Some true articles about the bds filth

If the apartheid state of Israel is doing so great.

Then why does it hold out it's tin begging cup every year for 3 billion dollars in American aid? ..... :cool:

That money is only for defense. Netanyahu phased out all other aid to Israel in the 1990's. If Israel wasn't in the midst of all those crazy, bloodthirsty Muslims/Arabs, it wouldn't need so much money for defense.
Indeed, Israel needs to defend its colonial project.
If the racist state of Israel is doing soo well economically.

Why should the American taxpayer be subsidizing it's military and weapons? ...... :cool:

I'm not sure it its willful ignorance or your just not able to grasp the concept.

Israel is a proving ground for a lot of military technology. Weapons sales is a huge portion of the US economy, so its advantageous for the US and Israel to cooperate in the development of arms.

Which brings us to the fact that nearly all that money goes to weapons purchases. Which directly stimulates our economy.

You also don't seem to comprehend our banking system if you think the money comes out of the taxpayers pockets. The tiered reserve system only works if there is a constant inflow of new money into the system. Its basic economics.
Israel is a proving ground for a lot of military technology. Weapons sales is a huge portion of the US economy, so its advantageous for the US and Israel to cooperate in the development of arms.​

The industries of death are doing well.
If the racist state of Israel is doing soo well economically.

Why should the American taxpayer be subsidizing it's military and weapons? ...... :cool:

I'm not sure it its willful ignorance or your just not able to grasp the concept.

Israel is a proving ground for a lot of military technology. Weapons sales is a huge portion of the US economy, so its advantageous for the US and Israel to cooperate in the development of arms.

Which brings us to the fact that nearly all that money goes to weapons purchases. Which directly stimulates our economy.

You also don't seem to comprehend our banking system if you think the money comes out of the taxpayers pockets. The tiered reserve system only works if there is a constant inflow of new money into the system. Its basic economics.
Israel is a proving ground for a lot of military technology. Weapons sales is a huge portion of the US economy, so its advantageous for the US and Israel to cooperate in the development of arms.​

The industries of death are doing well.

The industry of defense is doing well. given the persistence of racism and bigotry in our world, or at least yours; defense is big business.

The simple fact that the pali's have been reduced to squabbling among themselves and hunger tantrums I'd say the Israeli's have been very effective in their response to Arab aggression.

If the apartheid state of Israel is doing so great.

Then why does it hold out it's tin begging cup every year for 3 billion dollars in American aid? ..... :cool:

That money is only for defense. Netanyahu phased out all other aid to Israel in the 1990's. If Israel wasn't in the midst of all those crazy, bloodthirsty Muslims/Arabs, it wouldn't need so much money for defense.
Indeed, Israel needs to defend its colonial project.

I'm not sure you comprehend the meaning of the word "colonial" if you think Israel is a colonial project.
And as usual you make another wild claim without providing a single supporting link.

The simple fact is that the Judaic people are returning to Judea.

Colonization requires that a people originated elsewhere, and moved into another territory.

We all know that the Judaic people originated in Judea and some are now RETURNING mostly from the surrounding area.

At this point I'm not surprised that your view is dependent on outright lies and distortions.
P F Tinmore don't waste any more of your time dealing with this Boston1 idiot.

He / She / It ..... is just a Troll ....... :cool:

Just a troll who's shown your entire view to be dependent on lies and racism

The simple facts are that the IBS nonsense is just another lie to further the bigotry and racism of the Arab Muslims hatred of the Judaic people. At the expense of the pali laborers in the area.
The BDS people are true hero's in the fight against racist apartheid Israel. ...... :thup:

Oh look, shit for brains is how do you explain Norman Finkelstein AND Bassem Eid, a REAL israeli arab, calling bds filthy trash?

It is fucking trash like this poster who is EXACTLY the kind of dung that Eid is talking about; verminous filth who is using the pal arab cause to attack jews - they don't give a flying fuck about the arab muslims, or they'd be attacking hamas and the PLO ten times harder than israel, along with iran - but they don't, of course.
If the racist state of Israel is doing soo well economically.

