Some positive news at the end of an horrific week

I repent my sins....this is another case of you not being informed enough to be partaking in the thread
So you repent, what makes you think others don't?

LOL You can't repent and then keep right on doing the same thing you repented for. That's not how it works and God knows better
Then I guess no one makes it to heaven

I told you that you were not informed enough to participate....and should have known better than to engage you.
I get my dope straight from God....How about you?
Doubt it.
Your interpretation is very questionable. You are making huge assumptions.

Point out where he is wrong....hint: you can't, he's spot on

He is assuming that the Gay Bishop is a bad teacher. That says more about him than God.
Can't be a man of God and be gay.
You really have no right or ability to keep them from being with God..It's his deal, he'll work it out and make the final judgement...Not you or anyone else here on Earth.....
God has the ability and the right. His word backs me up, not your evil schemes.
Why yes, I plan on taking over Heaven..
Point out where he is wrong....hint: you can't, he's spot on

He is assuming that the Gay Bishop is a bad teacher. That says more about him than God.
Can't be a man of God and be gay.
You really have no right or ability to keep them from being with God..It's his deal, he'll work it out and make the final judgement...Not you or anyone else here on Earth.....
God has the ability and the right. His word backs me up, not your evil schemes.

They can't seem to grasp that homesexuality is a mortal sin
mortal must be catholic....
If you're pro-gay-rights, why do you support the most gay-publicly-executing, gay torturing, gay slaughterhouse of a religion on this planet, Islam, my not-so-favorite Welshman? Islam atrocities against gays are a PROVEN, verifiable fact, not my opinion.
He is assuming that the Gay Bishop is a bad teacher. That says more about him than God.
Can't be a man of God and be gay.
You really have no right or ability to keep them from being with God..It's his deal, he'll work it out and make the final judgement...Not you or anyone else here on Earth.....
God has the ability and the right. His word backs me up, not your evil schemes.

They can't seem to grasp that homesexuality is a mortal sin
mortal must be catholic....
Catholics believe that if you just go to confession you can sin all you want it seems. If you understood anything about Gods word you would know being gay prevents you from holding any authority in the Church.
If you're pro-gay-rights, why do you support the most gay-publicly-executing, gay torturing, gay slaughterhouse of a religion on this planet, Islam, my not-so-favorite Welshman? Islam atrocities against gays are a PROVEN, verifiable fact, not my opinion.
Libtards are confused.
Point out where he is wrong....hint: you can't, he's spot on

He is assuming that the Gay Bishop is a bad teacher. That says more about him than God.
Can't be a man of God and be gay.
You really have no right or ability to keep them from being with God..It's his deal, he'll work it out and make the final judgement...Not you or anyone else here on Earth.....
God has the ability and the right. His word backs me up, not your evil schemes.
Why yes, I plan on taking over Heaven..
You're an idiot. The last one to attempt a takeover of heaven was thrown out with all his followers, that one being satan.
Well no longer calling myself Methodist.
Why not ?

Because, you can't be openly gay, and a Christian. The Bible makes that very very clear.

If they have embraced homosexuality, then by definition, they have rejected the Bible. If they have rejected the Bible, then by definition they are no longer Christian.

If they are no longer a Christ based organization, then every true believer should leave that Church.

In Numbers 16, the family of Korah and a few followers, opposed G-d. G-d then instructed the Israelite on his side:

And he spake unto the congregation, saying, Depart, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest ye be consumed in all their sins.​

G-d destroyed the house of Korah, and all those that did not 'depart' from them.

In times gone past, if a man was caught with horse thieves, he was killed with the horse thieves. It's the same principal.

And while that doctrine was in the old testament, it was reaffirmed in the NT.

2 John 9-11

Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.
Now in that time, we had home churches, where the pastor was invited to the home.... essentially bringing the church into your home. He's saying don't invite a bad teacher into your home, or you are taking part in his wicked works.

Today, we go to the church, and the same teaching would apply. Don't go to a church with a wicked teacher, or you are taking part in their wickedness.

2 Thess. 3:6 even goes further, in a direct call to all believers to separate yourself from all teachers of false doctrine.

So this is the call to all Christians in the Methodist church. This is your warning. Leave the Church. Don't wait for another clear message from G-d. The Bible is here. You must leave the Methodist Church, or risk the judgement when it comes.

And judgement will come. G-d is not mocked. A man reaps what he sows.
Your interpretation is very questionable. You are making huge assumptions.

Point out where he is wrong....hint: you can't, he's spot on

The Bible warns us this would happen...amazing how it just keeps being right
What is the diff from when they hid their homersexuality?

Hebrew 13:8-9 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings
Hebrew 13:8-9 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
yes same always, dead, a dead failed man god of the goyim
If you're pro-gay-rights, why do you support the most gay-publicly-executing, gay torturing, gay slaughterhouse of a religion on this planet, Islam, my not-so-favorite Welshman? Islam atrocities against gays are a PROVEN, verifiable fact, not my opinion.
I dont support Islam.
Well no longer calling myself Methodist.

I had a youth group and the Methodist minister welcomed me to make them a part of his church. I explained to that minister that the church he was preaching in was erected by my ancestors almost 300 years ago, and that every member of my family has been baptized, married and buried in it. And how sad I was that they now pay alms to the NWO church, and are about as Laodicean as it gets. I had no choice but to walk away.
A shame really.
The Pope disagrees with you.
Methodists elect first openly gay bishop despite ongoing ban

Well done America and well done the Methodists, lighting a path for all to follow.

A statement said: “Reconciling Ministries Network celebrates with great joy the election of the first openly lesbian bishop in The United Methodist Church. This is an historic moment in the movement of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer persons for spiritual and civil equality both in the church and the public square.

To use God's words about that, it's an abomination.

A statement said: “Reconciling Ministries Network celebrates with great joy the election of the first openly lesbian bishop in The United Methodist Church. .

To use God's words about that, it's an abomination.

It is not merely an abomination... It is THE abomination. There will be hell to pay when Satan enters the clergy of a church as an official act
If you're pro-gay-rights, why do you support the most gay-publicly-executing, gay torturing, gay slaughterhouse of a religion on this planet, Islam, my not-so-favorite Welshman? Islam atrocities against gays are a PROVEN, verifiable fact, not my opinion.
Do you always assume something you don't know?
Obviously this thread has attracted some extremist comments. I think we need to look forward and celebrate the real progress made.
The barriers are coming down everywhere. We are more mature than our parents were and our children will make us proud.

We no longer burn witches or believe that the world is flat - things get better all the time.
Obviously this thread has attracted some extremist comments. I think we need to look forward and celebrate the real progress made.
The barriers are coming down everywhere. We are more mature than our parents were and our children will make us proud.

We no longer burn witches or believe that the world is flat - things get better all the time.

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