Some poll numbers.

Every congressional poll except Faux News Poll (lol...) shows the democrats with a sizable lead, why are you posting this? It does not show "democrats taking it on the chin" at all, whatsoever...

That's untrue. The trend has been a shrinking lead since the latter part of October. Quinnipiac posted a tie.

Are you so insecure about the subject that you need to fudge the data?

What is to be gained by that when the truth is one click away?

"has been shrinking" doesn't mean "GOP is ahead" the Democrats still have a lead, I didn't notice the Quinnipiac poll, my bad, it is a tie.

Let's just say "the vast majority" (all but two) polls show democrats with a lead.


Recent polls show that Democrats HAD a lead. Indications are that the lead has vanished.
That's untrue. The trend has been a shrinking lead since the latter part of October. Quinnipiac posted a tie.

Are you so insecure about the subject that you need to fudge the data?

What is to be gained by that when the truth is one click away?

"has been shrinking" doesn't mean "GOP is ahead" the Democrats still have a lead, I didn't notice the Quinnipiac poll, my bad, it is a tie.

Let's just say "the vast majority" (all but two) polls show democrats with a lead.


Recent polls show that Democrats HAD a lead. Indications are that the lead has vanished.

And it will continue that way, unless the conniving Dems outsmart us again. This whole thing recently, could be part and parcel of a more devious, and sinister plan, they have in progress. :eek:
President Obama Job Approval
RCP Average
Approve 41.5
Disapprove 54.2
Spread -12.7

This is going to be difficult to recover from. He could make it happen ... except now he seems to be burning bridges with members of the media. So it won't be easy.
President Obama Job Approval
RCP Average
Approve 41.5
Disapprove 54.2
Spread -12.7

This is going to be difficult to recover from. He could make it happen ... except now he seems to be burning bridges with members of the media. So it won't be easy.

There would have been many more Dems that voted for the GOP plan today, if he had not have come out yesterday and `fessed up. Politics!!!

TGIF!!! :lol:
That's untrue. The trend has been a shrinking lead since the latter part of October. Quinnipiac posted a tie.

Are you so insecure about the subject that you need to fudge the data?

What is to be gained by that when the truth is one click away?

"has been shrinking" doesn't mean "GOP is ahead" the Democrats still have a lead, I didn't notice the Quinnipiac poll, my bad, it is a tie.

Let's just say "the vast majority" (all but two) polls show democrats with a lead.


Recent polls show that Democrats HAD a lead. Indications are that the lead has vanished.

No it hasn't. All but two of the polls posted are from the last week. All but two of them have the democrats in the lead.

The lead has shrunk, but it's still there!
"has been shrinking" doesn't mean "GOP is ahead" the Democrats still have a lead, I didn't notice the Quinnipiac poll, my bad, it is a tie.

Let's just say "the vast majority" (all but two) polls show democrats with a lead.


Recent polls show that Democrats HAD a lead. Indications are that the lead has vanished.

No it hasn't. All but two of the polls posted are from the last week. All but two of them have the democrats in the lead.

The lead has shrunk, but it's still there!

The polls from last week are D+2, Tie, R+3.

The polls giving D's higher than +2 are old.

And the D+2 is frickin' Rasmussen which has been skewing in Dem favor for months.

The trend is definitely in the R's favor.
Recent polls show that Democrats HAD a lead. Indications are that the lead has vanished.

No it hasn't. All but two of the polls posted are from the last week. All but two of them have the democrats in the lead.

The lead has shrunk, but it's still there!

The polls from last week are D+2, Tie, R+3.

The polls giving D's higher than +2 are old.

And the D+2 is frickin' Rasmussen which has been skewing in Dem favor for months.

The trend is definitely in the R's favor. we listen to the faux news poll which is the ONLY one with GOP in the lead....but ignore Rasmussen cause it's bias, hahaha, you're funny.
Recent polls show that Democrats HAD a lead. Indications are that the lead has vanished.

No it hasn't. All but two of the polls posted are from the last week. All but two of them have the democrats in the lead.

The lead has shrunk, but it's still there!

