Someone please tell liberals that Muslim is NOT A race.

Those founded within US culture. Under your multiculturalism belief, you want us to accept your cultures values, no matter how maligned they are to our own. Why, when you decide to come here, can't we expect the same of you, to accept our values? I would fathom that if we were to ask to immigrate to your original country, you would want that from others. Or is it that you don't accept your own country's values and hope to force a morektolerant country to accept yours and force change within our borders, rather than working to change those within your own? Why should your values be allowed here, if they go against our own set of values. Should you erase your cultural values? No, but if they interfere within our country? Then move back to the country where those values are practiced.

There is a universal moral code, that should be accepted by all reaches of the earth, such as pedophilia should not be accepted, nor murder, rape, etc. That is a given, to anyone that values the human spirit, and different from our discussion above.
I don't care where you come from, if you are willing to swear allegiance/adaption to the values/laws this country has been built on.
Freedom does not encompass moral nihilism.
do you know what is written in the koran? have you ever read what is written in the koran ? i have and that the reason muslimes are counter to the freedoms we patriots want muslimes excluded as citizens of our hard fought for America.

if you love muslimes so damn much go live in iran. :up:
Why don't you go live in Iran? You seem to be in simpatico with their brand of intolerance. I live in the United States a nation that offers freedom. That's a commodity you want to remove.
Would you impose a moral template, a moral litmus test on all immigrants, or is this your attitude toward Muslims exclusively?
The values? Who gets to list 'the values'?
Said much better than I did. Thank you.
I don't care where you come from, if you are willing to swear allegiance/adaption to the values/laws this country has been built on.
Freedom does not encompass moral nihilism.
Why don't you go live in Iran? You seem to be in simpatico with their brand of intolerance. I live in the United States a nation that offers freedom. That's a commodity you want to remove.
Would you impose a moral template, a moral litmus test on all immigrants, or is this your attitude toward Muslims exclusively?
The values? Who gets to list 'the values'?

Who gets to list the "values"? Obviously a "gotcha" question. But I'll bite.

The Founders of a nation start it. Then it's values continue to be shaped by its citizens and institutions which most of its citizens hold dear. Like church. Or schools. Or methods of hunting and fishing and protecting what makes those things possible. Values can come from overcoming difficulties. A society wins a war....some values will come of it.

The Middle East has its values. Like raping children. Beheading non Muslims. Forcing women to cover up and submit to all males. Killing gays for being gay.

When THEY want to come here....or Europe....but refuse to assimilate and expect US to find legitimacy in THOSE values? They can go fuck themselves. I won't fall into the liberal bullshit idea that no one has the right to claim moral superiority. Yes. We do. And we are.
A lot of ignorance and hate from conservatives in this thread, but that's nothing new.
Hate for wanting to protect our cultures values, as others wish to protect their own, within their countries? No, hate is leaving ones own country for another and expecting that country to assimilate to theirs, devaluing that countries culture. If they prefer their own country's traditions, then remain there.
A lot of ignorance and hate from conservatives in this thread, but that's nothing new.

They are too busy laughing that they realize that bigot is an actual word. I dont know why that amuses them...but its like playing peek a boo with a baby to them.

Its like "Words!"

And they go tee hee hee
A lot of ignorance and hate from conservatives in this thread, but that's nothing new.

They are too busy laughing that they realize that bigot is an actual word. I dont know why that amuses them...but its like playing peek a boo with a baby to them.

Its like "Words!"

And they go tee hee hee

Oh....we know it's a word. WE know what it means. You CFAG idiots....think Muslim is a race....and think cops cannot tell what race a person is by looking at them...but somehow can easily racially profile.
A lot of ignorance and hate from conservatives in this thread, but that's nothing new.

They are too busy laughing that they realize that bigot is an actual word. I dont know why that amuses them...but its like playing peek a boo with a baby to them.

Its like "Words!"

And they go tee hee hee

Oh....we know it's a word. WE know what it means. You CFAG idiots....think Muslim is a race....and think cops cannot tell what race a person is by looking at them...but somehow can easily racially profile.

You get an E for effort I give you that. No one repeats lies more often and with such ferocity as yourself

See I can say "Show where someone said Muslim is a race" And you'll just act like the Incredible Hulk and get angrier with every request for proof to your faggotry.

I bet your eyes are getting green now.

