Some poll numbers.

There is a lot of dissatisfaction over the whole healthcare mess, and it is showing up in the polling numbers. The thing is that if they can get the website working and do a better job of explaining this whole process, a lot of people who are now bitching about their policies being cancelled will end up being happy that they are actually saving money. No, not everyone is going to save money by changing plans, but a lot more will than won't especially when they are eligible for the subsidy.

After going over everything, I am going to save a few hundred dollars next year on all of my healthcare spending, and that is without getting a subsidy. If for some reason I do become very sick and need hospitalization for something, then I will pay more because I am choosing a higher deductible plan. I don't hit my current deductible and since I am in relatively good health, I don't expect to hit one that is higher if I'm not hitting the lower one now.

Bottom line is that if they can get this damn thing off the ground, a lot of people are actually going to like it. Sure, there are always going to be those who hate it, but it's a numbers game, and it's a numbers game the Dems can win.

This is now the 5th thread I have found where you tell the same lie. This is some kind of compulsion. I have saved my standard response to the initial lie. Here it is.

We've been through this before. You're insurance costs have gone up $208.30 a month. You know this. It has been pointed out to you, and yet you still tell the same lies. As I have also said previously, your monthly costs will go up 64.8%.

Your initial lie was "I never hit my deductible." Fine, then why do you need insurance? You obviously will never get sick or have an accident, right?

You have an increased insurance cost of $2500 a year at minimum. That does not include the higher taxes you will pay for any medical devices you get under this law.

Please stop being like Obama and continue to tell the same lie over and over hoping people will believe you. Like really hurts your credibility.

And I've responded the same way each and every time. No, my costs have not gone up. You are assuming that I will have $5000 or more in medical bills each and every year. There is absolutely nothing to support this since I only average $1200 per year in out of pocket costs as it is now. That is all that goes toward my current deductible. If you are going to make up this false argument that my cost has increased by $208.30, then tell all of us to whom I will pay that money? Who is going to get that $
08.30 every month? To whom do I make out the check? If you cannot answer that question, then your argument is null and void.

so how much are those new higher deductibles you picked? How much higher are co-pays, co-insurance, etc.? And why would you choose to go with a higher deductible, if indeed you would pay the same or less for the policy you did have.
Every congressional poll except Faux News Poll (lol...) shows the democrats with a sizable lead, why are you posting this? It does not show "democrats taking it on the chin" at all, whatsoever...

Why does every Liberal lie. There is a link directly to the data and still you lie. It is all you know now to do....just like Obama.

Look again at the link genius. Report back to us with what it actually says.
Every congressional poll except Faux News Poll (lol...) shows the democrats with a sizable lead, why are you posting this? It does not show "democrats taking it on the chin" at all, whatsoever...

CNN poll: Good news for Republicans in 2014 midterms

CNN poll: Good news for Republicans in 2014 midterms - Lucy McCalmont -

Republicans are gaining ground heading into the 2014 midterms, according to a poll Tuesday that shows a dramatic turnaround in the party’s standing among voters. With just a 2-point lead, the GOP edges out Democrats 49 to 47 percent among registered voters in the 2014 generic ballot for Congress, according to the CNN/ORC poll, which asked voters whether they would vote for the Democratic or Republican in their district, without mentioning specific names.

That’s a notable shift from just one month ago when Democrats held a strong 50 to 42 percent lead against Republicans, CNN notes. CNN attributes the shift to the poor rollout of the Obamacare website and people losing insurance plans they were previously told they could keep. Currently, the GOP holds a 17-seat advantage in the House while Democrats have a 55 to 45 seat majority in the Senate. The poll was conducted Nov. 18-20 and surveyed 843 adult Americans, including 749 registered voters with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.​

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