Someone please tell liberals that Muslim is NOT A race.

A lot of ignorance and hate from conservatives in this thread, but that's nothing new.

They are too busy laughing that they realize that bigot is an actual word. I dont know why that amuses them...but its like playing peek a boo with a baby to them.

Its like "Words!"

And they go tee hee hee
You really need to find your Zoloft before you hurt yourself.
Name one person here who has ever claimed that Islam is a race.

Dumb thread.

Should Iist 95% of the liberals? We've all seen you idiots saying anti Muslim speech is racist.

In fact....ClosedCaption defined "racial profiling" to INCLUDE religion and nationality. While also saying a person can NOT determine race by skin color. Which led me to ask....when a cop sees a driver going down the can he "racial" profile....if you can't tell race (or religion or nationality) from how he looks?

He said I'm just "being silly" and ignored the question. Like most libs. stole the definition of "racial profiling" from the ACLU...who also includes religion and nationality in "racial" profiling. So once again....libs....religion and national origin is NOT race.
I'm hearing this all over the news this morning about how Trump and Carson are "racist" for their Muslim comments. I've seen it on this board from liberals (you know who you are) who call people racist for making observations about Islam and Muslims.

For the last time....someone please tell these left wing retards that neither "Muslim" or "Islam" are a RACE.
Racists are very touchy about who gets to be called a racist.
Racists don't really give a fuck what some shit-stain libtard like you tries to think about anything.

Get over yourself.
Name one person here who has ever claimed that Islam is a race.

Dumb thread.

Should Iist 95% of the liberals? We've all seen you idiots saying anti Muslim speech is racist.

In fact....ClosedCaption defined "racial profiling" to INCLUDE religion and nationality. While also saying a person can NOT determine race by skin color. Which led me to ask....when a cop sees a driver going down the can he "racial" profile....if you can't tell race (or religion or nationality) from how he looks?

He said I'm just "being silly" and ignored the question. Like most libs. stole the definition of "racial profiling" from the ACLU...who also includes religion and nationality in "racial" profiling. So once again....libs....religion and national origin is NOT race.
Anti Muslim speech isn't racist, it's simply unAmerican.
Name one person here who has ever claimed that Islam is a race.

Dumb thread.

Should Iist 95% of the liberals? We've all seen you idiots saying anti Muslim speech is racist.

In fact....ClosedCaption defined "racial profiling" to INCLUDE religion and nationality. While also saying a person can NOT determine race by skin color. Which led me to ask....when a cop sees a driver going down the can he "racial" profile....if you can't tell race (or religion or nationality) from how he looks?

He said I'm just "being silly" and ignored the question. Like most libs. stole the definition of "racial profiling" from the ACLU...who also includes religion and nationality in "racial" profiling. So once again....libs....religion and national origin is NOT race.
Anti Muslim speech isn't racist, it's simply unAmerican.

And I assume anti-Christian and anti-white speech is un-American also.
Name one person here who has ever claimed that Islam is a race.

Dumb thread.

Should Iist 95% of the liberals? We've all seen you idiots saying anti Muslim speech is racist.

In fact....ClosedCaption defined "racial profiling" to INCLUDE religion and nationality. While also saying a person can NOT determine race by skin color. Which led me to ask....when a cop sees a driver going down the can he "racial" profile....if you can't tell race (or religion or nationality) from how he looks?

He said I'm just "being silly" and ignored the question. Like most libs. stole the definition of "racial profiling" from the ACLU...who also includes religion and nationality in "racial" profiling. So once again....libs....religion and national origin is NOT race.
Anti Muslim speech isn't racist, it's simply unAmerican.

Islam is un-American.
I'm hearing this all over the news this morning about how Trump and Carson are "racist" for their Muslim comments. I've seen it on this board from liberals (you know who you are) who call people racist for making observations about Islam and Muslims.

For the last time....someone please tell these left wing retards that neither "Muslim" or "Islam" are a RACE.
Racists are very touchy about who gets to be called a racist.
Racists don't really give a fuck what some shit-stain libtard like you tries to think about anything.

Get over yourself.

Well thank you for giving us the racist point of view.
Name one person here who has ever claimed that Islam is a race.

Dumb thread.

Should Iist 95% of the liberals? We've all seen you idiots saying anti Muslim speech is racist.

In fact....ClosedCaption defined "racial profiling" to INCLUDE religion and nationality. While also saying a person can NOT determine race by skin color. Which led me to ask....when a cop sees a driver going down the can he "racial" profile....if you can't tell race (or religion or nationality) from how he looks?

