Some School Districts Tell Obama & Justice Dept. Where They Can Shove Their Tranny Executive Order


Emily, schools should be nationalized.

We no longer live in a closed society where citizens rarely travel beyond the boundaries of the county or even township they were born in.

A job can take a person from one coast to another, or even to an offshore territory.

I would hate to have to compromise my kids' education just to keep a job that I love and will provide for my family.

Everyone should be entitled to a free, quality education that can take a child from Mississippi to Ohio, or from Oklahoma to Connecticut without that child falling behind.

And discrimination has to end. All of it.

Why do you rightwingers insist on having groups to hate on? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Emily, schools should be nationalized.

We no longer live in a closed society where citizens rarely travel beyond the boundaries of the county or even township they were born in....A job can take a person from one coast to another, or even to an offshore territory....I would hate to have to compromise my kids' education just to keep a job that I love and will provide for my family....Everyone should be entitled to a free, quality education that can take a child from Mississippi to Ohio, or from Oklahoma to Connecticut without that child falling behind....And discrimination has to end. All of it.....Why do you rightwingers insist on having groups to hate on? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

What "Grandma" means to say Emily is: "Schools should be nationalized so their funds can be held over their heads when Czar Obama (later Hillary or Trump since he also favors men in women's rooms) wants to force them to make girls allow boys in their restroom and showering areas"...

That's "what the fuck is "wrong" with us people"... Do you not feel wrong for wanting women rape victims to share their intimate private hygiene retreats with men? You are outnumbered. The whole of society is against you. Your ilk represents probably around 5% of the total US population in your "men pretending before rape victims" sentiments..

Well, like it or not, discrimination is illegal, transgender rights will be the law of the land no matter what

I think the "what" of women rape victims being forced to play along with men pretending they're women so they can use the intimate hygiene chambers marked "women" outside is going to matter...A LOT.

You act as if there is only one side to this issue: yours. And all other extremely compelling reasons to stop your side are "irrelevant". Do you understand how contests of law work?
OCALA, Fla. - A school board in north Florida plans to restrict access to school bathrooms based on a person's biological gender. The Ocala Star-Banner reports that the Marion County School Board reached a consensus on Thursday on a resolution to ban transgender students from using bathrooms for the gender with which they identify. The board plans to take a final vote in the coming days. The resolution states that "transgender people are not a protected class under federal or state law or under Marion County Public Schools policy." Florida school board votes to restrict transgender bathroom choices

It's likely that school districts have figured out that there is a more compelling interest protecting the privacy of real, actual girls than frightening those real actual girls by allowing boys in their bathrooms and showers.

Good. I see some school districts retain the ability to think, logically deduce and do the math on dropped enrollment for the sake of a few delusional boys (or ones pretending so they can sneak a peek)... Not that THAT would EVER happen if the barn door was kicked open in a Jr. or High School...

Parents who might not want boys in their daughter's shower in PE can put real fiscal pressure on a school and remove their student elsewhere. Like a private Catholic or Christian school where I can guarantee you they won't be letting boys in the girls' shower room.
More money for other more rational states.
More money for other more rational states.

It ain't gonna happen. Your side has lost this battle. Your demands have become so outrageous that they have awoken the common sense sleeping giant in your opposition. You don't have legal arguments to back up why a man pretending to be a woman should have access to a woman's private hygiene retreat. None will suffice. Particularly those that argue self-diagnosis as "a woman trapped in a man's body". It is bullshit and everyone knows it.

This far, no farther. And prepare also because of your hubris to do some legal backsliding on some other issues now that clarification has reared it's demanding head in this challenge. Men pretending to be women is not all that will have to be excruciatingly clarified under a scanning electron microscope..

Emily, schools should be nationalized.

We no longer live in a closed society where citizens rarely travel beyond the boundaries of the county or even township they were born in.

A job can take a person from one coast to another, or even to an offshore territory.

I would hate to have to compromise my kids' education just to keep a job that I love and will provide for my family.

