Zone1 Something for you "christian nationalists" to think about


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
Your Jesus wasn't brought down by atheists and anarchists. He was laid low by religious fanatics allied with the government.

Your Jesus wasn't brought down by atheists and anarchists. He was laid low by religious fanatics allied with the government.

View attachment 973173
compare the trials as well, and the behavior of a guy accused of raping a porn star at trial with the example of christ before pilate.

coesar is out to get me. he sent this guy all the way from rome to get christ,

but they aren't coming for me. they are coming for ypu blather asnd repeat the shark shit. ........
Well loser, the reason religious folks support Trump was summed-up the last go-round......"He may not be just like us but he doesn't hate us like the dems do".

I don't see where anything has changed in that regard. 😐
The point I will eventually get to is there really aren't any. If anything it is the far left who are inserting their morally relativistic religion into government.
The point I will eventually get to is there really aren't any. If anything it is the far left who are inserting their morally relativistic religion into government.
That is a lie. your house speaker is one. So are several of your more "outspoken" congresscritteres.

Christian nationalist are those who want government by their religious views to be the law of the land. They do things like mandate displays of the ten commandment in public schools and turn their "morals" into laws.
Christian nationalist are those who want government by their religious views to be the law of the land
That definition easily describes leftwing lunatics. They want their religious views (anti-Christian) to be the law of the land.

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