Someone please tell liberals that Muslim is NOT A race.

Someone please tell liberals that Muslim is NOT A race. | Page 5 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You get an E for effort I give you that. No one repeats lies more often and with such ferocity as yourself

See I can say "Show where someone said Muslim is a race" And you'll just act like the Incredible Hulk and get angrier with every request for proof to your faggotry.

I bet your eyes are getting green now.

Show where anyone said you cant tell someones race by looking at them! Oops there goes your shirt ripping...You'll post a angry post or one laughing histerically instead of backing your words. Nice try

In this thread I asked you where I said that...You waited a few pages and come back acting like "what happened?"

Or are you going to instead of showing where I'm a liar you're just going to spin another yarn....again? 6 pages later?

You and I already went through this in the other thread. It's over. You own it. Forever.
I'm hearing this all over the news this morning about how Trump and Carson are "racist" for their Muslim comments. I've seen it on this board from liberals (you know who you are) who call people racist for making observations about Islam and Muslims.

For the last time....someone please tell these left wing retards that neither "Muslim" or "Islam" are a RACE.

Come on man, get with the program. A word means whatever liberals and the media tells you it means. They have been granted the power to change the meaning of words to fit their agenda and bolster their arguments. Conservatives have an unfair advantage using logic and reason, so the playing field had to be leveled for the liberals. Changing the meaning of words is just one of their entitlements.


They call people racist...then realize it wasn't a they morph it to bigot (which actually applies to opposing opinions not races or religions).

Just like how global cooling in the 70s turned to global warming when it started getting warmee....and turned to climate change now that the warming has stopped and cooling appears to be coming.
You can't use your finger in the shape of a gun.....but Muslim students can bring simulated bombs to school and get invited to the white house.
I'm hearing this all over the news this morning about how Trump and Carson are "racist" for their Muslim comments. I've seen it on this board from liberals (you know who you are) who call people racist for making observations about Islam and Muslims.

For the last time....someone please tell these left wing retards that neither "Muslim" or "Islam" are a RACE.
Racists are very touchy about who gets to be called a racist.
Racists don't really give a fuck what some shit-stain libtard like you tries to think about anything.

Get over yourself.

Well thank you for giving us the racist point of view.
Not that you particularly give shit, either way.

You are a liar and have no regard for accurately stating what anyone says about anything.

Ah Jimmie- still all butt hurt for me whipping your sorry ass in other threads?

Check this out, Bucky. It may blow your mind.

My personal emphasis on allowing "refugees" into this country is if they are among the tens of thousands of Christians who have been terrorized and treated worse than the Nazis treated Jews.
Check this out, Bucky. It may blow your mind.

View attachment 50652

Lets use RW logic: She's wearing a head dress. Just like terrorist....ipso facto...Shes a terrorist joining to destroy the NYPD!

She's wearing something on her head....Just like this guy who wanted to destroy the world


He wasnt a terrorist per se but he has hands that could make a bomb if he wanted too.....Soooo he's a bombmaker
It is a given that Islam is not a race. Islam is a faith.

Someone should tell Conservatives that. I hear Conservatives wanting to exclude Muslims from the United States. They don't want Muslim immigrants and some want to "get rid of" native born Muslims.
Sounds like a plan to me...
I'm hearing this all over the news this morning about how Trump and Carson are "racist" for their Muslim comments. I've seen it on this board from liberals (you know who you are) who call people racist for making observations about Islam and Muslims.

For the last time....someone please tell these left wing retards that neither "Muslim" or "Islam" are a RACE.

Well, I'm kind of like Trump on this when he asked why he should defend Obama.
I'm hearing this all over the news this morning about how Trump and Carson are "racist" for their Muslim comments. I've seen it on this board from liberals (you know who you are) who call people racist for making observations about Islam and Muslims.

For the last time....someone please tell these left wing retards that neither "Muslim" or "Islam" are a RACE.

Well, I'm kind of like Trump on this when he asked why he should defend Obama.
No one expected Trump to 'defend' the president.

All Trump needed to do was acknowledge the truth:

The president is not a 'Muslim.'

There is no 'Muslim problem' in the United States.

There are no 'Muslim ''terrorist” training camps' in the United States.

There is nothing 'wrong' with being Muslim that 'warrants defense.'
it's not racist, it's bigoted. Muslim is not a race, us liberals have been trying to tell the right wing for years, this very thing.

and unless carlson can get a constitutional convention going and 2/3 of congress voting yea to change the constitution's NO RELIGIOUS TEST to become president, then this bogoted chatter is fruitless.

Do you personally think a Muslim would make a good President and would he support the US Constitution?
I'm hearing this all over the news this morning about how Trump and Carson are "racist" for their Muslim comments. I've seen it on this board from liberals (you know who you are) who call people racist for making observations about Islam and Muslims.

For the last time....someone please tell these left wing retards that neither "Muslim" or "Islam" are a RACE.

Well, I'm kind of like Trump on this when he asked why he should defend Obama.
No one expected Trump to 'defend' the president.

All Trump needed to do was acknowledge the truth:

The president is not a 'Muslim.'

There is no 'Muslim problem' in the United States.

There are no 'Muslim ''terrorist” training camps' in the United States.

There is nothing 'wrong' with being Muslim that 'warrants defense.'

The 19 people that hijacked US airliners and flew them into the WTC and the Pentagon weren't Christians.
I'm hearing this all over the news this morning about how Trump and Carson are "racist" for their Muslim comments. I've seen it on this board from liberals (you know who you are) who call people racist for making observations about Islam and Muslims.

For the last time....someone please tell these left wing retards that neither "Muslim" or "Islam" are a RACE.

Well, I'm kind of like Trump on this when he asked why he should defend Obama.
No one expected Trump to 'defend' the president.

All Trump needed to do was acknowledge the truth:

The president is not a 'Muslim.'

There is no 'Muslim problem' in the United States.

There are no 'Muslim ''terrorist” training camps' in the United States.

There is nothing 'wrong' with being Muslim that 'warrants defense.'

Same response. Why should I clue anyone on the Left as to the definitions of Muslim or Islam? It's not my problem - it's theirs.

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