Everyone should be entitled to a free, quality education that can take a child from Mississippi to Ohio, or from Oklahoma to Connecticut without that child falling behind.

And discrimination has to end. All of it.

Why do you rightwingers insist on having groups to hate on? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

There is no discrimination. There is the States duty to protect privacy.

Woman have that right. Don't like it? Then kiss Roe V. Wade goodbye.
"Some School Districts Tell Obama & Justice Dept. Where They Can Shove Their Tranny Executive Order"

This is a lie, there is no ‘EO.’

And any school district that discriminates against transgender students in violation of the law will be subject to the appropriate measures.

Violation of what law? There is no legal prescience established as it relates to transgenders, legislatively or by specified court case. This is government overreach by the administration in an effort to set new policy to meet a particular left wing group. Until such action is actually presented and challenged by in a superior or supreme court and specifically ruled by judicial determination,, it's just an administration moving to meet the power threats of the LGBT in what they prefer to see changed.
"Some School Districts Tell Obama & Justice Dept. Where They Can Shove Their Tranny Executive Order"

This is a lie, there is no ‘EO.’

And any school district that discriminates against transgender students in violation of the law will be subject to the appropriate measures.

Violation of what law? There is no legal prescience established as it relates to transgenders, legislatively or by specified court case. This is government overreach by the administration in an effort to set new policy to meet a particular left wing group. Until such action is actually presented and challenged by in a superior or supreme court and specifically ruled by judicial determination,, it's just an administration moving to meet the power threats of the LGBT in what they prefer to see changed.

Yes there is. Title VII, and subsequent court decisions, have established that gender identity is the equivalent of gender.
Yes there is. Title VII, and subsequent court decisions, have established that gender identity is the equivalent of gender.

But not biological sex. And that is the question of women rape victims and their private hygiene chambers marked "women" outside the door.
Yes there is. Title VII, and subsequent court decisions, have established that gender identity is the equivalent of gender.

But not biological sex. And that is the question of women rape victims and their private hygiene chambers marked "women" outside the door.

Accommodating transsexuals in no way makes it legal for a man to dress up like a woman, go into a women's restroom, and rape a woman.
Accommodating transsexuals in no way makes it legal for a man to dress up like a woman, go into a women's restroom, and rape a woman.

And your means for discerning which man may do so and which man may not are what again exactly? Do you plan to issue ID cards signed by doctors to "real trannies" or shall women have to use intuition to decide which man she has thrown out is legitimate to do so and which can turn around and sue her into destitution for daring to do so?

And if that woman is one of the 17 million women who has been raped, imagine the double difficulty for her making that decision on the fly as she reels with PTSD at the confrontation?
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Emily, schools should be nationalized.

We no longer live in a closed society where citizens rarely travel beyond the boundaries of the county or even township they were born in.

A job can take a person from one coast to another, or even to an offshore territory.

I would hate to have to compromise my kids' education just to keep a job that I love and will provide for my family.

Everyone should be entitled to a free, quality education that can take a child from Mississippi to Ohio, or from Oklahoma to Connecticut without that child falling behind.

And discrimination has to end. All of it.

Why do you rightwingers insist on having groups to hate on? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Hi Grandma even the schools that are developed internationally
do better starting with local support. the goal has to be sustainability
and self-reliance, not depending on outside sources.

SEE: Pace Universal - Educate & Empower.

Where people claim OWNERSHIP they do better, there is accountability,
pride and responsibility for their school to succeed and grow.

Every Urban Prep senior is college-bound

Smiley High grad who beat odds wins national award

BTW where did you get any impression I am some rightwing hate monger?

Do you know you are talkingn with a progressive prochoice Democrat. When people ask me how can I be a Democrat and Constitutionalist, I tell them I focus on diversity and inclusion, and that's what Democrats have sworn to do is defend minority interests. So that's what I'm doing, even for prolife and conservatives who feel victimized as the minority left out of majority rule politics dominating right now.