Why should the American taxpayer be subsidizing it's fascist militaries weapon purchases ? ...... :cool:

What fucking business of yours is what the US gives Israel? Why don't you complain like the turd you are about iran's money to hamas? Or the US money to jordan, egypt, afghanistan, iraq and pakistan? You hypocritical scumbag.
Once again comprehension doesn't seem to be your strong point.
The US supreme court has ruled that Jewish is a race
Shaare Tefila Congregation v. Cobb :: 481 U.S. 615 (1987 ...
Damn you're dumb. ... :cuckoo:

Just because a court rules that jews are a race is a non sequitur.

Biologically jews are not a race. Because there are black, white, asian, and brown skinned juden.

Once again, what defines a jew is religion not race. ...... :cool:

They are a singular nation of people, which the fakestinians are not, never have been, and likely never will be.
And as usual you make another wild claim without providing a single supporting link.

The simple fact is that the Judaic people are returning to Judea.

Colonization requires that a people originated elsewhere, and moved into another territory.

We all know that the Judaic people originated in Judea and some are now RETURNING mostly from the surrounding area.

At this point I'm not surprised that your view is dependent on outright lies and distortions.

Tin-douche is one of THE weakest posters I've seen, and I've dealt with fakestinian supporters all over the web on over 40 poli-forums, facebook, twitter, etc., and few are as unintelligent. The sad thing is that the turd actually thinks it is "helping" the fakestinians; the chimp clearly did not read any of the 3 links in my OP.
And as usual you make another wild claim without providing a single supporting link.

The simple fact is that the Judaic people are returning to Judea.

Colonization requires that a people originated elsewhere, and moved into another territory.

We all know that the Judaic people originated in Judea and some are now RETURNING mostly from the surrounding area.

At this point I'm not surprised that your view is dependent on outright lies and distortions.

Tin-douche is one of THE weakest posters I've seen, and I've dealt with fakestinian supporters all over the web on over 40 poli-forums, facebook, twitter, etc., and few are as unintelligent. The sad thing is that the turd actually thinks it is "helping" the fakestinians; the chimp clearly did not read any of the 3 links in my OP.

I don't think "Tin-douche" is playing with all her/his marbles. So I really don't pay that much attention or respond often to her nonsense.

I have yet to see any articles about the IBS filth on this thread being discussed by her and have to wonder why she's not being censored for lack of relevant content. But hey, I'm a small fish in a big pond.

P F Tinmore don't waste any more of your time dealing with this Boston1 idiot.

He / She / It ..... is just a Troll ....... :cool:

Simmi Man on the other hand is swimming in bigotry and racism. Ever post is a testimony to mans hatred of man. I'm floored at the lies required to maintain the Arab Muslim view.

The Zionists and the British spoke openly about colonizing Palestine all during the Mandate period.

Now it appears that the Palestinian people are talking openly about colonizing Israel.

You should talk, bottom-feeding fucking turd. You're just weak, as is tin-douchebag, and cannot counter powerful, pro-Israel supporters - they just crush liars like you the way water is wet.

The Arab colonizers are rampant within Israel and why the Israeli's allow them to stage their tantrum like hunger strikes is beyond me.

I say let them starve if thats what they prefer to do.

After all, our subject is
An Unpopular Man

Palestinians have become obsessive “tragedy tourists”

"You do not get to keep stealing stories. You stole the identity of what was known as ‘Palestinian’. BeforeWorld War II the term meant Jews. But that’s OK, it’s a colonialist term, and I am sure that my Jewish friends don’t want it. They prefer to be called Jews, Hebrews, Israelites or Israelis, so you can take your colonialist garbage and get lost."

The Palestinian Case Against BDS

"BDS spokespeople justify calling for boycotts that will result in increased economic hardships for the Palestinians by asserting that Palestinians are willing to suffer such deprivations in order to achieve their freedom. It goes without saying that they themselves live in comfortable circumstances elsewhere in the world and will not suffer any such hardship. It would seem, in fact, that the BDS movement in its determination to oppose Israel is prepared to fight to the last drop of Palestinian blood. As a Palestinian who actually lives in east Jerusalem and hopes to build a better life for his family and his community, this is the kind of "pro-Palestinian activism" we could well do without. For our own sake, we need to reconcile with our Israeli neighbors, not reject and revile them."


For those seeking the truth about the fakestinians and the bds trash, those 3 articles are a great place to start.

