Some School Districts Tell Obama & Justice Dept. Where They Can Shove Their Tranny Executive Order

any school district that discriminates against transgender students in violation of the law will be subject to the appropriate measures.

Which the general public and school districts in general, fearful of the backlash of parents and girls suing the school for the inevitable, will breathe a sigh of relief over. SINCE THERE ARE NO APPROPRIATE MEASURES TO ENFORCE "CIVIL RIGHTS" AND "LAWS" THAT DON'T EXIST ON THE BOOKS.

A man cannot force a woman (who has been raped before) behind a door marked "women" for intimate hygiene procedures, to play along with his delusions that he isn't what he is. He has no "civil right" to do that to her.

*whew!* what a relief eh? Go ahead schools, all of you. Tell Obama and Lynch where they can shove their blackmail.. Get your lawyers also to ask the Obama/Lynch tyranny to give complete clarity on what gives a man pretending to be what he isn't (in this case a woman; later other things by precedent of self-diagnosis), "civil rights to force others (particularly women rape victims, 1 in 6) to play along"?

Can't WAIT for that clarification. :lmao: In poker, we call it "calling the cards on the table". They have nothing in their hand. School districts have a royal flush with an ace high: women who have been (or statistically will be) raped.
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Actually, I feel sorry for the 14 year boy old that walks into a locker room filled with half dressed girls!!

Helpless my ass. If the boy survives, the incident will always underline his social life at school.
the feds take precedence over some pissant bigoted locals.

Not when there is no legal basis do to so and their actions constitute blackmail to school children. There are no federal laws or statutes that protect men pretending to be women and their ability to force other people to play along. Particularly women with rights to expectations of segregated privacy behind doors marked "women" when 1 in 6 women have been raped by men.

It's amazing to me how little the left care about the victims of rape.

You would think it should be a priority, but they address them with contempt and not understanding.
If Trump wins, i hope he signs 50 Executive Orders on his first day. Reverse every single one of Hussein's debacles.
Trump is for men using women's bathrooms. One of those orders you mentioned you hope he issues would likely be identical to Obama's:

We'll see. If he does win though, i hope he reverses every single one of Hussein's debacles. And that includes his 'Obamacare' disaster.

Trump supporters are almost transfixed by their idol. I JUST SHOWED YOU A VIDEO OF TRUMP'S POSITION ON MEN USING WOMEN'S BATHROOMS. (Cue to 1:05) Did you miss that? Are you still somehow hoping against hope that Trump won't push that agenda? Notice how he did not hesitate one millisecond before he answered the reporter's question. It's not like he hemmed and hawed even a little to give any indication he might back off on that highly controversial position in the future. He snapped to a question if he would allow Bruce Jenner to use any bathroom of his choice: "That is correct" with emphasis without blinking an eyelash. That tells you the level of devotion he has to that cause.

The federal government should leave sexual regulation of the nation’s K-12 bathrooms and locker rooms to state and local governments, Donald Trump said in multiple interviews Friday.
“I believe it should be states’ rights and I think the states should make the decision, they’re more capable of making the decision,” Trump told the audience for ABC’s Good Morning America. When pressed, he repeated his pro-federalism policy: “I just think it should be states’ rights. I think many things actually should be states’ rights, but this is a perfect example of it.”...

Donald Trump: Obama's Government Should Get Out of Kids' Bathrooms, Locker Rooms - Breitbart

Trump is consistent at being ignorant and wrong, as are most on the right.

States and local jurisdictions – such as school districts – are subject to Federal law, in this case the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

States and local jurisdictions – such as school districts – must comply with Federal law (See Article VI, US Cont.).

Sure they are, but since this has nothing to do with the 1964 Civil Rights act I guess your just plain ass stupid.
Actually, I feel sorry for the 14 year boy old that walks into a locker room filled with half dressed girls!!

Helpless my ass. If the boy survives, the incident will always underline his social life at school.

Wait a second, isn't that what Obama's order is all about? WTF you can't have it both ways.
Don't most rapist say.......