I don't hate anybody, but hate what people do to each other.
I GRIEVE for people as the biggest bleeding heart Buddhist/Christian/Universalist/Constitutionalist
you will ever meet. I am currently trying to
help the Diversity Committee with public radio organize around prison reform
better if we are going to create sustainable communities that give voice to all people.

The people I support who work with recovering inmates with horrible problems
to overcome have bigger hearts than I do in that area.

The Christians I support who can heal cancer, schizophrenia, and other
mental and physical illness using spiritual healing have greater
capacity than I do in this area.

I have more compassion in the people around me than you could
take without it breaking your heart as well. The most heartbreaking thing
is that they are often separated by PARTY, divided by rich and poor, left and right,
where we can't put all our resources together into common solutions yet.

These people CRY for the people suffering, literal tears.

So Grandma if I am not sympathetic enough for your taste,
I can introduce you to people whose hearts melt even more than mine does.

Would you like to meet them?
Yes there is. Title VII, and subsequent court decisions, have established that gender identity is the equivalent of gender.

But not biological sex. And that is the question of women rape victims and their private hygiene chambers marked "women" outside the door.

Accommodating transsexuals in no way makes it legal for a man to dress up like a woman, go into a women's restroom, and rape a woman.

NYcarbineer that is a faith-based assertion. And so there are beliefs on both sides that people have a right to.

The policy in Houston was contested in part because it only punished one side:
it sought penalties up to $5000 in fines for harassment, where questioning
someone in the restroom as transgender could constitute harassment.

Last I checked, if we are going to make or change laws, we should represent the public affected.
Not pass onesided laws only one side agrees with, ignoring the grievances and objections of opposition.

This bullying has to stop. Especially if the point of the policy is to prevent oppression, bullying
and discrimination, then it is contradictory to bully this policy through by oppressing, discriminating against and threatening fines against opposition.

The govt is supposed to REDRESS grievances, not SUPPRESS them!

ADDRESS the objections, RESOLVE the conflicts.
Write better policies all people agree are clear and safe, and represent
the public affected, and there wouldn't be opposition. Duh!
Accommodating transsexuals in no way makes it legal for a man to dress up like a woman, go into a women's restroom, and rape a woman.

And your means for discerning which man may do so and which man may not are what again exactly? Do you plan to issue ID cards signed by doctors to "real trannies" or shall women have to use intuition to decide which man she has thrown out is legitimate to do so and which can turn around and sue her into destitution for daring to do so?

And if that woman is one of the 17 million women who has been raped, imagine the double difficulty for her making that decision on the fly as she reels with PTSD at the confrontation?

A man with evil intent who can with cosmetics and dress pass as a woman can get himself into a ladies room NOW.

Accommodating genuine persons who identify as female doesn't change that.
"Some School Districts Tell Obama & Justice Dept. Where They Can Shove Their Tranny Executive Order"

This is a lie, there is no ‘EO.’

And any school district that discriminates against transgender students in violation of the law will be subject to the appropriate measures.

Violation of what law? There is no legal prescience established as it relates to transgenders, legislatively or by specified court case. This is government overreach by the administration in an effort to set new policy to meet a particular left wing group. Until such action is actually presented and challenged by in a superior or supreme court and specifically ruled by judicial determination,, it's just an administration moving to meet the power threats of the LGBT in what they prefer to see changed.

Yes there is. Title VII, and subsequent court decisions, have established that gender identity is the equivalent of gender.

NYcarbineer that is faith-based
That should not be the basis of law, but people's criteria of gender should be protected under CREED or BELIEF, or should be documented by medical science (similar to ADA/disabilities that require this
and not just "identifying as disabled") in order to be of common standard that the public can recognize.

Not everyone believes in recognizing "gender by identity"
just like not everyone believes in recognizing "right to life" as beginning at conception.

Legally if we don't agree where to draw the line, we need to start there.
Texas has a related problem, not recognizing gender except by birth certificate,
and not recognizing same sex marriage. We either need to have an agreement
on policy on this, OR agree to remove it from govt and recognize it is FAITH BASED.

Thanks for citing a source.