The polls from last week are D+2, Tie, R+3.

The polls giving D's higher than +2 are old.

And the D+2 is frickin' Rasmussen which has been skewing in Dem favor for months.

The trend is definitely in the R's favor.

Yes, it IS!!! :clap2: Most Dems don't realize the GOP will strengthen the economy with their policies. They WANT to see JOBS!!

But O set a tone today in a brief speech, holding everyone but himself accountable, so the people who don't work weekends can see just how much he cares :lol: and how hard he is trying to fight the good fight. And you know what? Most Americans that view it, won't hold him accountable and will believe that he is, but once again, the poor wittle wictim, as they feel they are....:cuckoo:
No it hasn't. All but two of the polls posted are from the last week. All but two of them have the democrats in the lead.

The lead has shrunk, but it's still there!

The polls from last week are D+2, Tie, R+3.

The polls giving D's higher than +2 are old.

And the D+2 is frickin' Rasmussen which has been skewing in Dem favor for months.

The trend is definitely in the R's favor. we listen to the faux news poll which is the ONLY one with GOP in the lead....but ignore Rasmussen cause it's bias, hahaha, you're funny.

I'm not ignoring Rasmussen. I'm saying that the polls taken since the news spread of the Obamacare implosion have R's up on average.

The polls which have Dems up more than 2 are old.

You are the one who started this with your claim every poll other than Fox's gives Dems a sizeable lead.

I'm watching the trends in an objective way.

You're living in the past and trying to massage the numbers your way after having the falseness of your statements pointed out.

The polls from last week are D+2, Tie, R+3.

The polls giving D's higher than +2 are old.

And the D+2 is frickin' Rasmussen which has been skewing in Dem favor for months.

The trend is definitely in the R's favor. we listen to the faux news poll which is the ONLY one with GOP in the lead....but ignore Rasmussen cause it's bias, hahaha, you're funny.

I'm not ignoring Rasmussen. I'm saying that the polls taken since the news spread of the Obamacare implosion have R's up on average.

The polls which have Dems up more than 2 are old.

You are the one who started this with your claim every poll other than Fox's gives Dems a sizeable lead.

I'm watching the trends in an objective way.

You're living in the past and trying to massage the numbers your way after having the falseness of your statements pointed out.


There is no falseness in my statements, they still have a lead, it's mathematical sense. I never had "sizeable" in any of my statements. The only poll that shows the GOP ahead is Faux News. With the healthcare rollout as bad as it is, it's pretty surprising their in the lead at all, but they still are. Now you just have to wonder what will happen if ACA sorts itself out and works...hmm.
This far from the election polls really don't matter. Obama has been told to shove it by damn near everybody and if Boenher has a brain and balls he'll stick to eating popcorn while the Ds self-destruct. we listen to the faux news poll which is the ONLY one with GOP in the lead....but ignore Rasmussen cause it's bias, hahaha, you're funny.

I'm not ignoring Rasmussen. I'm saying that the polls taken since the news spread of the Obamacare implosion have R's up on average.

The polls which have Dems up more than 2 are old.

You are the one who started this with your claim every poll other than Fox's gives Dems a sizeable lead.

I'm watching the trends in an objective way.

You're living in the past and trying to massage the numbers your way after having the falseness of your statements pointed out.


There is no falseness in my statements, they still have a lead, it's mathematical sense. I never had "sizeable" in any of my statements. The only poll that shows the GOP ahead is Faux News. With the healthcare rollout as bad as it is, it's pretty surprising their in the lead at all, but they still are. Now you just have to wonder what will happen if ACA sorts itself out and works...hmm.

You do realize Fox does not do their own polling. They hire an independent organization to do it for them. we listen to the faux news poll which is the ONLY one with GOP in the lead....but ignore Rasmussen cause it's bias, hahaha, you're funny.

I'm not ignoring Rasmussen. I'm saying that the polls taken since the news spread of the Obamacare implosion have R's up on average.

The polls which have Dems up more than 2 are old.

You are the one who started this with your claim every poll other than Fox's gives Dems a sizeable lead.

I'm watching the trends in an objective way.

