Someone, Quick, Give Ann Coulter a Valium, Or 5

Liberals (being the partisan sheep they are) don't understand that a conservative can disagree (and even criticize) another conservative without being a back stabbing traitor.
Anne toys with you libs its hilarious :laugh:
She's toying with the Orange Menace at the moment. Care to explain?

Winners don't have to explain to losers, you just sit there and take it while we own the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS nominations. Cry into your towel if you must.
Enjoy that while it lasts, it won't be for long. Even Man Coulter is pissed at the Orange Menace.

That's big talk from the side that got its ass handed to it by an amateur who's never run for office before. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Anne toys with you libs its hilarious :laugh:
She's toying with the Orange Menace at the moment. Care to explain?

Winners don't have to explain to losers, you just sit there and take it while we own the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS nominations. Cry into your towel if you must.
Enjoy that while it lasts, it won't be for long. Even Man Coulter is pissed at the Orange Menace.

That's big talk from the side that got its ass handed to it by an amateur who's never run for office before. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
That's American history, dumbfuck.
Liberals (being the partisan sheep they are) don't understand that a conservative can disagree (and even criticize) another conservative without being a back stabbing traitor.
That's criticism alright. She more or less called him a liar and a turncoat..
Did you call Obama a liar and a turncoat when he lied to you in order to get Obamacare passed?
Liberals (being the partisan sheep they are) don't understand that a conservative can disagree (and even criticize) another conservative without being a back stabbing traitor.
That's criticism alright. She more or less called him a liar and a turncoat..
Did you call Obama a liar and a turncoat when he lied to you in order to get Obamacare passed?
Ah, no. Because I wanted that and much more passed.
Liberals (being the partisan sheep they are) don't understand that a conservative can disagree (and even criticize) another conservative without being a back stabbing traitor.
That's criticism alright. She more or less called him a liar and a turncoat..
Did you call Obama a liar and a turncoat when he lied to you in order to get Obamacare passed?
Ah, no. Because I wanted that and much more passed.
Thank you for confirming.

Liberals (being the partisan sheep they are) don't understand that a conservative can disagree (and even criticize) another conservative without being a back stabbing traitor.
That's criticism alright. She more or less called him a liar and a turncoat..
Did you call Obama a liar and a turncoat when he lied to you in order to get Obamacare passed?
Ah, no. Because I wanted that and much more passed.
Thank you for confirming.

Universal single-payer (Medicare for all) coming very soon. There are no other options.
Liberals (being the partisan sheep they are) don't understand that a conservative can disagree (and even criticize) another conservative without being a back stabbing traitor.
That's criticism alright. She more or less called him a liar and a turncoat..
Did you call Obama a liar and a turncoat when he lied to you in order to get Obamacare passed?
Ah, no. Because I wanted that and much more passed.
Thank you for confirming.

Universal single-payer (Medicare for all) coming very soon. There are no other options.
Not for a parasite.
That's criticism alright. She more or less called him a liar and a turncoat..
Did you call Obama a liar and a turncoat when he lied to you in order to get Obamacare passed?
Ah, no. Because I wanted that and much more passed.
Thank you for confirming.

Universal single-payer (Medicare for all) coming very soon. There are no other options.
Not for a parasite.
Not for - anyone, soon enough.
Liberals (being the partisan sheep they are) don't understand that a conservative can disagree (and even criticize) another conservative without being a back stabbing traitor.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!

Conservatives are unthinking drones, they all act in lockstep and do as FAUX News and Limbaugh tell you to. That's what happens when you lack any critical thinking skills.
Conservative nut-job Ann Coulter is having a Twitter meltdown because the Big Orange Head cannot get Mexico to pay for the border wall, and federal judges refuse to allow Big Orange to commit unconstitutional actions with his Muslim travel ban.

Poor crazy Annie, she has convinced herself that replacing Big Orange with Pence will make her wishes come true.

Like most conservatives, crazy Annie forgets the U.S. Constitution does not belong to conservatives exclusively. So they cannot cherry-pick which parts are to be enforced and who they will protect.

Also, the border wall, the wall which conservatives' fantasies make them believe will be impenetrable, would leak like a sieve.

Crazy Annie's tantrums are not uncommon among right-wingers. Crazy Annie lives in that alternate reality where conservatives dwell. Where denial of facts is a way of life.

The Big Orange Head can't deliver on his idiocy, and neither can Pence. Conservative denial can't change this.

Ann Coulter rips Trump over majors issues in fiery tirade


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I feel bad for you Berty, you have demons, you have an unhealthy obsessive hatred for people who are conservative, wealthy and successful. I just scanned your profile. Virtually ever thread you have started is an assault. You appear to have so little in your life that you are completely absorbed with attacking others. Yours is a dark and lonely world. I am sure you have very little happiness and pleasure, because someone so negative never could.

I wish I could project to Berty. I am happy, healthy, and have a fantastic family life. I love coming here and reading views and opinions, and I enjoy learning the individual posters' personalities, and their prejudices (we all have em). When you read others' post you can get a sense of a piece of their life, are they doing well, have they suffered in some way, or is their turmoil and frustration in their life. Ole Berty ain't doing well, he is fighting or dealing with something, and it gnaws at him everyday. We should all try to project good thoughts towards Berty, he needs all the good he can get.

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