Some School Districts Tell Obama & Justice Dept. Where They Can Shove Their Tranny Executive Order

If Trump wins, i hope he signs 50 Executive Orders on his first day. Reverse every single one of Hussein's debacles.
Trump is for men using women's bathrooms. One of those orders you mentioned you hope he issues would likely be identical to Obama's:

We'll see. If he does win though, i hope he reverses every single one of Hussein's debacles. And that includes his 'Obamacare' disaster.
If Trump wins, i hope he signs 50 Executive Orders on his first day. Reverse every single one of Hussein's debacles.
Trump is for men using women's bathrooms. One of those orders you mentioned you hope he issues would likely be identical to Obama's:

We'll see. If he does win though, i hope he reverses every single one of Hussein's debacles. And that includes his 'Obamacare' disaster.

Trump supporters are almost transfixed by their idol. I JUST SHOWED YOU A VIDEO OF TRUMP'S POSITION ON MEN USING WOMEN'S BATHROOMS. (Cue to 1:05) Did you miss that? Are you still somehow hoping against hope that Trump won't push that agenda? Notice how he did not hesitate one millisecond before he answered the reporter's question. It's not like he hemmed and hawed even a little to give any indication he might back off on that highly controversial position in the future. He snapped to a question if he would allow Bruce Jenner to use any bathroom of his choice: "That is correct" with emphasis without blinking an eyelash. That tells you the level of devotion he has to that cause.
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OCALA, Fla. - A school board in north Florida plans to restrict access to school bathrooms based on a person's biological gender. The Ocala Star-Banner reports that the Marion County School Board reached a consensus on Thursday on a resolution to ban transgender students from using bathrooms for the gender with which they identify. The board plans to take a final vote in the coming days. The resolution states that "transgender people are not a protected class under federal or state law or under Marion County Public Schools policy." Florida school board votes to restrict transgender bathroom choices

It's likely that school districts have figured out that there is a more compelling interest protecting the privacy of real, actual girls than frightening those real actual girls by allowing boys in their bathrooms and showers.

Good. I see some school districts retain the ability to think, logically deduce and do the math on dropped enrollment for the sake of a few delusional boys (or ones pretending so they can sneak a peek)... Not that THAT would EVER happen if the barn door was kicked open in a Jr. or High School...

Parents who might not want boys in their daughter's shower in PE can put real fiscal pressure on a school and remove their student elsewhere. Like a private Catholic or Christian school where I can guarantee you they won't be letting boys in the girls' shower room.

pssst....psychotic loon, your insanity does not equal reality.

the feds take precedence over some pissant bigoted locals.
the feds take precedence over some pissant bigoted locals.

Not when there is no legal basis do to so and their actions constitute blackmail to school children. There are no federal laws or statutes that protect men pretending to be women and their ability to force other people to play along. Particularly women with rights to expectations of segregated privacy behind doors marked "women" when 1 in 6 women have been raped by men.
If Trump wins, i hope he signs 50 Executive Orders on his first day. Reverse every single one of Hussein's debacles.
Trump is for men using women's bathrooms. One of those orders you mentioned you hope he issues would likely be identical to Obama's:

We'll see. If he does win though, i hope he reverses every single one of Hussein's debacles. And that includes his 'Obamacare' disaster.

Trump supporters are almost transfixed by their idol. I JUST SHOWED YOU A VIDEO OF TRUMP'S POSITION ON MEN USING WOMEN'S BATHROOMS. (Cue to 1:05) Did you miss that? Are you still somehow hoping against hope that Trump won't push that agenda? Notice how he did not hesitate one millisecond before he answered the reporter's question. It's not like he hemmed and hawed even a little to give any indication he might back off on that highly controversial position in the future. He snapped to a question if he would allow Bruce Jenner to use any bathroom of his choice: "That is correct" with emphasis without blinking an eyelash. That tells you the level of devotion he has to that cause.

Hopefully, he'll reverse this completely unnecessary Hussein Executive Order. I think he will. And then reverse the rest of Hussein's debacles. Stay tuned.
What's hilarious about this is the idea that a 14-year-old boy can walk into the girls' locker room and those girls will be utterly helpless.

Whoever's promoting this bit of fearmongering has NEVER been around a roomful of kids at that age. The girls would knock the living piss out of him, crazy glue Kotexes all over him, and tie him to the bleachers.

You people are fucking retarded.

wait until boys start playing in girls sports

wait until men start claiming to be women in order to get certain small business loans
"Some School Districts Tell Obama & Justice Dept. Where They Can Shove Their Tranny Executive Order"

This is a lie, there is no ‘EO.’

And any school district that discriminates against transgender students in violation of the law will be subject to the appropriate measures.
Lose federal funds?

Loss would be far less than would have to be paid out to settle lawsuits when young girls are molested in what should have been a "safe" place.

Let the federal money go and keep the children alive and well.
Well Congress controls the funds, but this is a perfect example of how the far left wants a dictatorship!
This is a perfect example of a red herring fallacy, in addition to being a lie.