A most excellent article. Hardly, surprising coming from Ryan Bellerose -- an eloquent Canadian writer whose culture has experienced immeasurable tragedy yet is working in peaceful and meaningful ways to regain their rights to self-determination and sovereignty over territory while working with the Canadian government. I believe I posted an article of his on the Indigenous thread a while back.

He wrote:

You do not get to keep stealing stories. You stole the identity of what was known as ‘Palestinian’.

This is an extremely important point. You don't get to keep stealing stories from other cultures. Stealing the term "Palestinian" is no where near the most egregious theft being attempted by Palestinians. They are stealing the entirety of the Jewish story -- claiming that Abraham and Moses and Solomon and David were NOT Jewish, but Muslim. Claiming that the Temple is a Muslim holy site and not a Jewish one. Claiming that the history of the land runs through them and not through the Jewish people. And that archeological finds are nothing more than "Zionist hasbara".

It is another type of genocide to erase the existence and origins of a people.
Netanyahu Asks Britain to Remove anti-Israel Posters Hung in Underground Trains

Israel has asked the British government to remove hundreds of pro-Palestinian posters hung in London underground trains over the weekend, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday.

Read some of the comments:
By focusing attention on these posters now the whole world knows about them! Thank you Netanyahu.

Israel's direct involvement in actively shutting down the freedom of speech in Britain, Canada and the U.S. is not going unnoticed by the people!
The Israeli government's overt, clumsy and heavy handed action in recently strong-arming these governments into passing anti-BDS legislation has taken their, until now, quiet behind the scenes efforts and thrust it into the faces of the average citizen. Trying to blatantly interfere in other nations' right to free speech is not only drawing unwanted attention to the BDS movement, but is bound to backfire in a way they can't seem to imagine. So keep it up Bibi, your time is almost up!
read more: Netanyahu asks Britain to remove anti-Israel posters hung in underground trains - Israel News
A most excellent article. Hardly, surprising coming from Ryan Bellerose -- an eloquent Canadian writer whose culture has experienced immeasurable tragedy yet is working in peaceful and meaningful ways to regain their rights to self-determination and sovereignty over territory while working with the Canadian government. I believe I posted an article of his on the Indigenous thread a while back.

He wrote:

You do not get to keep stealing stories. You stole the identity of what was known as ‘Palestinian’.

This is an extremely important point. You don't get to keep stealing stories from other cultures. Stealing the term "Palestinian" is no where near the most egregious theft being attempted by Palestinians. They are stealing the entirety of the Jewish story -- claiming that Abraham and Moses and Solomon and David were NOT Jewish, but Muslim. Claiming that the Temple is a Muslim holy site and not a Jewish one. Claiming that the history of the land runs through them and not through the Jewish people. And that archeological finds are nothing more than "Zionist hasbara".

It is another type of genocide to erase the existence and origins of a people.

Can you imagine if the muslim filth ever took over large parts of the world, say africa, south america and large portions of europe? The propaganda and lies that they would spew, undermining other peoples, lying about history, etc, it would be a Dark age like no other. This is, I fear, a strong possibility, and it will take a serious effort by many to prevent - but it is doable. XXXXXX -- removed the personalization of a threat.
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If Israel wasn't in the midst of all those crazy, bloodthirsty Muslims/Arabs, it wouldn't need so much money for defense.

Exactly, and those zionuts put those Jews in the middle of a region in the knowledge there was NEVER going to be a peaceful acceptance of Jews...

Africa would have been a much better option...

Bad zionut decision for every Jew!
Islam is the future of the world. ...... :thup:

You're hallucinating again if you think Islam is taking over. Most people don't really care about religion, let alone have an inkling to embrace it in its more severe forms. Islam, and its terrorist factions have given the Arabs a bad name.

People are sick and tired of all the violence caused by religious lunatics. Whats more likely to happen is what happened in Iraq or Syria, a chaotic spiral into violence and misery.

I'm not buying your zealotry any more than Im buying into this nonsense about IBS. The only thing your imaginary embargo against Israeli products is likely to do is leave pali laborers unemployed. Oh wait, they already have 50% unemployment.

If you actually cared about improving the lives of people you'd be all for Israel and the economic and social benefits its bringing to the area

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