Somebody can explain this DEI thing to me.

You don't know what a blanket statement is, Cowboy. I was talking about individuals. "Blacks" can't be qualified for jobs, but a black man or woman can be. A blanket statement would be like all whites are racist like you keep saying, vermin
You should never be taken seriously.
WTF? More white right wing amnesia.
This is what racism does to people.
It keeps them on the defensive at all times as they’ve chosen to act as if they aren’t racist but everything they do and say betrays them.

You ever notice that most racists will never openly admit they are? It’s almost as if they know it’s wrong and society would come down on them if they did. Rightly so.

No, I'm not stupid, you wanted me to guess. Homey don't play that. You asked me a question, I said it was too vague, be more specific
You are doing exactly what I said.
Nothing but propaganda and talking points. Fun fact, I was never a slave owner and you were never a slave. I bet if you look back on your life honestly you will admit that you may have been screwed at times , but the only one who ever stopped you was you
Bullshit. Don't try that "you never were a slave" bullshit after trying to blame todays democratic party for slavery. If you took at look at America honestly you know white racism is a problem and there is no doubt in my mind that you're a part of the problem.

Understand this, your ass didn't fight in the Revolutionary War, but you recognize that war as a reason for our existence today. Your ass didn't fiight in the Civil War but whites like you want us to thank you because your ancestors fought in that war. Whites like you talk out of both sides of your mouth. It's time you STFU and moved on, because I'm above your paygrade.
Who decides and defines need?

Says who? Who decides who gets what?
Whoever is running the show at the time. This kind of thing makes it that much more important to have your guy at the helm. You'll get fucked otherwise. That's the entire problem with these kinds of schemes. Everyone imagines that it will only ever be their guy making the call. But the worm turns, and soon the government that is screwing others on your behalf, will be screwing you for their benefit. Better to just not let government get in the business of deciding who gets what. That's what we have a market for.
Government defining one's need and then deciding what and how much to give this theoretical elect sounds like communism to me. Patently.

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