Expecting school districts to follow the law and not discriminate against their students is not a ‘dictatorship,’ the notion is ignorant idiocy.
"Some School Districts Tell Obama & Justice Dept. Where They Can Shove Their Tranny Executive Order"

This is a lie, there is no ‘EO.’

And any school district that discriminates against transgender students in violation of the law will be subject to the appropriate measures.

Are there any freak protection laws? Specifically, are there any freak protection laws that deal with this transgender fad in elementary schools? you lib types need to remember that these local bigots, a huge number of them are the Black Christian strength ticket voters you democrats love. Some are likely gay couples who have kids them selves. There is a reason Obama did not use his pen and phone with this and that's because it has not and will not stand. decrees similar to this one he made have gone down when ha dedicated over to the people. All he did was fire up a public who only gives this presidant slack because of his skin coler. this is,legacy building nothing more.
If Trump wins, i hope he signs 50 Executive Orders on his first day. Reverse every single one of Hussein's debacles.
Trump is for men using women's bathrooms. One of those orders you mentioned you hope he issues would likely be identical to Obama's:

We'll see. If he does win though, i hope he reverses every single one of Hussein's debacles. And that includes his 'Obamacare' disaster.

Trump supporters are almost transfixed by their idol. I JUST SHOWED YOU A VIDEO OF TRUMP'S POSITION ON MEN USING WOMEN'S BATHROOMS. (Cue to 1:05) Did you miss that? Are you still somehow hoping against hope that Trump won't push that agenda? Notice how he did not hesitate one millisecond before he answered the reporter's question. It's not like he hemmed and hawed even a little to give any indication he might back off on that highly controversial position in the future. He snapped to a question if he would allow Bruce Jenner to use any bathroom of his choice: "That is correct" with emphasis without blinking an eyelash. That tells you the level of devotion he has to that cause.

The federal government should leave sexual regulation of the nation’s K-12 bathrooms and locker rooms to state and local governments, Donald Trump said in multiple interviews Friday.
“I believe it should be states’ rights and I think the states should make the decision, they’re more capable of making the decision,” Trump told the audience for ABC’s Good Morning America. When pressed, he repeated his pro-federalism policy: “I just think it should be states’ rights. I think many things actually should be states’ rights, but this is a perfect example of it.”...

Donald Trump: Obama's Government Should Get Out of Kids' Bathrooms, Locker Rooms - Breitbart
I'm just shocked the man did an Executive Order on this. What a Megalomaniac piece of shite. How much longer is the Muslim foreigner in there?
What isn’t shocking is that you believe the moronic lie that an ‘EO’ was issued.

No ‘EO’ is needed, existing law already prohibits discrimination based on gender, Justice and the Education Department are notifying school districts of that; and should they discriminate against transgender students, they’ll be in violation of the law.
Parents Sue Obama Over Illinois School’s Pro-Transgender Bathroom Rules

AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

by WARNER TODD HUSTON5 May 2016818

Illinois parents are suing President Barack Obama’s deputies over his insistence that the 1964 federal Title IX education rules require schools to impose pro-transgender bathroom and locker room policies.
The lawsuit says the federal government’s rules also eliminate parents’ right to instill moral values in their children as well as violating students’ fundamental right to privacy in their restrooms and locker rooms.

The group filed the suit after suburban Chicago Township High School District 211 — quietly and without any notice to parents — opened its school restrooms to the opposite sex. The district then opened a girls’ locker room to a boy after the U.S. Department of Education threatened to cut off the district’s $6 million in federal funding.

“Every day these girls go to school, they experience embarrassment, humiliation, anxiety, fear, apprehension, stress, degradation and loss of dignity because they will have to use the locker room and restroom with a biological male,” the lawsuit states....

Parents Sue Obama Over Illinois School's Pro-Transgender Bathroom Rules - Breitbart
If Trump wins, i hope he signs 50 Executive Orders on his first day. Reverse every single one of Hussein's debacles.
Trump is for men using women's bathrooms. One of those orders you mentioned you hope he issues would likely be identical to Obama's:

We'll see. If he does win though, i hope he reverses every single one of Hussein's debacles. And that includes his 'Obamacare' disaster.

Trump supporters are almost transfixed by their idol. I JUST SHOWED YOU A VIDEO OF TRUMP'S POSITION ON MEN USING WOMEN'S BATHROOMS. (Cue to 1:05) Did you miss that? Are you still somehow hoping against hope that Trump won't push that agenda? Notice how he did not hesitate one millisecond before he answered the reporter's question. It's not like he hemmed and hawed even a little to give any indication he might back off on that highly controversial position in the future. He snapped to a question if he would allow Bruce Jenner to use any bathroom of his choice: "That is correct" with emphasis without blinking an eyelash. That tells you the level of devotion he has to that cause.

The federal government should leave sexual regulation of the nation’s K-12 bathrooms and locker rooms to state and local governments, Donald Trump said in multiple interviews Friday.
“I believe it should be states’ rights and I think the states should make the decision, they’re more capable of making the decision,” Trump told the audience for ABC’s Good Morning America. When pressed, he repeated his pro-federalism policy: “I just think it should be states’ rights. I think many things actually should be states’ rights, but this is a perfect example of it.”...

