Some true articles about the bds filth

If the BDS movement is not having any impact, then why is Israel spending so much money on trying to stop it?

Israel Announces $26 Million Cyberattack on Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement and Muslims in the West

The Israeli government is planning to pour $26 million this year alone into a covert cyber operation to attack and sabotage the global human rights movement for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS), earmarking large sums for technology companies to spy on Muslim activists in the United States and Europe.

According to an islamonazi source

How about a link disproving this?

Mr Made Up Word!

My word exists in dictionaries, your's exists in your single brain cell :cuckoo:

Lost the argument again seeing as you are resorting to rule 9 from the islamonazi/neo Marxist book of disinformation.

Imply the other person is mentally challenged to take the eyes of your inability to debate like an adult.
If the apartheid state of Israel is doing so great. Then why does it hold out it's tin begging cup every year for 3 billion dollars in American aid?
Every dollar in the hands of others palistanians consider a personal affront, of course.

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