I felt like a woman
Rapists are like reptiles; especially serial rapists. Their mind functions in the "hunger/food" mode. Any animal knows how to adapt when it is hungry to corner its prey. This is why we put them in prison; for their human side has all but vanished and they can no longer be trusted around women.

How we wish all of them were in prison, but many many predatory rapists are not. Like I said, this isn't an "if" scenario, it's a when scenario. A rape victim will find a man in the women's room (denoted by the word 'women' outside the door) and she will freak the fuck out. And with good cause. These victims experience lifelong psychological trauma and will even sculpt their bodies to appear more offensive to men just to escape another attack.

The Fed can't force companies and schools to choose between ABSOLUTE CERTAIN LAWSUITS FROM WOMEN/GIRLS vs being shut down or being allowed to be sued by men pretending to be women, or having their funds withdrawn. That is double jeopardy. I'd say if the schools decided to sue the fed, there should be a monetary punishment/sanctions award from the fed to the schools as a result. For overreach and tyranny of attempting to enforce laws and civil rights that flatly don't exist; to the real fiscal demise of the victims of their blackmail.
the feds take precedence over some pissant bigoted locals.

Not when there is no legal basis do to so and their actions constitute blackmail to school children. There are no federal laws or statutes that protect men pretending to be women and their ability to force other people to play along. Particularly women with rights to expectations of segregated privacy behind doors marked "women" when 1 in 6 women have been raped by men.

It's amazing to me how little the left care about the victims of rape.

You would think it should be a priority, but they address them with contempt and not understanding.

Destruction of humanities morality takes front and center to common sense.
If Trump wins, i hope he signs 50 Executive Orders on his first day. Reverse every single one of Hussein's debacles.
Trump is for men using women's bathrooms. One of those orders you mentioned you hope he issues would likely be identical to Obama's:

We'll see. If he does win though, i hope he reverses every single one of Hussein's debacles. And that includes his 'Obamacare' disaster.

Trump supporters are almost transfixed by their idol. I JUST SHOWED YOU A VIDEO OF TRUMP'S POSITION ON MEN USING WOMEN'S BATHROOMS. (Cue to 1:05) Did you miss that? Are you still somehow hoping against hope that Trump won't push that agenda? Notice how he did not hesitate one millisecond before he answered the reporter's question. It's not like he hemmed and hawed even a little to give any indication he might back off on that highly controversial position in the future. He snapped to a question if he would allow Bruce Jenner to use any bathroom of his choice: "That is correct" with emphasis without blinking an eyelash. That tells you the level of devotion he has to that cause.

The federal government should leave sexual regulation of the nation’s K-12 bathrooms and locker rooms to state and local governments, Donald Trump said in multiple interviews Friday.
“I believe it should be states’ rights and I think the states should make the decision, they’re more capable of making the decision,” Trump told the audience for ABC’s Good Morning America. When pressed, he repeated his pro-federalism policy: “I just think it should be states’ rights. I think many things actually should be states’ rights, but this is a perfect example of it.”...

Donald Trump: Obama's Government Should Get Out of Kids' Bathrooms, Locker Rooms - Breitbart

Trump is consistent at being ignorant and wrong, as are most on the right.

States and local jurisdictions – such as school districts – are subject to Federal law, in this case the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

States and local jurisdictions – such as school districts – must comply with Federal law (See Article VI, US Cont.).

Sure they are, but since this has nothing to do with the 1964 Civil Rights act I guess your just plain ass stupid.

Of course not. The act had nothing to do with psychos that identify as stop signs or whatever else nonsense.
True. The 1964 Civil Rights Act does not contain language or even the remotest insinuation that a man playing pretend has a right to force others to play along. And this is particularly true when that "right" he imagines but does not have includes forcing women rape victims to allow him to pretend to be a woman behind a door marked "women" outside a hygiene chamber where women are baring their bodies.

