin is 1.6, until I realize Congress approval is 8.5.

America generally distrusts Obama even if it likes him and the family, but couple that with America hates and distrusts Congress, particularly TPM and Republicans, we realize why BHO is still in the game.
Every congressional poll except Faux News Poll (lol...) shows the democrats with a sizable lead, why are you posting this? It does not show "democrats taking it on the chin" at all, whatsoever...

That's untrue. The trend has been a shrinking lead since the latter part of October. Quinnipiac posted a tie.

Are you so insecure about the subject that you need to fudge the data?

What is to be gained by that when the truth is one click away?

"has been shrinking" doesn't mean "GOP is ahead" the Democrats still have a lead, I didn't notice the Quinnipiac poll, my bad, it is a tie.

Let's just say "the vast majority" (all but two) polls show democrats with a lead.

Every congressional poll except Faux News Poll (lol...) shows the democrats with a sizable lead, why are you posting this? It does not show "democrats taking it on the chin" at all, whatsoever...

I notice you didn't post a link to any of the polls you talked about second I didn't post a FOX news poll these are from Real Clear Politics which uses several polls to come up with their average. Now lets take the polls one at a time since his reelection Obama's approval rating has been from the mid 40s to 50 percent it is currently at 41% that is trending down not up second Obamacare approval rating generally that has been about 50/50 give or take a few points currently 39% approval rating last generic congressional ballot a month ago the Democrats had a six point lead on this that lead is now down to 2.7. All of these downward trends which started with the Obamacare roll out add up to taking it on the chin deny it if you wish the numbers don't lie.


one of the realclearpolitics polls is a faux news poll....did you even look over the list you posted???

I really don't see how democrats are taking it on the chin if they're still ahead. The GOP has nothing to sell but "down with Obamacare" and that's IT!

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