Donald Trump: Obama's Government Should Get Out of Kids' Bathrooms, Locker Rooms - Breitbart

Trump is consistent at being ignorant and wrong, as are most on the right.

States and local jurisdictions – such as school districts – are subject to Federal law, in this case the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

States and local jurisdictions – such as school districts – must comply with Federal law (See Article VI, US Cont.).
If Trump wins, i hope he signs 50 Executive Orders on his first day. Reverse every single one of Hussein's debacles.
Trump is for men using women's bathrooms. One of those orders you mentioned you hope he issues would likely be identical to Obama's:

We'll see. If he does win though, i hope he reverses every single one of Hussein's debacles. And that includes his 'Obamacare' disaster.

Trump supporters are almost transfixed by their idol. I JUST SHOWED YOU A VIDEO OF TRUMP'S POSITION ON MEN USING WOMEN'S BATHROOMS. (Cue to 1:05) Did you miss that? Are you still somehow hoping against hope that Trump won't push that agenda? Notice how he did not hesitate one millisecond before he answered the reporter's question. It's not like he hemmed and hawed even a little to give any indication he might back off on that highly controversial position in the future. He snapped to a question if he would allow Bruce Jenner to use any bathroom of his choice: "That is correct" with emphasis without blinking an eyelash. That tells you the level of devotion he has to that cause.

The federal government should leave sexual regulation of the nation’s K-12 bathrooms and locker rooms to state and local governments, Donald Trump said in multiple interviews Friday.
“I believe it should be states’ rights and I think the states should make the decision, they’re more capable of making the decision,” Trump told the audience for ABC’s Good Morning America. When pressed, he repeated his pro-federalism policy: “I just think it should be states’ rights. I think many things actually should be states’ rights, but this is a perfect example of it.”...

Donald Trump: Obama's Government Should Get Out of Kids' Bathrooms, Locker Rooms - Breitbart

Trump is consistent at being ignorant and wrong, as are most on the right.

States and local jurisdictions – such as school districts – are subject to Federal law, in this case the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

States and local jurisdictions – such as school districts – must comply with Federal law (See Article VI, US Cont.).

Evidently some are telling Obama to stick it up his ass....and good for them
I'm just shocked the man did an Executive Order on this. What a Megalomaniac piece of shite. How much longer is the Muslim foreigner in there?
What isn’t shocking is that you believe the moronic lie that an ‘EO’ was issued.

No ‘EO’ is needed, existing law already prohibits discrimination based on gender, Justice and the Education Department are notifying school districts of that; and should they discriminate against transgender students, they’ll be in violation of the law.

If you have a boto you're male and thus use the male restroom

Anatomy rules the day

‘We Will Not Yield to Blackmail,’ Says Texas Lt. Gov. on Transgender Bathrooms

AP Photo/LM Otero

by MERRILL HOPE13 May 20162,813

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick stated emphatically that the Lone Star State “will not yield to blackmail from the President of the United States,” in response to new guidelines released Friday from the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Justice Department to allow transgender students to use public school bathrooms and locker rooms based on their “gender identity.”
In Dallas, Patrick told reporters at the Republican Party of Texas Convention that the President essentially is telling Americans “he’s going to withhold funding if schools do not follow the policy. “Well, in Texas, he can keep his 30 pieces of silver.

Patrick stated “we will not sell out our children to the federal government and the people of Texas and the legislature will find a way to find as much of that money that we can if we are forced” to do so. He emphasized there is “no compromise on the transgender bathroom matter,” calling it a “modern day” ‘Come and Take It’ issue.'”...

'We Will Not Yield to Blackmail,' Says Texas Lt. Gov. on Transgender Bathrooms
What's hilarious about this is the idea that a 14-year-old boy can walk into the girls' locker room and those girls will be utterly helpless.

Whoever's promoting this bit of fearmongering has NEVER been around a roomful of kids at that age. The girls would knock the living piss out of him, crazy glue Kotexes all over him, and tie him to the bleachers.

You people are fucking retarded.

Wouldn't this be in violation of Obama's edict if they did do such a thing? How narrow-minded of those girls not to allow anyone who wants to walk in for a peep show.
‘We Will Not Yield to Blackmail,’ Says Texas Lt. Gov. on Transgender Bathrooms

AP Photo/LM Otero

by MERRILL HOPE13 May 20162,813

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick stated emphatically that the Lone Star State “will not yield to blackmail from the President of the United States,” in response to new guidelines released Friday from the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Justice Department to allow transgender students to use public school bathrooms and locker rooms based on their “gender identity.”
In Dallas, Patrick told reporters at the Republican Party of Texas Convention that the President essentially is telling Americans “he’s going to withhold funding if schools do not follow the policy. “Well, in Texas, he can keep his 30 pieces of silver.

Patrick stated “we will not sell out our children to the federal government and the people of Texas and the legislature will find a way to find as much of that money that we can if we are forced” to do so. He emphasized there is “no compromise on the transgender bathroom matter,” calling it a “modern day” ‘Come and Take It’ issue.'”...

'We Will Not Yield to Blackmail,' Says Texas Lt. Gov. on Transgender Bathrooms

Don't mess with Texas :)

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