I would recommend resolving this conflict legally
by keeping "gender identity" on the level of CREED or FAITH where it is still protected,
but NOT on the level of physical gender or race which is different.

Reason: Gender identity is spiritual and can change, but race cannot.
If we can agree how to define physical gender based on medical standards, that can be considered legal criteria, but nothing that is spiritual and faith-based -- not unless the public agrees to that,
similar to agreeing on right to life criteria of determining legal rights for people before birth, that
would have to be by agreement and not mandated by govt since it is faith based as well.

Thanks NYcarbineer!
Accommodating transsexuals in no way makes it legal for a man to dress up like a woman, go into a women's restroom, and rape a woman.

And your means for discerning which man may do so and which man may not are what again exactly? Do you plan to issue ID cards signed by doctors to "real trannies" or shall women have to use intuition to decide which man she has thrown out is legitimate to do so and which can turn around and sue her into destitution for daring to do so?

And if that woman is one of the 17 million women who has been raped, imagine the double difficulty for her making that decision on the fly as she reels with PTSD at the confrontation?

A man with evil intent who can with cosmetics and dress pass as a woman can get himself into a ladies room NOW.

Accommodating genuine persons who identify as female doesn't change that.

NYcarbineer it depends how the policy is written.
In Houston, there were penalties proposed for harassment
for "questioning a transgender person in the restroom"

I feel really sad for the LGBT community.
I think they were better off just using the restrooms without saying anything.
Now that this has blown up, there is more of a backlash than before. Terrible!
Better to leave well enough alone.
I would recommend resolving this conflict legally
by keeping "gender identity" on the level of CREED or FAITH where it is still protected,
but NOT on the level of physical gender or race which is different.

Reason: Gender identity is spiritual and can change, but race cannot.
If we can agree how to define physical gender based on medical standards, that can be considered legal criteria, but nothing that is spiritual and faith-based -- not unless the public agrees to that,
similar to agreeing on right to life criteria of determining legal rights for people before birth, that
would have to be by agreement and not mandated by govt since it is faith based as well.

Thanks NYcarbineer!

Freedom of religion is protected by the Constitution, and religion is wholly spiritual, isn't it?

Should we put religious beliefs to a 'science' test before we allow them their legitimacy?
Freedom of religion is protected by the Constitution, and religion is wholly spiritual, isn't it?

Should we put religious beliefs to a 'science' test before we allow them their legitimacy?

No the opposite
a. the point is once things are recognized as beliefs, then govt cannot regulate them
b. you don't put the RELIGIONS to a test, but the opposite,
the things people are trying to push as fact, you prove these are faith based.

A. For example, we can prove that beliefs about homosexuality as "not a choice but genetic"
is NOT supported by science. and thus it is FAITH BASED.

The studies I cite are on identical twins, showing at most a 53% chance of being the same orientation.
So it isn't 100% so it isn't purely genetic.
It shows at most a predilection or tendency (ie above 50% and not random)
but not absolutely determined either.

If beliefs about homosexuality are faith based, then it falls under CREED.

B. Example 2
Currently spiritual healing is faith based, that is based on forgiveness therapy completely voluntary and never denying medical assistance but working with science and medicine. it is even confused with "faith healing" which is proven to be dangerous by denying medical assistance to people.

If spiritual healing can be proven medically effective
in screening for early detection of criminal illness and addictions, and possible treatment and cure, then this method could be introduced into public programs even though it is spiritually based.

Psychiatrist and author Scott Peck recommended research and development in this field,
after he tried it and applied it himself to treat schizophrenic patients who didn't respond to or comply with
therapy until they underwent spiritual therapy first. He observed that the stages of the therapy had quantifiable enough steps and changes that it could be documented scientifically and meet professional standards of
therapy equally based on observations to detect symptoms of sickness and of recovery.

C. for political beliefs in general:
If people don't agree to include these under religious beliefs or creeds,
we may need to write specific amendment or legislation
about political beliefs and how to manage them so they don't violate
either First or Fourteenth Amendment protections.

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