Some School Districts Tell Obama & Justice Dept. Where They Can Shove Their Tranny Executive Order

You're right. The Actual Law that Loretta Lynch is citing says absolutely nothing about imagined & self-diagnosed gender identity. Nor could it be construed that way to the demise of the real, actual female sex behind doors marked "women" (17 million of whom are rape victims who would suffer PTSD if a person of the male sex was in there with them) Moreover, Justice Ginsburg also said that equal rights for the sexes in no way suggested that bathrooms would become unisex.

Lynch has her work cut out for her. No wonder she was very defensive at that press conference last Monday!

From your link:

On June 23, 1972, the President signed Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq., into law. Title IX is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. The principal objective of Title IX is to avoid the use of federal money to support sex discrimination in education programs and to provide individual citizens effective protection against those practices. Title IX applies, with a few specific exceptions, to all aspects of federally funded education programs or activities. In addition to traditional educational institutions such as colleges, universities, and elementary and secondary schools, Title IX also applies to any education or training program operated by a recipient of federal financial assistance. The Department of Education has issued regulations on the requirements of Title IX, 34 C.F.R. § 106.1et seq. The Title IX common rule published on August 30, 2000 covers education program providers/recipients that are funded by other federal agencies.


No words at all about imagination fairyland self-diagnosed "gender-fluid", or games of pretending to be another sex.

Again, EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER HERE FOLKS: This isn't JUST an interest of men wanting access to women's restrooms. It is also a matter of women not wanting them to be there!

I know it's easy to forget the rights and considerations of women all the time in preference to men. But isn't this exactly why Title IX came into being??? The irony.. Loretta Lynch has her head up her ass. I can't wait to see what she produces in clarification on this matter and on the North Carolina lawsuit. She must be sweating right now..

Not to mention the most recent science ready to club her arguments over the head:

And the fact that Johns Hopkins considers "sex change" operations butchery without science backing it up; and refuses to do them anymore... JHMN: Sexual Healing

“It’s pretty rough surgery; some people consider it mutilating. And, of course, the scientific side of it is pretty damn weak.”

Finally, in 1979, the unit’s then-director, Meyer, published a study questioning certain benefits of the surgery that helped convince the Hopkins hierarchy to eliminate its sex reassignment program entirely.
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I would not want to be in Loretta Lynch's shoes or on her legal team. They essentially have nothing. Just nothing at all except a made-up story and the forceful decree to make it stick. The clarification demands from North Carolina are going to not just leave Lynch with egg on her face; it's going to leave an 16-ostrich-egg omelet over her entire legal team, head to foot.

The AMA is going to have to stand up at some time and testify that you can't consider a person with "x" diagnosis from them self-diagnosing. The AMA is going to have to come on board and authenticate "a transexual" in the interest of protecting women. I wonder how many MDs will take the chance that a man they've signed off on "transitioning" won't use that loophole to do something in the ladies room that would get that MD sued?

What a legal nightmare for Team Lynch..
We have to get rid of these progressive/democrats who are stepping ALL over us and our rights. Our States rights and our CHILDRENS rights. Hillary will be another Obama in a pant suit. NO TO THIS disgusting party
We have to get rid of these progressive/democrats who are stepping ALL over us and our rights. Our States rights and our CHILDRENS rights. Hillary will be another Obama in a pant suit. NO TO THIS disgusting party
Well to be honest. Donald Trump (the republican party) came out in support of men using women's bathrooms. Hillary has not yet that I know of.

If you find a link where she's been advocating for men using women's rooms recently, post it here.

But here's Trump on the issue. He even seems to be enjoying that North Carolina is getting blackmailed financially. Like he's participating in the message "watch out other states, YOU'RE NEXT"

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I'm just shocked the man did an Executive Order on this. What a Megalomaniac piece of shite. How much longer is the Muslim foreigner in there?
What isn’t shocking is that you believe the moronic lie that an ‘EO’ was issued.

No ‘EO’ is needed, existing law already prohibits discrimination based on gender, Justice and the Education Department are notifying school districts of that; and should they discriminate against transgender students, they’ll be in violation of the law.

Transgender students are a joke. Fuck em...

The president spends more time on stupid issues than the economy jobs or working with allies. He just wants another notch in his belt for his legacy. Even if it is irrelevant. He made another special decree that the bison is the USA Mammal that stands for our country. Hell, get that man back on the golf course.
The president spends more time on stupid issues than the economy jobs or working with allies. He just wants another notch in his belt for his legacy. Even if it is irrelevant. He made another special decree that the bison is the USA Mammal that stands for our country. Hell, get that man back on the golf course.
I think at this point he just fancies himself a god. This men in the girls' room "decree" is nothing but a royal decree: illegal and not backed up by law.
What does race have to do with men pretending to be women without any civil rights to force others to play along whatsoever?

You know who would have been against this? John Kasich, why didn't you campaign for him even harder? I think its on you, you failed the children.
What does race have to do with men pretending to be women without any civil rights to force others to play along whatsoever?

