Somebody can explain this DEI thing to me.

Fraid not Skippy

Congress has the power to do what is necessary for the benefit of We the People
The general welfare clause does not grant a new power (to spend money on welfare). It's a restriction on how money is spent to achieve the actual powers granted by the constitution, those enumerated.
Don’t like it……Take them to court and have the expenditure ruled unconstitutional
That needs to happen, badly. Hopefully it will someday.
Good question..

No they are not.
Doctors, lawyers and Rocket Scientists are not storming our borders
But people struggling to feed their families and keep them safe are
What about blue color trade workers, city workers, union workers…are they “storming” our borders…laying their litters of more of the same?
Remember when those jobs were career jobs?
Face it… you twilight zoners are backwards as fuck, you can’t get out of your own way, you perpetuate, manifest and foster all of the problems you bitch about most.

Federalist papers never made it into the Constitution
You can’t sue and claim something is Un-Federalist Papers
But it's the best source we have when debating the meaning of the Constitution. Especially when people like you are trying to twist that meaning.
(2) Being 86, I can remember the 1950s when African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans were basically invisible on TV. (Except when they were represented by buffoonish characters.)
Now only whites are selected to play the buffoons with blacks as the smart ones
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But it's the best source we have when debating the meaning of the Constitution. Especially when people like you are trying to twist that meaning.

They can be referenced but they have no legal bearing

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were just two opinions on the meaning of the Constitution, Jefferson was in France at the time.
They can be referenced but they have no legal bearing

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were just two opinions on the meaning of the Constitution, Jefferson was in France at the time.
Well, they wrote the fucking thing, so a bit more than "just two opinions".
DEI and ESG are how WEF/Democrats plan to bring social credit scores to Americans.

Soon, everything you do will be managed by a score given to you by your new WEF masters.
DEI is the politically correct term for 'woke'. The purpose is to completely tear down American culture and remake it into something the Marxist totalitarian state can manage and control. CRT, affirmative action, proactive inclusion in all aspects of American life whether or not there is qualification or merit, is just the tip of the iceberg in their long range objective of total control of everybody.
No it's actually to end the fascist white supremacist system. Whites aren't anywhere due to merit unless merit is having pink skin.
They can be referenced but they have no legal bearing

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were just two opinions on the meaning of the Constitution, Jefferson was in France at the time.
^^^ will support social credit score system for Americans.

America, watch YouTube videos about social credit scores in China. This is what Democrats plan to impose on you.
^^^ will support social credit score system for Americans.

America, watch YouTube videos about social credit scores in China. This is what Democrats plan to impose on you.
I'm not sure it's fair to pin this Democrats on the whole, though many of them do support it.

Social Credit is a totalitarian's wet dream.
No it's actually to end the fascist white supremacist system. Whites aren't anywhere due to merit unless merit is having pink skin.
Again some posts are so ignorant the best thing to do is wish the person a pleasant afternoon and walk away.
I'm not sure it's fair to pin this Democrats on the whole, though many of them do support it.

Social Credit is a totalitarian's wet dream.
Democrats = WEF

If you want to know what Democrats will support, just watch their masters in Devos.
Democrats = WEF

If you want to know what Democrats will support, just watch their masters in Devos.
Whatever. I'm not part of the two party pissing match, and as such have no interest in demonizing either side. Both Ds and Rs suck horribly. Can't imagine why anyone would support either.
Not when the 'woke' philosophy and prohibition of meritocracy is pushed on us by government, media, education, entertainment, scientific institutions, religious institutions, big business et al.
The prohibition of merit started in the beginning of this country.

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachingsabout history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressionsof culture, and personal relationships have for most whitesbeen both limited and false.” -Horace Seldon
LMAO, you post every radical leftist cliche in the book.

That picture tries to depict a process that is completely immoral. You woke folk want DEI to be law, so You forgot the govt officer with a gun who will imprison the tall guy if he doesn’t give up his DEI box, whatever that is supposed to represent.

Equity is a hideous doctrine, people SHOULD achieve differently based on their abilities and efforts, and those morals and values should be rewarded and cherished in society to pass along, while those that cause incompetency and sloth shouldn’t be artificially supported.

To use an analogy… Conservatives want to improve society with instilling the norms of better diets for children so they can be healthier in life… you and the woke want to give kids who whine for candy bars tons of candy bars so they feel better now but have diabetes and obesity later. You’re awful.
BS. You right wingers bitched about Michelle Obama doing exactly what you said conservatives want.
It's like this, you get on an airplane, you find out your pilot doesn't have all the piloting skills needed for the job, but he's the right color/ethnicity that DEI demands over logic.

Enjoy your flight.
It's like this, you get on a plane and learn you're using a company that only hires white pilots because they are white without no considerattion of piloting skills.

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