You're living in the past and trying to massage the numbers your way after having the falseness of your statements pointed out.


There is no falseness in my statements, they still have a lead, it's mathematical sense. I never had "sizeable" in any of my statements. The only poll that shows the GOP ahead is Faux News. With the healthcare rollout as bad as it is, it's pretty surprising their in the lead at all, but they still are. Now you just have to wonder what will happen if ACA sorts itself out and works...hmm.

Excuse me for not spelling "sizable" the same way you do.

Every congressional poll except Faux News Poll (lol...) shows the democrats with a sizable lead, why are you posting this? It does not show "democrats taking it on the chin" at all, whatsoever...

I am a professional mathematician. The trend is in Republicans' favor. You have to go back to old polls taken before the bad news about Obamacare sticker shock and broken campaign promises gained traction to find polls which on average give the advantage to Dems.

You pulled me back into the conversation by denying what you said -- or quibbling over spelling -- I don't know what your aim was in denying that you spoke of Dems having a sizeable lead.

But now that I have set the record straight on that, I'm definitely out of this conversation.

If Obama manages to stop sliding into the quicksand of consequences from his deceptions, Democrats might turn this around. If Republicans do something really silly on the abortion front, Democrats might turn this around. At the moment, things are not looking up for Dems. Period.

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I'm not ignoring Rasmussen. I'm saying that the polls taken since the news spread of the Obamacare implosion have R's up on average.

The polls which have Dems up more than 2 are old.

You are the one who started this with your claim every poll other than Fox's gives Dems a sizeable lead.

I'm watching the trends in an objective way.

You're living in the past and trying to massage the numbers your way after having the falseness of your statements pointed out.


There is no falseness in my statements, they still have a lead, it's mathematical sense. I never had "sizeable" in any of my statements. The only poll that shows the GOP ahead is Faux News. With the healthcare rollout as bad as it is, it's pretty surprising their in the lead at all, but they still are. Now you just have to wonder what will happen if ACA sorts itself out and works...hmm.

You do realize Fox does not do their own polling. They hire an independent organization to do it for them.

They used to hire Rasmussen as funny as that is...hilarious that as soon as Fox dumps them Rasmussen suddenly is "liberal biased"

Anderson Robbins Research and Shaw and Company Research are their new ones, but I still have little faith in them.
Nyvin most polls the day before election mean nothing because 90% of incumbents are from rock solid one party states and districts. What is unique about Obamacare is it is so politically suicidal:

Even lawyers cannot agree on how big the marriage tax the bill creates because it is so complex but basically it pays off huge to divorce and shack back up with the ex. That will certainly get the woman vote motivated for the Dems but not the way they want.

It pays a huge amount for the poor and stupid to move to the blue and purple states that are compliant.

In 2017 the ACA effectively becomes a dead letter for any state that can persuade or bribe the sitting president.

It stops subsidies to hospitals and therefore shuts most emergency rooms but not free standing or clinical urgent care sites. Urgent care sites do not have to take anyone they don't want to.

Other little things also reward the migration of businesses and jobs from compliant states with their own websites to non-compliant states.

Obama acts like he is the pay of the GOP and it wouldn't surprise me if he were.
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and what if Barry is still at 36% in two weeks? whats he gonna do? go golfing?
That's my guess. He's a lame duck from a state and city that is flirting with bankruptcy or default before the 2014 election. In other words he is most likely screwed, blued and tattooed no matter what he does. He can't get in worse shape if he does the modern equivalent of Marie-Antoinette's observation that cake flour was in surplus when Paris ran out of bread flour.
when we are 19 Trillion In Debt, who is gonna pay for his annual Martha's Vinyard vacation?
We are I suspect. The annual marriage premium maximum is quoted at $6,350 to more than $11,000 but I suspect those divergent figures to firm up in time for the trip so it should get real interesting about then.

Further previews of coming distractions include:

Children dying due to Obamacare coverage gaps.

Court cases increasing costs and no increase in funding to cover it.

And my favorite emergency rooms closing as for profit hospital chains liquidate due to lack of subsidies.

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