You know who would have been against this? John Kasich, why didn't you campaign for him even harder? I think its on you, you failed the children.
I'll vote for the person who publicly opposes this. If nobody does; I'm not voting. And I'll be I'll have a lot of company on both sides of the aisle. Should make things interesting this Fall...
What does race have to do with men pretending to be women without any civil rights to force others to play along whatsoever?

You know who would have been against this? John Kasich, why didn't you campaign for him even harder? I think its on you, you failed the children.
I'll vote for the person who publicly opposes this. If nobody does; I'm not voting. And I'll be I'll have a lot of company on both sides of the aisle. Should make things interesting this Fall...

So, you'll be voting for nobody then. Works for me. it's too bad the GOP didn't put up a real conservative. I assume you would have voted for John Kasich or Ted Cruz to support your war on sexuality.
So, you'll be voting for nobody then. Works for me. it's too bad the GOP didn't put up a real conservative. I assume you would have voted for John Kasich or Ted Cruz to support your war on sexuality.
Oh, active resistance to a cult talking over conservative family values is now "a war on sexuality". I didn't see your cult members having any trouble at all having the sex of your choice behind closed doors. It's when you try to take mothers or fathers away from kids for life (gay marriage) or have your delusional men try to take showers with women when the active resistance heats up.

Can't stand the heat? Get out of the kitchen and back into your greasy bedroom.
So, you'll be voting for nobody then. Works for me. it's too bad the GOP didn't put up a real conservative. I assume you would have voted for John Kasich or Ted Cruz to support your war on sexuality.
Oh, active resistance to a cult talking over conservative family values is now "a war on sexuality". I didn't see your cult members having any trouble at all having the sex of your choice behind closed doors. It's when you try to take mothers or fathers away from kids for life (gay marriage) or have your delusional men try to take showers with women when the active resistance heats up.

Can't stand the heat? Get out of the kitchen and back into your greasy bedroom.

Thanks, though it's cheap, you're always good for a laugh.
Thanks, though it's cheap, you're always good for a laugh.

I'll take that statement to mean you have no lucid rebuttal. So, ad hominem. Where have I seen that before? Oh, right, from your ilk here at USMB, constantly. You just admitted failure.
We have to get rid of these progressive/democrats who are stepping ALL over us and our rights. Our States rights and our CHILDRENS rights. Hillary will be another Obama in a pant suit. NO TO THIS disgusting party
Well to be honest. Donald Trump (the republican party) came out in support of men using women's bathrooms. Hillary has not yet that I know of.

If you find a link where she's been advocating for men using women's rooms recently, post it here.

But here's Trump on the issue. He even seems to be enjoying that North Carolina is getting blackmailed financially. Like he's participating in the message "watch out other states, YOU'RE NEXT"

Trump came out with the right answer. LEAVE it up to the states. Obama and his tyrant administration if trying to force this on EVERYONE and now using OUR CHILDREN to do it. How any parent can just sit by while this man heaps this garbage on their children is sick
What's hilarious about this is the idea that a 14-year-old boy can walk into the girls' locker room and those girls will be utterly helpless.

Whoever's promoting this bit of fearmongering has NEVER been around a roomful of kids at that age. The girls would knock the living piss out of him, crazy glue Kotexes all over him, and tie him to the bleachers.

You people are fucking retarded.

If they did they would all be expelled according to Obama's proposed regulations.
Trump came out with the right answer. LEAVE it up to the states. Obama and his tyrant administration if trying to force this on EVERYONE and now using OUR CHILDREN to do it. How any parent can just sit by while this man heaps this garbage on their children is sick

But he's fine with Obergefell removing away from the states the say-so on subsidizing (tax breaks) a brand new concept of marriage which rips either a father or mother away for life from the kids involved. I believe he called this arrangement "beautiful"..of the several "gay weddings" he attended.
The president spends more time on stupid issues than the economy jobs or working with allies. He just wants another notch in his belt for his legacy. Even if it is irrelevant. He made another special decree that the bison is the USA Mammal that stands for our country. Hell, get that man back on the golf course.
I think at this point he just fancies himself a god. This men in the girls' room "decree" is nothing but a royal decree: illegal and not backed up by law.

And he hasn't just started this behavior. He's been doing this for years. He's been the Dictatorial ASS,
The president spends more time on stupid issues than the economy jobs or working with allies. He just wants another notch in his belt for his legacy. Even if it is irrelevant. He made another special decree that the bison is the USA Mammal that stands for our country. Hell, get that man back on the golf course.
I think at this point he just fancies himself a god. This men in the girls' room "decree" is nothing but a royal decree: illegal and not backed up by law.

And he hasn't just started this behavior. He's been doing this for years. He's been the Dictatorial ASS,
For the next six months he is going to push America HARD. The bad? We have to put up with it. The good? Hillary is going to pay for it.
Well I think we're veering a little bit off topic. The point of this thread is that schools won't take the risk to the huge population of girls on campus all for one or two creepy boys who are mentally ill playing pretend. They don't want to get sued and if the boys try to sue, their defense is protecting the girls. Perfect. The North Carolina win on clarification falling short for the Fed will help set the standard for schools to defend themselves and their girls.

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