Show where anyone said you cant tell someones race by looking at them! Oops there goes your shirt ripping...You'll post a angry post or one laughing histerically instead of backing your words. Nice try
A lot of ignorance and hate from conservatives in this thread, but that's nothing new.

They are too busy laughing that they realize that bigot is an actual word. I dont know why that amuses them...but its like playing peek a boo with a baby to them.

Its like "Words!"

And they go tee hee hee

Oh....we know it's a word. WE know what it means. You CFAG idiots....think Muslim is a race....and think cops cannot tell what race a person is by looking at them...but somehow can easily racially profile.

You get an E for effort I give you that. No one repeats lies more often and with such ferocity as yourself

See I can say "Show where someone said Muslim is a race" And you'll just act like the Incredible Hulk and get angrier with every request for proof to your faggotry.

I bet your eyes are getting green now.

Show where anyone said you cant tell someones race by looking at them! Oops there goes your shirt ripping...You'll post a angry post or one laughing histerically instead of backing your words. Nice try

Ha! Easy! YOUR thread! You had the first thread on Ahmed and his "cool clock". The one where you said "color of one's skin" and called people racist for assuming a Muslim had a bomb.

Well....Muslim isn't a RACE. And skin color doesn't designate ones religion. You also added skin color can NOT indicate ones race....which makes me ask 1) How can cops pick out black people to profile if skin color is all they can go off of and 2) Why would Hockmeds skin color matter if his race/religion can't be determined by skin color.......and yet you consider it racism....when brown skin/religion aren't indicative of race (ands you say)?
^^See that was your chance and dont have links, just more stories you like to tell. So are you going to post links? Get angry? Or giggle some more when asked for links?

Annnnnnd go!
I'm hearing this all over the news this morning about how Trump and Carson are "racist" for their Muslim comments. I've seen it on this board from liberals (you know who you are) who call people racist for making observations about Islam and Muslims.

For the last time....someone please tell these left wing retards that neither "Muslim" or "Islam" are a RACE.
Or an ethnicity.

Lefties are morons. The longer I interact with them the more I realize how intractable and stupid they really are.

They are so fucking stupid they won't even google topics that they blather on and on about...and they think it isn't obvious to every person reading their ridiculous shit that they have NO FUCKING CLUE what the hell they're talking about.

The whole court admin thing just really set my low opinion of them in stone. Seriously, dozens of morons waxing poetic about what a court admin's job consists of...and yet obviously not a single one of them had the slightest fucking clue what a court administrator does, how a court administrator is positioned..both within the court, and the community, or what the requirements of the job are...On top of the fact that they couldn't be bothered to even read the CURRENT information about what the situation was, as it was taking place.....they're imbeciles. Truly. But they do love to make shit up! The narrative is never's just stupid stories they like to tell themselves, in place of the truth. They're just hate filled, stupid amoeba and the world would be so much better off without them.
Watch 'em guys...he's going to not have links for the next 10 pages. :link::link::link::link:

The link is your entire thread. I already humiliated you on this topic on THAT thread. The one titled "14 year old boy...color of skin...blah blah blah". Everyone has seen it and can read it.

Mad? Hardly. More so amused. You think racial profiling....includes religion. And also said skin color cannot indicate race.
I'm hearing this all over the news this morning about how Trump and Carson are "racist" for their Muslim comments. I've seen it on this board from liberals (you know who you are) who call people racist for making observations about Islam and Muslims.

For the last time....someone please tell these left wing retards that neither "Muslim" or "Islam" are a RACE.
If anyone watched the he Grammys they'd realize that the host who called Trump a racist isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

These dipshits equate religion with racism...or being against same-sex marriage with racism....or calling a fat bitch a fat bitch with racism.
I'm hearing this all over the news this morning about how Trump and Carson are "racist" for their Muslim comments. I've seen it on this board from liberals (you know who you are) who call people racist for making observations about Islam and Muslims.

For the last time....someone please tell these left wing retards that neither "Muslim" or "Islam" are a RACE.
If anyone watched the he Grammys they'd realism that the host who called Trump a racist isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

These dipshits equate religion with racism...or being against same-sex marriage with racism....or calling a fat bitch a fat bitch with racism.