Ask Justice Ginsburg. She'll tell you she agrees with me. Ginsburg In 1975: Separate Bathrooms Are ‘In Some Situations Required’

The important thing to remember in a temporal sense is our nation's top legal authorities were telling us "don't worry, we'll put brakes on the perversion parade". Only guess what happened? This signifies a progression of a cult outside due process. Something else besides democracy is now at work.
Well, like it or not, discrimination is illegal, transgender rights will be the law of the land no matter what the crazies claim.

As for the funding cuts, Texas has already cut hundreds of millions of dollars from public schools so that the rich could get fat tax breaks, so the Governor obviously doesn't give a single fuck about the funding.

Look it up.
Presidential edicts for the rabble while the elites are exempt. Barry's final year in office sounds more like a depraved monarchy every day.You can bet your ass(ets) that Barry's kids won't have to share their locker room with confused members of the opposite gender.
the feds take precedence over some pissant bigoted locals.

Not when there is no legal basis do to so and their actions constitute blackmail to school children. There are no federal laws or statutes that protect men pretending to be women and their ability to force other people to play along. Particularly women with rights to expectations of segregated privacy behind doors marked "women" when 1 in 6 women have been raped by men.

Dear Silhouette: Yes, I'm glad you pinpointed this particular angle.

This issue first came up for me in 1992 when a well-respected member of our local peace and justice community asked to attend an all-women's forum bringing together prochoice and prolife advocates for the anniversary of Roe v Wade, and he was promptly escorted out by the head of the group.
Even though he is one of the few "male feminists" I would trust on feminist and women's issues,
the head of the group explained that the forum HAD to be restricted to all women as their traditional policy,
because of the participants who have been victims of rape or other crimes that make them
feel unsafe unless they are assured the group is consistently all women only without exception.

On the whole, I find our govt policies do not even know where to begin to seek justice for rape victims.
The typical response from men is to clobber or kill the men who do this, which has nothing to do with helping the victim to recover, when it may take years of someone's life, far beyond the finite act that the offenders are charged for, if offenders are caught and convicted.

If we were to set up a restitution program to pay all the costs of women for the damage and loss of time at jobs or education while they recover from rape (and also for war, where the costs to civilians go beyond what has ever been assessed or collected, especially women who have to raise children in war torn areas), we'd reinvent society. All resources would go to rebuilding lives and communities, and we wouldn't have time to pick any more political fights or wars, we'd be too busy investing all we had in solving problems that already exist!

So yes, nobody is standing up for rape victims and the aftermath and real cost to victims and society.
If we did, we'd change how politics, govt, economies and society are run.

The cost of crime, war, rape etc is far beyond even the national debt we are so worried about.
That cost is not even included in the equation.
Well, like it or not, discrimination is illegal, transgender rights will be the law of the land no matter what

I think the "what" of women rape victims being forced to play along with men pretending they're women so they can use the intimate hygiene chambers marked "women" outside is going to matter...A LOT.

You act as if there is only one side to this issue: yours. And all other extremely compelling reasons to stop your side are "irrelevant". Do you understand how contests of law work?
Well, like it or not, discrimination is illegal, transgender rights will be the law of the land no matter what the crazies claim.

As for the funding cuts, Texas has already cut hundreds of millions of dollars from public schools so that the rich could get fat tax breaks, so the Governor obviously doesn't give a single fuck about the funding.

Look it up.

Dear Grandma:
I would recommend that local districts buy back the property and control of public schools and opt for private. The schools and local police can be used to organize education for all citizens of each district, training their business and civil leaders how to manage the schools and communities to become independent self-governing cities.

It can be the same as "public" in the sense that the entire local community shares ownership and democratic access to vote, elect and participate in policies and enforcement. But there wouldn't be this lack of or fight for control, when it comes to outside authorities dictating policies -- all of that would be by choice of the owners how much to accept funding from what sources and to be under what rules.

If the state or federal govt comes up with good guidelines on the curricula and benchmarks to be met, and nationally normed tests to review how students and teachers are doing, that can still be enforced by choice. But there does not have to be this conflict between mandating policies from topdown or outside in, instead of working inside out, and grassroots upward, to teach people responsibility -- internally and individually first -- in order to influence external and collective responsibility as a consequence.