I dont define words. If you have a problem with racial profiling or how its defined reality doesnt care. I mean, what is the problem? You dont like the word racial profiling? Or you dont understand it? You dont believe it exists?

He said I'm just "being silly" and ignored the question. Like most libs. stole the definition of "racial profiling" from the ACLU...who also includes religion and nationality in "racial" profiling. So once again....libs....religion and national origin is NOT race.

Stole the definiton? :rofl: Its still there I promise. So again, what is your problem? The ACLU? Races exist? The definition of racial profiling?
Name one person here who has ever claimed that Islam is a race.

Dumb thread.

Should Iist 95% of the liberals? We've all seen you idiots saying anti Muslim speech is racist.

In fact....ClosedCaption defined "racial profiling" to INCLUDE religion and nationality. While also saying a person can NOT determine race by skin color. Which led me to ask....when a cop sees a driver going down the can he "racial" profile....if you can't tell race (or religion or nationality) from how he looks?

He said I'm just "being silly" and ignored the question. Like most libs. stole the definition of "racial profiling" from the ACLU...who also includes religion and nationality in "racial" profiling. So once again....libs....religion and national origin is NOT race.
Anti Muslim speech isn't racist, it's simply unAmerican.

And I assume anti-Christian and anti-white speech is un-American also.
Do Christian and white go together?
I'm hearing this all over the news this morning about how Trump and Carson are "racist" for their Muslim comments. I've seen it on this board from liberals (you know who you are) who call people racist for making observations about Islam and Muslims.

For the last time....someone please tell these left wing retards that neither "Muslim" or "Islam" are a RACE.
Racists are very touchy about who gets to be called a racist.
Racists don't really give a fuck what some shit-stain libtard like you tries to think about anything.

Get over yourself.

Well thank you for giving us the racist point of view.
Not that you particularly give shit, either way.

You are a liar and have no regard for accurately stating what anyone says about anything.
ClosedCaption defined "racial profiling" to INCLUDE religion and nationality. While also saying a person can NOT determine race by skin color.
:link::link::link: Prove it because we both know no one said this

Sorry we've already been through this. Told you you're gonna own it forever. You are.

Oh right...You dont have proof of anything.

I'm hearing this all over the news this morning about how Trump and Carson are "racist" for their Muslim comments. I've seen it on this board from liberals (you know who you are) who call people racist for making observations about Islam and Muslims.

For the last time....someone please tell these left wing retards that neither "Muslim" or "Islam" are a RACE.
If anyone watched the he Grammys they'd realism that the host who called Trump a racist isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

These dipshits equate religion with racism...or being against same-sex marriage with racism....or calling a fat bitch a fat bitch with racism.

Yep. ClosedCaption actually told me "racial profiling" includes religion and nationality. And also said skin color cannot indicate race. And it can't indicate religion or nationality either......which in essence makes it IMPOSSIBLE for cops to commit racial profiling since A) Skin can't indicate race and B) Racial includes religion and nationality....which can't be known by sight alone.

Somehow....he thinks that makes sense. When pressed on it....all he says is I'm "being silly".

Now watch.

Hey Bucs...Can you post the link that back up that wonderful yarn you just spun?


Told you Mud

Come on....In this thread I asked you and you waited a few pages and came back like you missed it.

Someone please tell liberals that Muslim is NOT A race. | Page 8 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'm hearing this all over the news this morning about how Trump and Carson are "racist" for their Muslim comments. I've seen it on this board from liberals (you know who you are) who call people racist for making observations about Islam and Muslims.

For the last time....someone please tell these left wing retards that neither "Muslim" or "Islam" are a RACE.

Come on man, get with the program. A word means whatever liberals and the media tells you it means. They have been granted the power to change the meaning of words to fit their agenda and bolster their arguments. Conservatives have an unfair advantage using logic and reason, so the playing field had to be leveled for the liberals. Changing the meaning of words is just one of their entitlements.
Someone please tell liberals that Muslim is NOT A race. | Page 5 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You get an E for effort I give you that. No one repeats lies more often and with such ferocity as yourself

See I can say "Show where someone said Muslim is a race" And you'll just act like the Incredible Hulk and get angrier with every request for proof to your faggotry.

I bet your eyes are getting green now.

Show where anyone said you cant tell someones race by looking at them! Oops there goes your shirt ripping...You'll post a angry post or one laughing histerically instead of backing your words. Nice try

In this thread I asked you where I said that...You waited a few pages and come back acting like "what happened?"

Or are you going to instead of showing where I'm a liar you're just going to spin another yarn....again? 6 pages later?

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