Yep. ClosedCaption actually told me "racial profiling" includes religion and nationality. And also said skin color cannot indicate race. And it can't indicate religion or nationality either......which in essence makes it IMPOSSIBLE for cops to commit racial profiling since A) Skin can't indicate race and B) Racial includes religion and nationality....which can't be known by sight alone.

Somehow....he thinks that makes sense. When pressed on it....all he says is I'm "being silly".
I'm hearing this all over the news this morning about how Trump and Carson are "racist" for their Muslim comments. I've seen it on this board from liberals (you know who you are) who call people racist for making observations about Islam and Muslims.

For the last time....someone please tell these left wing retards that neither "Muslim" or "Islam" are a RACE.
If anyone watched the he Grammys they'd realism that the host who called Trump a racist isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

These dipshits equate religion with racism...or being against same-sex marriage with racism....or calling a fat bitch a fat bitch with racism.

Yep. ClosedCaption actually told me "racial profiling" includes religion and nationality. And also said skin color cannot indicate race. And it can't indicate religion or nationality either......which in essence makes it IMPOSSIBLE for cops to commit racial profiling since A) Skin can't indicate race and B) Racial includes religion and nationality....which can't be known by sight alone.

Somehow....he thinks that makes sense. When pressed on it....all he says is I'm "being silly".
I don't care where you come from, if you are willing to swear allegiance/adaption to the values/laws this country has been built on.
Freedom does not encompass moral nihilism.
Why don't you go live in Iran? You seem to be in simpatico with their brand of intolerance. I live in the United States a nation that offers freedom. That's a commodity you want to remove.
Would you impose a moral template, a moral litmus test on all immigrants, or is this your attitude toward Muslims exclusively?
The values? Who gets to list 'the values'?

Who gets to list the "values"? Obviously a "gotcha" question. But I'll bite.

The Founders of a nation start it. Then it's values continue to be shaped by its citizens and institutions which most of its citizens hold dear. Like church. Or schools. Or methods of hunting and fishing and protecting what makes those things possible. Values can come from overcoming difficulties. A society wins a war....some values will come of it.

The Middle East has its values. Like raping children. Beheading non Muslims. Forcing women to cover up and submit to all males. Killing gays for being gay.

When THEY want to come here....or Europe....but refuse to assimilate and expect US to find legitimacy in THOSE values? They can go fuck themselves. I won't fall into the liberal bullshit idea that no one has the right to claim moral superiority. Yes. We do. And we are.
But if we as a nation are going to exclude Muslims as a policy due to the perception that Muslims fail to uphold our values, shouldn't we at least agree on what those values are?

And do you actually believe that the values of Middle Easterners include the crimes you described? Or are you supposing and arguing from anecdote and fear?
I'm hearing this all over the news this morning about how Trump and Carson are "racist" for their Muslim comments. I've seen it on this board from liberals (you know who you are) who call people racist for making observations about Islam and Muslims.

For the last time....someone please tell these left wing retards that neither "Muslim" or "Islam" are a RACE.
If anyone watched the he Grammys they'd realism that the host who called Trump a racist isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

These dipshits equate religion with racism...or being against same-sex marriage with racism....or calling a fat bitch a fat bitch with racism.

Yep. ClosedCaption actually told me "racial profiling" includes religion and nationality. And also said skin color cannot indicate race. And it can't indicate religion or nationality either......which in essence makes it IMPOSSIBLE for cops to commit racial profiling since A) Skin can't indicate race and B) Racial includes religion and nationality....which can't be known by sight alone.

Somehow....he thinks that makes sense. When pressed on it....all he says is I'm "being silly".

Now watch.

Hey Bucs...Can you post the link that back up that wonderful yarn you just spun?

Take your time Bucs...make sure you get the right link to show Mudwhistle you're telling the truth. Lol...
Bucs... I was just wondering if Muslim is not a race. How should we call these people then? And yet reading your post you keep referring these people are Muslim.
GOP candidate Carson a conservative just made a comment... There should be no Muslim president.
Bucs... I was just wondering if Muslim is not a race. How should we call these people then? And yet reading your post you keep referring these people are Muslim.
GOP candidate Carson a conservative just made a comment... There should be no Muslim president.

Muslim is not a race. That's correct.'ve gotten into bizarro world. You have this tendency to ask for something you've already been given many times before. Like intellectual welfare. Sorry. I'm not Obama...I'm cutting you off.

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