This is long overdue. I thought it would come from reforming prisons that people would figure it out. Then I thought it would come from reforming health care, we'd move toward localized development and management.

I never thought the key incident would be a rift over bathroom issues that finally makes people decide to go with independent funding and localized schools and get away from federalized one size fits all policies.

If the whole point is to include diversity, which this fraction of a percent represents with the Transgender as a minority among the LGBT issues, then it makes no sense to try to enforce one policy for all schools and all people of all communities.

If the point is to embrace diversity and listen to where each person is coming from instead of making a rule that excludes them, then this concept needs to be adhered to when it comes to all the citizens affected by these rules who want to make sure their voices and concerns are included. And "they feel safe also"
Well, like it or not, discrimination is illegal, transgender rights will be the law of the land no matter what the crazies claim.

As for the funding cuts, Texas has already cut hundreds of millions of dollars from public schools so that the rich could get fat tax breaks, so the Governor obviously doesn't give a single fuck about the funding.

Look it up.

Dear Grandma
Do you see Buddhists who need to see "no discrimination of Buddhists will be tolerated, but violators will be fined" written specifically into the laws before they feel safe?

Why not enforce policies where NOBODY will be harassed, abused, bullied or assaulted in restrooms.
That would be inclusive and fair to all people, with no discrimination by singling out Transgender people.

If someone is BIOLOGICALLY a different gender from their birth certificate, the real issue is getting that legally changed to match their current status.

Look at the rules for ADA and declaring a disability.

You can't just say you FEEL like you have a disability.
I have a friend who is disabled, but still requires MEDICAL DOCUMENTATION before
he can receive any help. That's to prevent abuse.

So the same protections need to be WRITTEN so this law can't be abused either.

Don't blame "poorly written laws" on people for protesting that.
Why not write the law so well there are no objections?

What's wrong with writing better laws?
Well, like it or not, discrimination is illegal, transgender rights will be the law of the land no matter what

I think the "what" of women rape victims being forced to play along with men pretending they're women so they can use the intimate hygiene chambers marked "women" outside is going to matter...A LOT.

You act as if there is only one side to this issue: yours. And all other extremely compelling reasons to stop your side are "irrelevant". Do you understand how contests of law work?

Dear Silhouette If you write a petition on for this issue of rape victims I will sign it!
Petitions do better with a picture, citing a specific case or testimony of someone personally affected,
and then asking others to sign in support. Do you want to co write one together?
OCALA, Fla. - A school board in north Florida plans to restrict access to school bathrooms based on a person's biological gender. The Ocala Star-Banner reports that the Marion County School Board reached a consensus on Thursday on a resolution to ban transgender students from using bathrooms for the gender with which they identify. The board plans to take a final vote in the coming days. The resolution states that "transgender people are not a protected class under federal or state law or under Marion County Public Schools policy." Florida school board votes to restrict transgender bathroom choices

It's likely that school districts have figured out that there is a more compelling interest protecting the privacy of real, actual girls than frightening those real actual girls by allowing boys in their bathrooms and showers.

Good. I see some school districts retain the ability to think, logically deduce and do the math on dropped enrollment for the sake of a few delusional boys (or ones pretending so they can sneak a peek)... Not that THAT would EVER happen if the barn door was kicked open in a Jr. or High School...

Parents who might not want boys in their daughter's shower in PE can put real fiscal pressure on a school and remove their student elsewhere. Like a private Catholic or Christian school where I can guarantee you they won't be letting boys in the girls' shower room.

Dear Silhouette this resolution, like the bans on gay marriage, go too far by singling out to ban certain students.

A more effective Constitutional argument would allow each community to decide its own policy by consensus of the members of that community affected, and create an avenue for anyone who has an exception to make a request for the elected reps to consider. So nobody is excluded, but this request must be reviewed to resolve the issues in a safe way where nobody abuses the policy and nobody's civil rights are violated.

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