Some queries...and thoughts

Why don't you just summarize it in one sentence and admit that you are just desperately afraid that Trump is getting beat and that the GOP is going to get their ass kicked in the Senate and House too !?

Actually not.

The silver lining in all of this is that Comey destroyed Hillary's entire narrative about Trump's lack of judgement and temperament. By calling her careless, and exposing that she did in fact mishandle and delete classified emails, he revealed her utter incompetence to the masses. She has no leg to stand on. Her attack on Trump's business record is a desperate pivot away from such a damaging revelation, but then again she has never run a business in her life.

So, given all that, Trump has all the ammunition he needs. Hillary has been severely damaged. What she did most certainly put lives in danger, and makes Trump University, and his bankruptcies pale in comparison. None of those things ever put America's safety in danger.
None of Hillary's foolishness with the emails resulted in a breach.

Therefore there is no Federal crime.

How do you think this will compare with Trump's University ?!

The gloves are off and the fight is on.

Today Hillary posed and gave a rally in front of an abandoned Trump casino.

I can't wait until the two of them debate.

It will be like the superbowl.

She will kick his ass.

None of Hillary's foolishness with the emails resulted in a breach. Lie, the people she was emailing were hacked.

Therefore there is no Federal crime. Lie, she removed classified information from a secure system and put in on an insecure system. The very fact that she was guilty of extreme carelessness, which is the same as gross negligence it meets the threshold for prosecution. Obviously you have never held a security clearance.

Feel free to keep your head buried up her ample ass.
Why don't you just summarize it in one sentence and admit that you are just desperately afraid that Trump is getting beat and that the GOP is going to get their ass kicked in the Senate and House too !?

Actually not.

The silver lining in all of this is that Comey destroyed Hillary's entire narrative about Trump's lack of judgement and temperament. By calling her careless, and exposing that she did in fact mishandle and delete classified emails, he revealed her utter incompetence to the masses. She has no leg to stand on. Her attack on Trump's business record is a desperate pivot away from such a damaging revelation, but then again she has never run a business in her life.

So, given all that, Trump has all the ammunition he needs. Hillary has been severely damaged. What she did most certainly put lives in danger, and makes Trump University, and his bankruptcies pale in comparison. None of those things ever put America's safety in danger.

Maybe politifact can give the hildabitch the liar of the year award for 2015-2016.
I'd say 'innocent until proven guilty' sums it up.
It is actually even more basic than that.

There are "elements of proof" for every crime.

Hillary did not meet the element for a "breach".

There was no breach.

Ergo there was no Federal crime.


Don't listen to these far right extremist MoFo's. They lie.

The element for a crime in this case was NOT a breach, it was gross negligence, which Comey said was reached when he said she acted with extreme carelessness and no reasonable person would have done what she did. You tell even more unbelievable lies than the hildabitch.

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